
Fourth World: Picking A Fight With A White Lotus

Wen Qinxi couldn't help but be excited. He wanted to go hug this little genius and ruffle the kid's hair to his heart's content so he left the private booth to go backstage as soon as the curtain closed.

Qie Ranzhe followed closely behind with Madam Qie complaining. They both knew she was wearing heels and had short legs so how was she supposed to keep up? It was Old Lu who provided a supporting hand leading her backstage.

As soon as Wen Qinxi knocked on the dressing room door he was met by a short middle-aged woman with frameless glasses. She was most likely the class teacher.

Faced by such a handsome visage, she couldn't help but blush. Thinking he was someone's older brother she asked, "Are you here to pick your younger brother or sister?"