
Saving My former Creator

Wang Jiangmi is a system, the first created by Lord Jiho when he was young, naive and innocent. But then she got abandoned as he grew in power and had to leave him to live a life on her own. She could do it, she won't have anything to do with him any longer, not even if he died in front of her. At least that was what she thought until she discovered that he got into trouble and she might be the only one who could save his soul. What should she do? Should she forgive and forget?

Dark_paragon18 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Arc 1: The reborn young miss hates me 8

"Do you have a pad blocking your ears?" Chanyeol asked angrily. Jiho blushed.

So let's run back. Jiho felt guilty of his actions since he deduced that Jangmi was a lesbian and he did not want to offend her. No matter how crazy she turns me on, I can't do this to her! He told himself after six days of war against his heart and mind. So he sent her a message. And asked her to meet him in a carnival.

He was dressed as a girl now, since the last time he was dressed as a boy did not go too well. He will give her a big reveal in front of many people, she should not be able to beat him in front of a crowd, right?

Anyway, he wore a pink wig and was dressed up like his favourite character in an anime, when he felt a hand on his shoulder. That is not Jangmi, her hands are not as large as this, ready to give the motherfucker a piece of his mind, he turned around and was shocked to see Chanyeol. He was very surprised, it turns out that he was so bothered by Jangmi, he forgot about Chanyeol.

"H-Hyung ?"

"Better speak normally!"

"Hyung, what are you doing here?" he looked behind Chanyeol and saw a pretty girl standing by a post, from the way she glared at their direction, he was sure that they came together. Is that his girlfriend? It should be, uncle has been disturbing him lately to find a girl.

These thoughts created something heavy in his chest, making him feel suffocated, it made it hard for him to breathe.

The girl came closer to them and said in a cool tone, "Chan Oppa, is there a problem?"

Jiho stared at Chanyeol in disbelief, you let her call you Chan? His eyes seem to say, Chanyeol felt guilty and averted his eyes.

"Is there a problem here?"


All eyes turned to the girl in a black leather outfit and dark make up.


"Unnie, who is he?" Jangmi removed Chanyeol's hand from Jiho's shoulder and stood before him. "I don't really like random boys touching my girlfriend, uncle…"

Oh my, that was really cool, Jiho felt his bad mood disappear immediately, Wait, wait, girlfriend? Since when were we dating? No, wait, I'm a boy.



Wonyoung and Chanyeol asked in unison, Jangmi's eye fell on Wonyoung, a harmful smile on her face, "Wonyoung," she cast her eyes on Chanyeol indifferently, "Is this your boy toy?"

Chanyeol, the CEO of the biggest company in the country: "…"

Tiger who told Jangmi immediately he spotted the group that Chanyeol is Asura's son and the male lead of the book: "…"

"This little…"

"This is my cousin, Chanyeol," Jiho interrupted before Chan take over and decide to kill Jangmi, he held Jangmi's hand and acted coquettishly "Look closely, don't we look alike?"

The two people share no hint of resemblance at all, but Jangmi decided to play along, she held his hand and muttered. "I can't see, I can only see you looking so pretty in this outfit."

Chanyeol and Wonyoung who were forced to become third wheel: "…" puke.

They watched in disgust as Jiho blushed prettily and look at Jangmi with bright eyes.

"Wonyoung goes to my school," Jangmi explained, turning to Wonyoung. Wonyoung felt her danger radar ringing.

"She has a fiancee and also took a picture of us when we were kissing that day," she continued making Wonyoung's face pale, "I think she is a lesbian also, is your cousin a trans or a cross dresser?"

Wonyoung: "…"

Chanyeol: "…"

For the sake of her safety, Jiho ignored the duo's black face and hurriedly ran away with Jangmi.

"Didn't you say you wanted to study together with me? Come let's go, Oppa, I will be leaving now." He dragged Jangmi away and they disappeared into the crowd.

Chanyeol's eyes turned dark, his aura changing into something more sinister. Wonyoung was quick to notice.


"Go home, to your fiancee." he stated coldly and left her standing in the Park.

Wonyoung screamed and threw her purse on the ground," Aish!! Jangmi you cheap whore!! I will put you in your place!!"

