
Saving Me.

She, Zelda Parker, was a hacker and a computer master as well as mastered in Karate. She,have a criminal background, she have been in police custody for 5 sec and then zoop! Gone! Noah Knights, He was the definition of duality, at first he is the mafia leader from which the whole world fears and then he is in a biggest play boy also from which the whole world is fond of. What happens when the almost Criminal and a Mafia boy band leader cross paths? There is someone also after the girl? Who is gonna save who? Will it hurts HIS ego to see HIS girl with some other boy? Will it hurts HIS pride?? Or will it hurt the TRIO? read to find out. -------------------------- "You have to be my Girlfriend." I just stare at him. "What?" Then,"you just need to be my Girlfriend for 1month. After that I will handle it by myself." Noah said. "Aw---." Just then a powerful and angry voice boomed from the speaker. "NO FUXKING ONE IS YOUR BOYFRIEND." "UH OH" --------------------------- WARNING!!!!! INTENSE DISTURBING SCENES AS WELL AS MURDER AND TORTURE!!!! Starting Date: July 14 2020.

syedaabeeh · Action
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9 Chs

Chapter 6.

"I'm. Noah knight.--" I cut him off." I know you are Noah fuckin knight. Dumbo."

After I said that, he was so annoyed. But so was I. Is this a time to tell me your name?

"I mean---" He was again very furious. Seriously I think too, to stop interrupting people. Especially him.

He death glared me. "I'll tell you." Phew. Thank god I said something sensible. Or else.

"Okay so... How about we meet somewhere then I'll tell you?" I suggest.

"Okay when?"

"How about tonight?" He looks like he was going to agree but then our phones pinged, indicating a msg.

You are invited to the MUGW Ball party.

Tonight at 8:30.

At Belgium Resort.

Dress code: casual.

Thank you.

MUGW Stands for Mafia's underground world. The party, It happens every year and I don't go. Why? Well their dress code was not casual like this time. It was more like dresses.

Why it is casual this time?? Something is definitely fishy. They never I mean NEVER had the dress code casual. That's because the lady mafias complain that they can't wear dresses in their normal life so they want to wear those ones. And also cause they want to look prettier than the other. Typical woman.

Belgium Resort was the biggest Resort in our whole city. It was restricted to the rich people or Mafias.

He cleared his throat. "Not tonight I have to go somewhere." I looked at him." Yeah me too. How about after school tomorrow. "

He nodded." Okay . so drop me off to my home."

The car ride to the home was comfortable and silent.

I reached home at 7:20 which means I have only half an hour and ten minutes. I laid on my bed and fall asleep.

I stir in my sleep and reached out towards my phone. 8:35.

Shit I'm late.

Whatever. I took a short shower and drowned in soft vanilla and strawberry smell.

I walked to my closet and searched through it. For something SUITABLE.

By the way, why am I even going? Oh yeah so that bastard don't bother me. Well that bastard personally messaged me to come so that he will be safe.

Your outfit.

I wore a white shaggy crop top with black fitted rip jeans and some boots. Green leather jacket keeping me safe from the December's cold wind.

It was now 8:45. I put a lip balm and went towards my car.

I stepped out of my car and stood in front of the Belgium Resort. Mm nice.

Honestly this resort is quite good, hopefully the food also. What?? Food is my second priority.

I entered the resort and asked for the directions. "Its on the 2nd floor." I smiled at the receptionist and made my way towards the elevator.

I stepped inside the elevator and inhale its texture. It was a simple yet classic elevator.

Time killing be like.

Once I reached the 2nd floor I could easily hear the soft music. Maybe they are couple dancing. Seriously in casual clothes?


I opened the door and the music as well as the people stopped what they were doing. And I'm the center of attention.

At the corner of the room the were almost 5 people who didn't turned around to see me. Honestly they look kind of familiar to me.

Suddenly, "welcome Ms. Zelda parker. Make yourself comfortable. Hope we have a amazing time." There was that bastard.

Brian O' Connor. My biggest enemy. Or...

People go back to their own things. I looked around the room to lock eyes with Noah. Wait Noah? What is he doing here?

My eyes widened as well as his and the rest of the boys. They came up to me. Before they could ask me something the bastard show up and snaked his hands around my waist. Still not acknowledging the boys presence.

"We meet again princess." I scowl at him." Thank god I didn't meet you earlier or god knows what would have happened to your baby maker."

The boys snicker behind me. But that bastard didn't heard them yet. Seriously bro your 25 and yet having problem in listening.

His grip on my waist tighten. "Don't forget. He is still with me."

That was my clue to snap. Oh, snap his neck.

I kicked him in the stomach, hard. And pushed his head in my raised knee. His nose started to bleed. I raised my punched him in the jaw and twisted his leg, making him fall.

Every one gathered around us. A waiter paused to look at the drama holding a steel tray with some wine glasses.

I grabbed the two glasses and smashed it at his head. I stood up and looked at the people at my back. The boys.

They have a very shocked expression. As well as amused.

But suddenly they looked horrified. I sense that someone is behind me or trying to hit me. With my fast reflexes I grabbed the tray from the waiter's hand and hit Brian with it on his face hard, knocking him out.


They scurried away,bfrom my threat, also from the deadliest expression on my face.

Brian's left hand lucky, left hand yukk, stood above him and started to drag him.

"Tell him to stop fucking messing with me. And send him back to Xav, or else he would not be able to see Mariana. I'm telling you'll one fuxkin last time."

With that I exit the resort.