
Second World: Jealous But In Denial

This is was Zhao Huangzhi's true face not the mask she wore in front of the entire  universe. Her true colours were shining in this moment and her once teary eyes held a glint of obsession, an obsession towards the Marshal. Being nice hadn't paid off as expected and it was time to eliminate the competition.


Eyeing the watch like a hawk, Wen Qinxi counted minutes and the longer it took for Qie Ranzhe to get back the more his chest tightened feeling even more displeased by the minute. The image of Qie Ranzhe holding her made his skin crawl thinking about. "So fuckin annoying," he said contemplating on whether to call him or not. They had just kissed moments ago now the Marshal was taking ages to get back. "AAAAAHHHH! Is he kissing her too?.....What the hell am I thinking?" he said talking to himself not expecting any form of response but he actually got one.