
Baby Lin Lin

She had Wen Danzhe quickly set up for the hair combing ceremony while Wen Qinxi was still in a good mood. Before he knew it, Wen Qinxi was sitting in front of a mirror with his mother reciting,

"May you be together all your lives from beginning till the end,"

"May you have a harmonious intimate marriage till old age,"

"May you fill your home with your children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren all over the place,"

"May you enjoy abundant wealth and an everlasting marriage."

These words resonated with Wen Qinxi as he walked out of the villa towards the garden. There was a lot of things going on but his mind was on that one person. He went where they told him to go, did what they told him to do which he did absentmindedly because all he was thinking about was Qie Ranzhe.