
The Medallion and the battle at the Enchanted Forest

"I hope that I am not too late," Alucard whispered to himself as the horse he was riding galloped to the Enchanted Forest. The forest was already in flames and a large number of demon armies led by Thamuz and Helcurt managed to invade the once peaceful land. The Leonins, a race of cat-like elves and keeper of the forest, were unmatched to the merciless attack of the Abyss. They started capturing every Leonin within sight.

"Harith! bring with you this medallion and go north to the Moniyan Empire," the Leonin elder handed a magical box to the young Harith.

"Grandpa, I can't leave you alone! Not like this!" Harith was determined not to abandon his grandfather and their people.

"We must accept our defeat today. It is only you who can change the course of our fate when you finally uncover the full extent of our ancestor's medallion. Seek refuge from the Moniyan Empire while waiting for that time. The dark forces should never seize the medallion's power to their gain. Now go!"

Harith held his grandpa one last time and rushed out the elder's hut while in tears. To his horror, the hut was all surrounded by a group of menacing demons.

"Hand me the medallion and your life will be spared," Helcurt threatened Harith in a subdued, dangerous voice.

"Never!" Harith quickly executed a Chrono Dash and the light from the bubble-like shield radiating blinded Helcurt and his demon armies for a while.

"Not so easy puny Leonin!" Helcurt summoned the Dark Night Falls which decimated the light.

Committed to get away, Harith created a phantom of himself right behind Helcurt's back which confused the latter and his armies.

"I am not an ordinary feline creature you knew!" Harith fused together an explosion which dealt damaged to anyone who was in between him and his phantom. It was only Helcurt who survived the surge of magical power coming from the attack but has gone weaker. Harith tried to get away this time but was intercepted by Thamuz.

"Do not resist the Abyss!" Thamuz tossed a pair of flaming scythes to Harith's direction. The damage inflicted slowed the young Leonin. The scythes rolled back to Thamuz's hands pulling the poor Leonin in the process. Harith has gone frail but was still spirited.

"All that is evil should be sealed away…" Harith uses his remaining magic to call for the Zaman Force which immobilized all the nearby demons including Thamuz. The young Leonin attempted to get away once again but a poisonous sting hit him coming from somewhere.

"What does my poison taste like?" Helcurt cackles from a distance. The sting blast took away the poor Leonin's consciousness. Thamuz and Helcurt, who were also suffering injuries from the encounter went near the Leonin's unresponsive body to take the box containing the medallion. When suddenly a shockwave of immense power blew in the open and knocked both demons off.

"It's the demon hunter!" Helcurt exclaimed with vexation.

"Let me show you the art of killing." Alucard gave a smirk and charged towards Thamuz and Helcurt.

Thamuz succeeded to fend off the attack with his scythes but Helcurt was inflicted with another injury. Helcurt decided to ran off lily-livered together with the other frightened demons. Thamuz, however, stayed with might.

Thamuz and Alucard were left standing on a one-on-one battle.

"Is that who must go, treachery is for cowards!" Thamuz uttered with dismay for the other demons who ran away. "I am fire incarnate!" Laughed and struck Alucard with an infernal attack. "Now kneel!" Lava started pouring out his body moving towards the Demon Hunter's direction.

"Me? Kneel? Huh! Never!" Alucard took an aggressive move with a whirling smash . It slashed Thamuz and caused the demon an enormous amount of damage.

"It can't be," Thamuz blurted in despair.

"No one can escape me!" Alucard's second fission wave made it's toll on Thamuz.

"The Abyss will resurrect me once more...Aaahhh." the demon then lost his breath while laid on the ground.

Alucard rushed to Harith's rescue. Checked his pulse to see if he is still alive. He held him around his arms after realizing the poor Leonin is still breathing.

"I am sorry my friend… I was too late!" He whispered while brushing his fur in the head. Harith had no more energy to say something but he managed to give Alucard a little smile. He was still holding on to the box with the medallion he bowed to protect.

Alucard and Harith journeyed to the North. They promised each other to be there for each other in times of need. The beautiful friendship between a Demon Hunter and a Leonin was just about to get more challenges ahead.
