
Saving Seven Villains Turned My Life Upside Down

【Heartthrob + Ten Beasts in the Arena + All-girls in Love + Crazy Yandere + 1v1 Slice-of-Life Romance (Non-OP Female)】 Staying up late one night, An Yao found herself transmigrated into a beastman Mary Sue otome novel, and to make matters worse, she became an ugly, fat, and despised female cannon fodder, whose male counterparts were all stolen by the pretty female lead. An Yao was dumbfounded, but luckily she was bound to the Villain Redemption System. She gradually became beautiful, excelled in cooking, farming, and building mansions, and even tamed the blackened young masters to spoil them endlessly! When it was time to leave after completing her missions, she was surrounded by seven red-eyed crazy yandere villains, who advanced step by step: "Wicked and vile female, do you not want us anymore?" The Pure and Loyal Wolf King: "She wants to mark me with a slave imprint on my face; it must be because she loves me and can't help but want to claim me..." The Melancholic and Yandere Black Snake: "No female would like a wandering beast, but she made a skirt out of my snake slough, she must be deeply in love with me." The Tyrannical and Protective Cold Golden Eagle: "She saved me when I was on the verge of death, and even personally washed my hands and made soup for me. Such a beautiful and gentle woman, she is my ideal partner." The Sickly and Stunning Mermaid: "Yaoyao, my claws hurt, can you blow on them for me?" The Split Personality Worm Beast: "If she doesn't want me to destroy the world, then she should stay behind and give birth to offspring for my race." An Yao, with a terrified expression: "!!! Don't come any closer!" #How am I going to deal with these villains that I've influenced to turn blackened again?#

COL+Xiang Gu Zi · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
200 Chs

Transmigrated as a Vicious Female

It was night, under the double moons, in the depths of the primeval forest.

A black wolf pounced upon a disheveled woman, disregarding her piercing screams and struggles.

Ruthlessly, it bit into her neck, tearing apart her limbs; its claws ripped her open.

Blood splattered across its face, accentuating the terrifying scar that cut through its left eye.

Its eyes brimmed with venomous hatred, devouring the woman’s final pleas and vitality, bite after bite.


The tearing of flesh and blood was excruciating.


An Yao abruptly awakened from her nightmare, drenched in cold sweat. The profound despair and terror lingered vividly in her mind.

She had dreamt of transmigrating into the Mary Sue orc novel she had been reading last night. In her dream, she became the malicious cannon fodder supporting female character with the same name as herself, only to be viciously bitten to death by the villainous Black Wolf!?

It was truly horrifying.

How could she have such a nightmare?

An Yao was startled, patting her chest to console herself—fortunately, it was just a dream.

However, when she lifted her eyelids and beheld the vast expanse of primitive jungle before her, she froze in astonishment.

Where was she?

She surveyed her surroundings, realizing she was leaning against a tangle of intertwined tree roots.

Above her head, branches and leaves flourished, while beneath her lay the muddy brown soil.

It seemed to have rained last night, as numerous fallen leaves were scattered around, and her bottom was covered in mud.

Rows of dilapidated huts were haphazardly arranged on the flat ground.

Not far ahead, a dense crowd of people gathered. Their voices were in disarray and they were speaking in a language she couldn’t comprehend.

They held sticks and whips in their hands, occasionally erupting into loud curses, and their activities shrouded in mystery.

These “savages” were tall and dark-skinned, with robust muscles. They wore only simple animal skin skirts or crude leaf coverings around their lean waists… reminiscent of the ancient indigenous people she had seen in history books!

What was even more peculiar was their partially bestialized bodies, such as animal ears atop their heads and long, coarse tails behind them.

An Yao’s mind suddenly flashed with a ludicrous thought.

Could it be…

She immediately lowered her horrified gaze, realizing her cute pink bear pajamas had vanished.

Instead, she was barely covered by two crude animal skin breastbands and a hastily wrapped grass skirt, leaving her vulnerable to accidental exposure with every movement.

An Yao hurriedly crawled closer to obtain a look of her current appearance—a dark and slender figure dressed in primitive animal hides, with rough and discolored skin and greasy and unkempt hair, as if she hadn’t bathed in years, easily gathering mud.


What on earth was going on??

An Yao widened her eyes in shock, feeling as if she had been struck by lightning.

[Ding—Congratulations, host, for successfully binding to the Antagonist Salvation System 2.0! You have arrived in the original world of “Dominating Beast Husband Falls in Love with Me”!]

A cheerful child’s voice suddenly resounded in her mind.

[According to the system’s prediction of the Beastman Continent in the original work, the sealed Black Dragon is about to break free. Its soul has fragmented into seven pieces, which are the major antagonists in the original story. I, 007, the system, selects one virtuous and kind-hearted host from millions of people to influence the antagonists, eliminate their corruption, and save the Beastman Continent. And it’s you, Bai Yaoyao—]

“Hold on.”

