
Saving Shu Han: The Reborn of Li Shimin in Liu Shan's Body

In the turbulent era of the Three Kingdoms, the catastrophic failure of the Battle of Jieting pushed the Shu Han Kingdom to the brink of collapse. However, can the fate of Shu Han be changed when the renowned Emperor Li Shimin's soul mysteriously transmigrates into the body of the inept ruler Liu Shan?

Yang_Ou · History
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9 Chs

Returned to the old capital

Recently, Cao Rui has been very anxious.

In fact, ever since Cao Zhen died last year, Cao Rui has been in a state of anxiety. He feels that the script should not have been like this. At the very least, Cao Wei should not have perished under his own hands.

But now, the young emperor of Chengdu has come again.

With a clear banner and a grand demeanor, he marches towards Chang'an without any hesitation.

Yes, there's also Chen Cang nailing them from behind. Even if they finish with Chen Cang and then attack Chang'an, they won't have enough strength to resist the large army sent by Cao Wei from Luoyang.

Both civil and military officials are saying this to Cao Rui.

And those who are pretentious even come out and tell Cao Rui that we have ten victories while the Shu army has ten defeats. They even say that Tongguan is an impregnable fortress and cannot be breached. They go as far as to say that even if Liu Chan brings another hundred thousand troops, it would be useless.

Cao Rui immediately dismisses that person on the spot.

Silence fills the hall once again, and Cao Rui's gloomy gaze scans his officials. He asks, "Do none of you have any advice for me in this critical moment of life and death? Is there not a single word to enlighten me?"

Finally, Sima Yi reluctantly steps forward. As a loyal minister, he cannot stay silent when Cao Rui has gone this far.

Sima Yi says, "Regarding the current situation, Your Majesty has two options: either personally lead the troops again and engage in a decisive battle with the Shu army in Chang'an, or adopt a layered defense strategy, with the army ready to march at any time, and wait until the Shu army's strength is exhausted before launching a decisive attack."

Cao Rui nods and says, "A layered defense strategy, you say. But how many cities should we give up? Will we lose Luoyang too?"

Sima Yi senses that something is not quite right with this situation. This fickleness is unusual. He immediately requests to go to battle, saying, "Your Majesty, I am willing to lead the army and head to Chang'an to resist Shu. I will not let the Shu army take a single step across Chang'an!"

Cao Rui waves his hand and approves the request.

After a year of attrition, Cao Wei's resources are not as abundant, and Luoyang can only provide a hundred thousand troops. Coupled with the Wei army stationed in Chang'an, it is said to be a force of two hundred thousand, facing off against the Shu army.

As for Chen Cang...

That Chen Cang, where Hao Zhao historically held off Zhuge Liang's northern expedition with just a thousand men, Liu Shimin doesn't even care about it.

At that time, when Zhuge Liang emerged from the mountains, there was only one city standing in his way. It had to be taken. Now, Liu Shimin leads his army out from Longshan in a grand manner, leaving three thousand troops and horses to watch over Chen Cang. As long as they don't let him leave the city to disrupt the supply lines, it's all over for him.

The army advances, and they directly approach Chang'an.

Facing Sima Yi, this old turtle, Liu Shimin is equally confident. He knows that Sima Yi is similar to Cao Rui. You can curse his ancestors for eight generations or even give him women's clothing, and he still won't leave the city.

But the old turtle is not entirely unwilling to strike.

Whether it was his lightning strike against Meng Da in history or his swift pacification of Liaodong, Sima Yi always moves swiftly like the wind. His reason for not leaving the city is simply that he hasn't seen a favorable opportunity.

Liu Shimin recalls how Zhuge Liang, before his departure, acted like a nagging mother, repeating all the intelligence on the important ministers of Cao Wei to Liu Shimin once again. Zhuge Liang even specifically mentioned that Sima Yi has an extremely deep stratagem and is more difficult to deal with than Cao Zhen.

Liu Shimin nods repeatedly, saying, "I understand, I understand. You've won against difficult opponents before, and can't I imitate your tactics?"

Zhuge Liang: ???

Liu Shimin smiles confidently and says, "Alright then, Prime Minister, make sure the provisions are prepared and take care of the rear. I will return to the old capital!"

