
The slapping incident

Zi Mixen clenched her blood-stained handkerchief tightly in her trembling hands before finally mustering the courage to call out his name. "Qie Xieling," she whispered, her voice weak but tinged with a domineering tone. Qie Xieling remained silent, refusing to acknowledge her presence. She continued to speak to him as though addressing her servant, further fuelling the growing tension in the carriage.

"Get me a glass of water," she said but Qie Xieling pretended like she was air. He remained resolute, his eyes fixed on the passing scenery, unwilling to give her even a sliver of attention. The carriage travelled a great distance, each moment weighed down by the strained silence between them.

Then in a sudden and unexpected turn of events, she raised her hand and slapped herself hard across the face. The force behind the slap left a trail of blood at the corner of her trembling lips. She wanted to blame him and set him up.