An Yao, still in shock, interrupted the sudden voice in her mind and curled her lips.

“I am not Bai Yaoyao, I am An Yao.”

And what was with this talk of transmigrating into the world of “Dominating Beast Husband Falls in Love with Me”? Wasn’t that the half-read Mary Sue orc novel she had been reading yesterday??

Could it be that she had truly transmigrated?!

And she had transmigrated into the world of that novel.

“Huh, aren’t you the female lead, Bai Yaoyao?”

The child’s voice hesitated, checking its background information, only to realize it had bound the wrong host.

007 trembled and tears welled up in its eyes.

An Yao caught on and spoke sternly, “So, it was you who brought me to this wretched place?”

007 trembled once again and it replied on the verge of crying. “Yes, I’m sorry!”

“What on earth is going on? And who is this antagonist Black Dragon you mentioned?”

An Yao asked.

“Sob, sob. It’s like this—according to the Main God System’s prediction, the soul of the Black Dragon, which was sealed a thousand years ago, has split into seven fragments and turned into the major antagonists in the original work.”

007 explained miserably, “The antagonists inherit the thousand-year-old grudges of the main body and, due to various reasons, become corrupted, seeking revenge against the beastmen. Therefore, the system has dispatched me to bind a virtuous and kind-hearted host to influence the antagonists, eliminate their corruption, and save the Beastman Continent.”

“However, in the original plot, the female lead failed to redeem the antagonists. So, the higher authority sent me to replace the original system, rebind the original female lead for the conquest task, and change the fate of the Beastman Continent. But, I didn't expect...”

It seemed that due to some uncontrollable factor or perhaps its nervousness on its first mission, it had accidentally bound the wrong person.

“Can you help me leave this place?” An Yao suppressed the anger welling up inside her and tried to stay calm.

This primitive and backward world without phones, internet, or air conditioning was definitely not where she wanted to stay even for a second longer.

“I'm sorry, dear host. Only by completing the task and successfully eliminating the antagonists' levels of corruption, can the interdimensional transport be activated,” the small system replied with great guilt.

An Yao felt helpless.

Oh well, since she was here, she might as well accept it. After all, she was a loyal fan who had read the original work, so it shouldn't be too difficult to reform a few corrupted villains.

An Yao asked, “So, what's my identity now?”

After checking the system backend, 007's voice became even softer,

“Due to an unknown irreversible factor, you have become the malicious cannon fodder with the same name and surname as you in the original world. You're the native female An Yao, who was bitten to death by Jin, one of the male leads and antagonists, at the beginning of chapter three.”

“In less than three days from now, you'll be bitten to death by Jin!”

An Yao replied with a stunned expression, “...”

She needed to recall the original plot.

In the novel “Dominating Beast Husband Falls in Love with Me,” the beast world had few females and many males, making females precious and highly pursued by males.

The female lead, Bai Yaoyao, was a fair-skinned and beautiful transmigrator who was loved by all the males, including one of the male lead antagonists, Jin.

And as for Jin's identity, it was quite complicated. He was the only son of the Wolf King of the Moon Wolf King City, a high-ranking young lord of the Wolf Tribe.

However, when he was very young, his parents were assassinated and killed by enemies.

After their death, he was exiled from the Moon Wolf King City and hunted by his enemies. He ended up wandering in the wilderness, struggling to survive.

As a child at the time, he didn't even have the strength to hunt for food, and he was even at risk of becoming prey to other beasts.

When he was on the brink of death, he was saved by several beastmen from a poor tribe.

During times of food shortage in the harsh season, these beastmen used him as a slave and traded him to other tribes in exchange for food.

The beastmen who bought him were none other than An Yao's parents. They made him a servant and a male slave for their precious daughter to serve her needs.

In other words, he was a child bridegroom.

However, the original An Yao only fancied the tribe's first warrior, Hu Lie. As for Jin, she would only abuse him with violence and insult. She had mistreated him so bad, that Jin, a boy who had never been loved, would immediately fall for the tender and beautiful Bai Yaoyao at the first sight.

Now, back to the current storyline, just this morning, another male lead, Hu Lie, stumbled upon an unconscious and enchanting female amidst the forest and steadfastly declined the courtship of the original An Yao.

Humiliated, An Yao was furious and she began ruthlessly assaulting Jin on their way back, even contemplating ending his life with a stone blade. Jin, pushed to his limits, retaliated, inadvertently thrusting An Yao into a tree and made her unconscious.

And then... she woke up in this world.

Jin, who was just a ribald slave, dared to injure a precious female. This event had alarmed the chieftain and the entire tribe, prompting them to rush over to administer punishment.

The crowd of agitated beastmen approaching were the ones responsible for ensuring justice in this matter.

“Yaoyao, are you okay?”

