
Saving my little angel

Harry didn't used to have a name until a pretty doctor has given him one. He was just a five year old boy who was quiet , introvert and smart. One day his biological father schemed against his uncle, he had no idea he was destined to die with his uncle that day. But fortunately somehow they survived, he didn't knew that he'll meet someone in the hospital who will give the love he was deprived of since birth. He'll meet his benefactor sent by the God. Guess this trouble was somehow blessing in disguise. . . . . Crystal was a intern doctor working in one of the hospital. One night her father called her and told her she has to marry someone he has arranged and she has no other choice. He also informed her that the guy he found is crippled so she doesn't have to make a fuss about this. Fate has it that guy she saved on the request of little boy is the same crippled man she is destined to marry. No one knows what this marriage will bring in crystal, Harry and the crippled man's life. Will they stay together or part their ways let's see. Excerpt Crystal was sitting in the greenhouse of her mansion which looked more like a jungle. A big black cat was lying near her feet. Its green eyes glinted darkly when it heard someone's approaching footsteps. Crystal looked up and saw Ivan dragging a bloodied man in the greenhouse. The man pleaded to her for mercy he said, "Please give me a chance. I wouldn't betray you again." Crystal closed the book in her lap and leaned towards the man and said, "Can you take away the pain my Harry is suffering from right now." The man cried loudly and pleaded for mercy again and again. Crystal was annoyed by his loud voice. She looked at Jade. Its black fur was shining in the sunlight. She asked, "Jade are you hungry?" Jade let out a roar and stood up elegantly. Jade took two steps back and jumped towards the man. She removed the man's hand in one bite. The man was eaten alive by the big black cat. There wasn't a sign of remorse on Crystal's face. After Jade was full she called servants to clean after her and Jade walked towards Crystal and laid down beside her leg and Crystal continued stroking its fur.

_Nightshade_1 · Urban
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41 Chs

Defending him

Crystal looked at Asher and then looked at her clothes. She then looked at Xavier and then looked at the people around her.

She looked at her clothes again in dismay. Currently she was wearing a 3 times larger hoodie with stuffed clothes under it. Her pants were also baggy and she was also forced to wear a black mask which was covering her entire face.

She couldn't understand what's with this set up. Who are they hiding her from.

Asher just shrugged when Crystal looked at him with question marks above her head.

He seriously didn't know what's going on in the mind of that old hag and Crystal's father.

Crystal sighed and looked at the private jet waiting for them in the runway. She couldn't wait to leave this island.

She wanted to help Asher by rolling his wheelchair towards the plane. But Asher grabbed her hand and indicates her to stay put and act like she didn't know him with his eyes.