"My soldiers, let the Central Plains witness the majesty of the Han!"

With a command, the three armies swiftly cross the Qishan and Longshan mountains, without any hindrance from the rear. Provisions are gathered from three provinces along the way, and Liu Shimin's path is exceptionally smooth.

The wind is still boisterous as Liu Shimin arrives at Chang'an for the first time. He tests the city's defenses, insults Sima Yi as usual, but returns without any achievements.

By his side now is Jiang Wei. It is said that General Zhao Yun wanted to come, but his health has declined and the old man has undergone significant changes in just one year.

But Zhao Yun doesn't accept it. With the noble title he received just last year, he storms into the Prime Minister's residence and demands to know why he can't slay Sima Yi this time after beheading Cao Zhen.

Zhuge Liang soothes him with a smile, saying that Zhao Yun should leave some glory for the younger generation.

Only then does Old Master Zhao Yun quiet down. After calming down, he sits at the entrance of the Prime Minister's residence, sighing and saying that it's not really about seeking military achievements. He just feels that the Emperor is still young and charging ahead alone in battle without him by his side brings some concerns.

Zhuge Liang pats his shoulder, the two exchange a glance, and they both smile knowingly.

"If Jiang Wei doesn't perform well, this old man will definitely teach him a lesson."

Jiang Wei, who is far outside the walls of Chang'an, inexplicably shivers.

Liu Shimin glances at him and asks, "What's wrong?"

Jiang Wei scratches his head and reports, "Reporting to Your Majesty, I've received news that General Zhang He of Wei has also set out along the Wei River with an army of 30,000 to seize our rear stronghold of Weili City. How should our army intercept them?"

Liu Shimin chuckles and says, "This time, even the opponent is exactly the same."

Jiang Wei blinks, not understanding, but it doesn't matter. He realizes that the Emperor is unfathomable.

"No need to worry about Zhang He. Let him pass, and let him take Weili City."

Jiang Wei nods and is about to go deliver the military orders. As he turns halfway, he suddenly reacts and quickly turns back, asking, "What?"

Liu Shimin doesn't laugh and stares at him. Jiang Wei trembles and hastily goes out to deliver the orders.

Actually, when Jiang Wei returns, Liu Shimin will naturally explain. This move is a trap to lure the enemy out of the city.

Letting Zhang He pass and capturing Weili City is a strategic decision. Weili City is a large city, and an army of 30,000 is enough to threaten the supply route. If Zhang He is used to flank Sima Yi's main forces in front of Chang'an, it can be done effortlessly.

There is almost a 70-80% chance of success, even a chance to directly capture Sima Yi.

After Jiang Wei returns, he is very nervous. He says that he understands that Your Majesty wants to force Sima Yi to take action, but he has never seen anyone do it in such an obvious manner.

Liu Shimin smiles and says, "I've seen it before."

That was Zhuge Liang's fourth Northern Expedition, and it was also Sima Yi's first encounter with Zhuge Liang. Prior to this, Sima Yi had only heard of Zhuge Liang's prowess in warfare and his disciplined troops, so he chose to remain defensive.

But then Zhuge Liang cut off their food supply and trapped the Jihan troops between two Wei forces. The situation was perfect for launching an attack, and Sima Yi, who hadn't personally faced Zhuge Liang before, felt the pressure in the logistics and was unwilling to let go of such a readily available achievement. Sima Yi decided to go to battle.

Both Sima Yi and Zhang He marched forward but failed to engage Zhuge Liang directly. Unfortunately, although Zhuge Liang won and killed Zhang He, he couldn't achieve a greater victory.

"This time will be different," Liu Shimin listened to the neighing of the horses outside the tent and his smile became even brighter.

Over a month later, Zhang He attacked Weili City, while the troops led by the Xianbei Ke Bi Neng merged with the forces of Wei Yan and launched a sudden attack from the direction of Beidi County, occupying the high ground and seizing a wave of Cao Wei's provisions.

Sima Yi in Chang'an had not anticipated the severity of the situation. Instead of being demoralized by the loss of provisions, it strengthened his resolve. He believed that the Shu army's raid on their supply lines was likely to support their main force's siege on the city. This move aimed to divert his attention and give the Shu army an opportunity to rescue Weili City.

