
A spoilt princess

Qie Xieling looked like a ray of sunshine standing there all prim and proper, well, except that his lips were a little swollen and bruised.

The others were all dishevelled and battle-worn, staring at him with their weary eyes. Even Jolie exhaled deeply her muscles melting like jelly when she saw he was okay. Boran put down his greataxe a little envious of him. He wished he was in his position for once.

Yunning, on the other hand, stared at him with a condescending look, her jealousy seeping through her gaze. Qie Xieling's mannerisms left her annoyed and unable to contain herself. How dare someone who had been hiding during the fight suddenly appear so prim and proper?

"What? Why are you all looking at me like that? Do I have something in my hair?" he asked, his voice carrying a hint of confusion as he tried to make sense of their reactions.