"This is my girlfriend, Jisoo," Jangmi told the group, "Jisoo, this is Yuna, my friend, Her dance teacher, Taehyung, the rest of the squad are not around."

Taehyung stared at Jiho. Jiho stared right back. Taehyung stared at Jiho. Jiho stared right back. Taehyung…

"I will go talk to Jangmi unnie for a moment," Yuna said, dragging Jangmi away.

Taehyung shifted closer to Jiho, eyed him for a moment and scoffed. "Bro, what the fuck?" even if others couldn't recognise, he could differentiate between a normal female and a cross dresser no matter how pretty the cross dresser look.

"I seriously don't know what I am doing now." Jiho said in his normal voice.

"That is not cool bro, why would you lie to get into a relationship?"

"We are not in a relationship, " Jiho explained, "We only kissed … twice, both times was a mistake and I'm supposes to tell her today…but then shit happened and she keeps introducing me as her girlfriend. I dont want to make her feel bad,"

"Well, she will feel bad if she finds out that you are a boy…"

"And then break my legs, no thank you," He could guess that Jangmi was very crazy, might be on the same level if craziness as Chanyeol. "I will just go break up with her and leave…"

"Then she will find out your identity and still break your legs,"

Jiho burst into tears and stuck to Taehyung, "Bro, help me!!"

"I thought you were straight!" Yuna said waving her hands, "My radar was not signalling you at all, how come you ended up not straight?"

Jangmi scoffed, a small smile forming on her face. "I am straight." she said and walked away.

Yuna stood there in disbelief, "Jangmi unnie, Taehyung Oppa, do both of you take me as a fool? I'm not gay, I just like dicks. I am straight, I just have a girlfriend. Do you think I'm stupid?"

Jangmi did not know that she have successfully broken Yuna's intellectual knowledge. She went back to the main dance room and saw Jiho sticking close to Taehyung. Tiger covered his face in embarrassment.

It is over, there is no way I can defend master, how can we just leave for less than a minute and you are straddling another man? Master, you should learn how to keep it in!

Contrary to what he expect, Jangmi was not angry. She shot the both of them a bright smile, "Should I go bring my books so we can start? I should go bring my books." she left the room hurriedly, singing and hopping.

Jiho watched her leave, very confused in his heart. Isn't the first thing you will do when you meet your lover on another man get angry and fight? Why does she look so at ease?

"I don't think that worked," Taehyung muttered from under him.

"It didn't."

"Then get your fat ass off my body!!"

"Bitch!! Your man wish he could fuck with an ass as fat as this!!"

"It is a good thing I don't have a man then."



Taehyung and Jiho were destined not to get along with each other.

"This part is supposed to be divided by the number in front of the x to get the final answer." Jiho chastised, already so close to slapping off Jangmi's head.

"That looks so long," Jangmi sighed, pushing the book away. She laid on the sofa and asked cheerfully," Is there not a shorter method?"

"This is the shortest method." is your brain filled with spoilt milk? He wanted to ask. You look so hot, how come your brain is so offline?

Everything I says passes through one ear and comes out in the other, is this how Chanyeol Hyung feels when he talks to me? He suddenly feel guilty and vowed to try to be obedient.

"Learning is boring." Jangmi sat up and shifted close to him, her voice went into the familiar low tune that drives Jiho crazy with need,"Let's do something fun."

Jiho's eyes fell on her lips and he gulped, she leaned closer and he found himself panting in anticipation, a light kiss fell on his cheek. And then his chin. The spot close to his lips. Then his phone rang making him jump.

"Fuck," she grumbled, pulling away. Jiho looked away guiltily, sweat forming on his face.


"Hello." he will never fail to recognise that voice. The cheerfulness was gone, replaced with frost and magnitude.

"Chan hyung?"

"Code Red."

The call ended and Jiho stood up immediately, "I have to go. An emergency came up."

He did not give her time to respond before he was gone with the winds, unaware of the temperature dropping around Jangmi.


"Keep your eyes on them," Jangmi commanded, standing up. Gone was the flirty Jangmi and in place was the icy goddess they all admired.

"I want to know everything that happens."

Tiger nodded in affirmation. His instincts just kept telling him that it was about to get bloody.