After contemplating for a long time, Sima Yi made this judgment. "I can't let him escape! With a flanking attack and numerical advantage, why shouldn't I win?"

Sima Yi turned around, his eyes sharp and vigilant, as if he could see through the city walls and the wind blowing tens of miles away, through the impending battle, and see Liu Shimin in the Shu army's camp.

Three days later, Sima Yi deployed his forces outside the city, and Zhang He's troops advanced to the bank of the Wei River, launching a coordinated attack on the Han army's main force from the front and rear!

It was a perfect opportunity for Liu Shimin!

No matter how anxious Jiang Wei and others felt, Liu Shimin believed in the well-trained soldiers of Zhuge Liang and in his own tactics. He wasn't afraid of any traps or encirclements, nor did he fear the size of the enemy forces.

He only feared that they wouldn't fight!

In that battle, Liu Shimin deployed Li Jing's Six-Flower Formation, instructing Wang Ping to lead a force of 20,000 to intercept Zhang He. He also ordered Wu Yi to hold the central army, while Liao Hua and Jiang Wei commanded the left and right wings respectively to engage Sima Yi in a decisive battle.

As for Liu Shimin himself, he led a small group of cavalry and took a detour, reaching a high hill.

No one paid attention to them because Liu Shimin had only brought sixty riders.

As the dust filled the air and blood flowed like a river, the turbulent Wei River witnessed the tears of countless lives.

Over two hundred thousand soldiers fought on the plains of Guanzhong. Wang Ping's Six-Flower Formation continuously changed, with large camps surrounding smaller ones and circular formations turning into curved ones. After more than an hour of fierce fighting, Zhang He suddenly realized that he couldn't break out!

His own thirty thousand soldiers were inexplicably surrounded by twenty thousand enemies!

What kind of formation was this?

In the front, there was no longer

enough space to deploy Sima Yi's large army to counter the massive Six-Flower Formation. The ability to maneuver troops and effectively command over fifty thousand soldiers was crucial in this formation.

Wu Yi didn't have that capability, so Sima Yi seized the opportunity during several troop movements and gained a localized advantage.

After two hours, Zhang He's forces were dwindling, at least from his perspective, and Sima Yi began to exert pressure on the main battlefield, attempting to break through the Shu army's camp.

Both men and horses were fatigued, and victory or defeat was but a blink of an eye.

In the blink of an eye, a dark and eerie light emerged on the horizon, like a forest, like a mountain, like a cloud of iron and lead, swiftly drifting closer.

Liu Shimin's sixty riders moved!

From a distance, Sima Yi glanced at them and was startled, because those sixty riders once again raised a large flag, and the weary Shu army immediately erupted with a thunderous roar.

These sixty riders were extraordinary in themselves. Both men and horses were clad in mysterious armor. Despite their small number, they seemed to shake the mountains as they charged.

Sixty riders, capable of breaking my two hundred thousand-strong army?

This thought flashed through Sima Yi's mind, but he quickly dismissed it. He took a deep breath and issued a new military order: no matter how much damage these sixty riders caused, they must be intercepted!

However, after the fierce battle between the two armies, the morale of the Han army remained high, while the Wei army could not muster the same enthusiasm.

There was no spear formation, only a row of shield soldiers attempting to block them. Liu Shimin stood hundreds of meters away, drawing his bow and shooting arrows like shooting stars. All six arrows hit their targets, creating a gap in the defense.

The soldiers in mysterious armor fearlessly charged, each wielding a long spear and a knife at their waist. As they crashed into Sima Yi's army, the defenders crumbled, and shields shattered while lives were lost!

Sima Yi's heart turned cold.

He only hoped that Liu Shimin would make another mistake. Liu Shimin, being young, would surely go for the kill, aiming directly for the elite troops in the center. There was still hope to suppress the sixty cavalry with superior numbers.

Liu Shimin seemed to sense something and glanced at Sima Yi from a distance.

Then he burst into laughter and continued to maneuver his troops, driving Sima Yi's exhausted army from the beginning to the end, all the way to the outskirts of Chang'an. The sixty riders cut through the army of over a hundred thousand, dividing them into two!

