
Saving The Abandoned Empress S2

Cathain De Valerian Valentino, the emperor of the Valentino Empire was reborn in the modern world along with his empress who had no memories of their tragic past life. But what happens when a plane crash makes them travel back to the past, in the time honoring Valentino Empire again and everything starts to change drastically from his memories? Can Cathain save his empress, who knew nothing about this magical world; while finding out the truth about their tragic life? Or everything will come to an end after she recovers her memories? After all, the sweet and gentle person she thought him to be was actually her executioner in her past life… who killed her with his own hands. … “No matter where you are, or who you become; you are always destined to be mine; My empress." … Season 01: Saving The Abandoned Empress (Completed- 220 Chapters)

Mihanaa · Fantasy
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198 Chs

CH 02 ~ Insecurities

As the night was illuminated by the morning sun, Cathain slowly opened his eyes as the sunlight fall on his face.

His body felt heavy and a smile appeared on his face as he turned his gaze down to see the sleeping Milenka on his arms.

In the middle of the night, Milenka became angry to see his peaceful sleeping face on the other bed.

He doesn't even know how to coax a girl!

She doesn't know why she feels so attracted to him either.

There is nothing good about him except his face and body.

He sucks at communication, stays quite most of the time and she feels like a chatter box beside him.

But whenever she feels low, he is always there like a knight in shining armor to save her.

Either when she mess ups the project files or a presentation, he never gets angry at her.

And this is what makes her feel weird.

Why does he look so painful all the time?

He spoils her like this is something he should do, like guilt is tripping him inside.

Milenka can't help but feel that he isn't doing this for her.

But make up for some sins that he owes to someone through her.

This makes her feel insecure and this is also what attracts that her most towards him.

To know what secrets he is hiding away from everyone.

In the end, she got up from her own bed before slipping under his blanket and buries her face into his chest.

His body got stiffens as usual but gradually it relaxed as she stroked his hair gently.


Milenka's hand froze as she heard him uttering that same name again.

Her heart clenched with pain even if she knew it was her own nickname, many people calls her by this name.

But she doesn't like it when he calls her by this name.

Because she kept feeling like he wasn't calling her but someone else.

"Don't mess around, sleep."

Cathain kissed her head as he wrapped his strong arms around her small body to pull her closer.

She was so close to him that she could listen to his heartbeat, yet she felt far away from him.

'I really envy the girl you can't forget…'

'She isn't here but she can still make you keep remembering her.'

A bitter smile appeared on her face as Milenka breath in his scent and closed her eyes to sleep.

Back to the present~

"Are you still angry?"

Cathain asked as Milenka tried her best to walk faster than him with her short legs.

The bodyguards behind them carried their luggage and followed them closely, where Cathain walked behind the angry Milenka.

Their short vacation ended today and they are currently in the airport for their flight.

"I am sorry… I will listen to your every word attentively from now on!"

"Forgive me this time, okay?"

"Please… Elle?"

Milenka pauses on her steps as Cathain calls her 'Elle' and looks at him furiously.



Milenka stomped on his feet as she vented her anger on him and pouted her cheeks to tell him that she is really angry.

'What have I done to make her angry again?'

Cathain thought as Milenka kept sending him dead glares, but she looked kind of cute to him.

She was wearing a knee length sleeveless floral dress and her half of her dark brown hair was tied up into a high bun.

Seeing the confused look on his face, she only got angrier as he can't even understand the reason for her being angry.

"You are really a dickhead!"

Cathain became speechless as the whole crowd in the airport stared at them because of her words, even the bodyguards behind them tried their best to hold into their laughter.

"Okay, okay… I am a dickhead. Is our papa's princess happy now?"

"I am not papa's princess!"

Milenka felt the need to protest and Cathain chuckled.

"Okay… then you can be my empress from now on."

Cathain murmured as he pulled her closer in his arms and a blush appeared on her face.

Her ocean blue eyes stayed glued on the ground as she couldn't look into his eyes.

So, she just cursed him on her mind as they continued to walk towards their terminal.

He might stay silent most of the time, but whenever he flirts; she melts like a marshmallow in hot coffee.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to our flight. For your safety and the safety of those around you, please remain seated with your seat belt fastened and secure all baggage underneath your seat or in the overhead compartments. We will take off in a short moment."

The flight attendant announced and Cathain helped Milenka to fasten her seatbelt before fastening his own.

Milenka, who was looking outside of the window, becomes surprised as she finds him holding their hands while looking another way.

This is the first time that he has intended to hold hands by his own.

It was always her who sticks with him like a glue gum.

But the fact that he did this only after she mentioned about who he keeps thinking about, she felt betrayed and tried to yank out her hands from his.

It felt like he was trying to prove her words wrong by making this move today.

The more she tried to take away her hands, the tighter his grip became.

At the same time, their flight also took off and they were in the sky in a short moment.

"Why are you acting like this, Millie?"

Cathain asked as unlike the other time, she was still angry which is rare for her to be.

"I am acting like what?"

Milenka asked back.

"You are not your usual self… what's bothering you?"

"Tell me, Millie… I will try to solve it."

Cathain spoke as he entangled their fingers together as caught her chin with other hand to make her look at him.

There was a long silence between them as both of them kept staring at each other.

Milenka let out deep sigh as she glanced at his big hands gripping her small hands before looking up to meet his dark eyes again.

Her ocean blue eyes jolted as she finally asked.

"Do you love me, Cain?"