Among them, a concerned female voice reached An Yao's ears.

The language being spoken was not one that An Yao recognized, yet strangely, she could understand it fully.

007 chimed in, “Don't worry, Master. I've activated the language interaction feature for you. You can converse normally with the local residents!”

An Yao stood up, dusted herself off, and raised her gaze to observe.

She saw seven or eight burly beastmen, each wearing a piece of animal skin wrapped around their waist like a loincloth, adorned with necklaces made of animal teeth and feathers.

Leading the group was a woman with brown hair and dark skin, towering at almost 1.8 meters. She wore only two simple animal skin skirts and had exposed skin covered in seven or eight beastly tattoos.

She was the one who had spoken earlier.

It was evident that the several male beastmen behind her were her companions. The woman seemed familiar with the original An Yao. She immediately approached An Yao and affectionately grabbed her arm.

Then, she sighed, berating her in exasperation, “Look at you! How many times have I told you to discipline the males properly! If they misbehave, you should beat and scold them! If you had disciplined them regularly, these disgraceful incidents wouldn't have occurred!”

An Yao twitched her lips, recognizing that this woman was likely Shana, the bff of the original An Yao.

Shana met her demise as cannon fodder not long after the male and female leads appeared in the story.

Both of them shared similar dispositions, being irritable and violent, and enjoyed using force to subdue and control males.

However, the original An Yao didn't possess Shana's robust physique.

“Now that you're awake, come and decide how to deal with this wretched slave! He must be given a lesson!” Shana jerked her chin forward.

She let out a cold snort, “If you ask me, worthless male slaves who dare to harm females should be eliminated. We should beat him to death and throw him into the wilderness, letting wild beasts tear his body apart!”

Killing and being torn apart by wild beasts?

This couldn't be allowed!

An Yao's heart panicked, and she quickly stepped forward and pushed through the crowd.

There, she saw a frail and battered young man lying on the ground, nearly devoid of breath.

His emaciated hands clutched his head tightly; his body curled up as if he had been scalded, and each time a club struck him and his frail form convulsed and twitched.

His body was covered in bruises and a small pool of blood stained the ground beneath him. His dark black hair was caked with mud and blood and obscured his face, but the visible ribs on his emaciated frame painted a clear picture of malnutrition.

It was the result of years of hunger and malnourishment.

Almost reaching adulthood, he was tall but shockingly skinny. His body reduced to little more than skin and bones.

It was evident how much the original An Yao loathed this slave, even denying him food.

At that moment, several burly male beastmen were still wielding clubs, relentlessly striking him.

The force of each blow was stronger than the last; the dull thuds making one's teeth ache.

Several wooden clubs had already snapped, yet they showed no intention of stopping.

Someone even spat on him multiple times.

“What a resilient slave. After beating him for so long, my hands are sore, and he still has a breath left!” One of the beastmen exclaimed.

As if he heard the noise from this direction, the boy trembled, his long eyelashes fluttered, and his eyes opened, only to be immediately obscured by the blood-soaked strands of his hair.

It was painful and gritty. Tears mixed with blood streamed down from his eyes.

Not far away, An Yao managed to see the boy's face. Though half of his face was obscured by blood, making him look eerie and horrifying, it was still possible to discern his remarkable features.

Unfortunately, a hideous scar marred his left eye, with a simmering hatred visible in his other eye.

That scar was inflicted during a struggle with the original An Yao. The cut was meant to blind both his eyes, but it had narrowly missed.

An Yao noticed that a row of five small gray hearts hovered above the boy's head. When he noticed her, those hearts darkened even further, almost as if they were under an ominous storm cloud.

An Yao: ...

“The small hearts above the antagonists' heads represent their level of corruption. There are five in total, progressing from red, pink, white, gray, to black. As it goes further, the corruption intensifies. Five red hearts mean successful redemption, while five black hearts mean complete corruption,” explained 007, increasingly anxious.

“This antagonist is about to succumb to corruption. Master, hurry and save him!”

“Warning: Once an antagonist fully succumbs to corruption, the host's mission will be deemed a failure, and the host will be obliterated by the system's self-destruct!”

The searing sun caused Jin's vision to darken, his body weakened from excessive blood loss.

One of the beastmen lifted him onto his shoulders, preparing to toss him into the jungle to be fed to wild beasts.

Just then, a clear and melodious voice reached their ears.

“Put him down!”

“He's my slave. Without my permission, none of you are allowed to touch him!”

An Yao looked towards the tribe's chieftain, who was overseeing the punishment.

She walked over and addressed him earnestly, “Chieftain Ah’weng, I've changed my mind. No matter what, Jin was purchased by my parents at a high price and has served me for over a decade. I’m quite satisfied with him.”

“This wretched slave dared to injure me. Indeed, his death is no great loss!”

“But killing him so easily would be letting him off too lightly!”

She protested indignantly.