Even the sixty riders had suffered some losses.

Liu Shimin turned his horse around and shouted, "Charge again!"

Sima Yi's eyelid twitched, filled with joy and hope. Indeed, Liu Shimin was young, and the young are prone to getting carried away. Without the advantage of charging downhill, the distance was not enough to accelerate. This time, Liu Shimin would not be able to split the army into four parts!

The battlefield had already become chaotic. Sima Yi was surrounded, with no support from the front or rear. The Han army regained the advantage through the gap created by Liu Shimin, while most of the Wei army didn't know where to go.

Sima Yi remained confident. He repeated the military order, insisting that the main force should stop the sixty riders and capture the Emperor of Shu!

Shortly after the order was given, the movements of the Wei army became even more chaotic. For a brief period, there was no formation to speak of.

Wu Yi, who was stationed in the central army, had received Liu Shimin's instructions long ago. Ever since the sixty riders charged down the hill, he had been highly attentive to changes on the battlefield.

At this moment, Wu Yi suddenly stood up, and after hiding his troops for two hours, he led them out with a resounding shout.

"Attack, attack!"

Zhao Tong, Zhao Yun's son, Zhang Yi, who had participated in the Battle of Hanshui, and Ma Dai, who had been in contact with the old troops from Liangzhou for over a year, these generals skilled in cavalry warfare had been waiting anxiously for two hours and finally saw the light of day.

Three groups of cavalry, each consisting of thousands, rushed out of the camp like the waters of the Yellow River descending from the heavens. Their momentum was

unstoppable, charging in all directions.

Although these three groups of cavalry were not as heavily armored as the mysterious soldiers, they were still enough to divide the Wei army into four parts. They effortlessly supported Liu Shimin, converging their forces and charging towards Sima Yi's banner.

At this point, there was no need for Sima Yi to make a judgment. Every Wei soldier knew they were about to lose!

Sima Yi remained calm and steadfast like Mount Tai. He gave the order to the central army to meet the enemy. As long as they prevented the cavalry from charging, there was still a chance to capture the Emperor of Han and achieve victory.

The commander of the central army was not foolish. Trembling, he said, "General, how can we stop them?"

Sima Yi drew his sword and beheaded the commander. With a vigilant gaze, he scanned the surroundings and shouted, "Defying orders before the battle? Do you all want to die?"

The remaining soldiers of the central army hastily moved forward.

When the troops that were supposed to confront Liu Shimin's cavalry were almost there, and it seemed they were about to clash, apart from fighting, there was no other way to survive. Sima Yi turned and ran towards Chang'an City.

The surrounding soldiers were stunned. What kind of maneuver was this?

Sima Yi silently cursed in his heart. Of course, if he had run straight away earlier, it would have been a complete defeat, unable to protect Chang'an City. He would have been caught up by the cavalry. Naturally, I had to find someone else to die in my place.

This is what the great Wei army does.

The wind whistled past Sima Yi's ears. He was also on horseback, his body low on the horse's back, breathing regularly and deeply. In just a few breaths, he left the central army behind. In a few more breaths, he had retreated from the battlefield where the Han army had yet to reach.

Chang'an City was visible in the distance.

Suddenly, the sound of hooves echoed.

Sima Yi raised his eyebrows, slowly turned around, and saw Liu Shimin leading the sixty riders, once again piercing through the Wei army. Although their momentum slowed down, they didn't chase after the fleeing soldiers or expand their victory.

Liu Shimin looked up and met Sima Yi's gaze, filled with a mocking smile.

In an instant, Liu Shimin leaped from his horse, abandoning his spear. Sima Yi widened his eyes and saw the Emperor of Han drawing his bow, the bowstring taut like a full moon. An arrow streaked through the air like a shooting star, growing larger and brighter in Sima Yi's eyes.

The sound of the wind rose again, as if a cold ashes brushed against Sima Yi's neck.

Sima Yi died without closing his eyes, falling from his horse.

The two hundred thousand Wei army collapsed, trampling over each other. Tens of thousands died in the Wei River, while over eighty thousand surrendered.

With the vanguard finished, Zhang He was still spinning in the Six-Flower Formation.

On this day, the majesty of the Han Dynasty was once again seen in Chang'an City.