
Saving Gale Wicherton

After inheriting an unfinished novel from his late best friend, Sam is thrust into the pages as Gale Wicherton, a side character in a magical world. With a determined smile, Gale seeks to rewrite the political struggles, navigate two enigmatic princes, and discover the powers he's concealing—all to save his destiny and the fantastical realm Max left behind.

AtharvisAJ · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Gale's Gambit

Gale Wicherton, now fully immersed in the fantastical world he once only read about, found himself seated at the ornate table in his opulent study. The ink on the parchment before him was barely dry, mapping out the initial steps of his journey. His first and foremost concern was his safety, a realization that prompted him to formulate a plan that would set the stage for the twists and turns to come.

As he leaned back in the regal chair, Gale's gaze fixed on the intricately detailed ceiling lost in thought. The memories of the novel intertwined with his own recollections, creating a complex tapestry of experiences.

"Alright, Sam no Gale, time to play it smart," he muttered to himself, breaking the silence of the study. "I need an edge, something to keep me safe from the dangers lurking in this world."

A vivid recollection surfaced in his mind – a magical plant hidden deep within a cave, a plant that held the power to absorb and amplify magical energy. In the original narrative, the first prince stumbled upon this plant while searching for a cure for his ill sister. Tragically, he hadn't reached her in time. He had frantically searched for a long time for this but to no avail. He had just gotten it when it was too late.

Gale turned to the audience, "That kind of made me sad but, oh well he did destroy half of the kingdom to get his revenge and power. Not to mention that he destroyed the Wichertons in that process."

Gale, armed with the knowledge of the novel's twists and turns, saw an opportunity to rewrite his own fate. "If I can consume that magical plant," he mused, "I'll not only boost my magical abilities but also make myself immune to poisons and ailments. A perfect defence in this treacherous world."

Determined, Gale stood up, the chair scraping softly against the tiled floor. The maid, who had lingered outside the study, darted her eyes toward him, curiosity written on her face.

"I'm going out. Inform the kitchen to prepare a travel pack for me," Gale instructed the maid, who nodded and hurried off to carry out his orders.

Gale came down from his study into his sprawling gardens, overlooking the majestic castle which looked as old as time. It was very well maintained and a slew of servants could be seen roaming around, going about their day and completing their chores.

Well, I should explain how a side character like Gale is living in such a beautiful location. You see the Wichertons are a Viscount family, and although not high on the political ladder, we do hold a very important port close to the capital that does most of the trade and import-export from the capital.

"Good day Master Gale", a burly-looking man who was the stablehand said.

"Good morning Blake", Gale replied, "Prepare my horse please I have to go out for a while."

"Right away sir," Blake replied.

Mounting on his horse Gale left the estate with his packed lunch towards the mountains. The Viscounty was surrounded by the sea on one side and by the mountains on the other. It was a quiet road, only the sound of rustling leaves and the tapping of hooves could be heard. He loved the feeling of air pushing on his face and due to him being nobility, he was well-versed in horse riding. "Ah the perks of muscle memory" he thought.

Guided by his recollection of the novel, Gale embarked on a journey towards the cave that housed the coveted magical plant. As soon as he reached the foothills of the mountain the scenery changed. The path was fraught with dangers, but armed with the foresight granted by his unique position, he navigated through the mystical terrain with a mix of caution and confidence.

He finally reached the cave, only there was no cave there. For the naked eye, one could not see anything there, but he knew what he had to do. He disembarked from his horse and tied it to a nearby tree. A big dead tree stood tall and looked as old as time. He bent down and pressed on the knot at the bottom of the tree. The cave suddenly materialized in front of him, and a blast of cold air chilling him to the spine blew from inside.

He entered the cave but could not see anything inside. He thought about having a flashlight and suddenly a ball of light floated at his side. It was then that he remembered that this was a magical world and he indeed had magical powers. The Wicherton family had a long legacy of producing magicians and knights. With muscle memory, he extinguished the light and then produced it again this time on his own.

As he delved deeper into the cave, the air grew dense with magical resonance. Illuminated by the soft glow of bio-luminescent fungi, Gale spotted the plant he sought – its ethereal radiance captivating, promising untold power. As he was about to harvest the plant, a shadowy figure appeared. It was a lich, not a normal lich but a lich knight.

The lich knight, clad in ancient, tattered armour, raised a skeletal hand, summoning dark energy to unleash upon Gale. With a quick reflex, Gale extinguished his magical light, plunging the cave into darkness. The lich knight, momentarily disoriented, swung its weapon blindly.

Seizing the opportunity, Gale conjured a gust of wind, disorienting the lich knight further. The magical currents swirled around the cavern, carrying with them the scent of ancient magic. Gale, relying on his muscle memory and the newfound abilities granted by the magical world, manoeuvred with grace.

With a swift motion, Gale reignited the magical light, revealing the lich knight's location. The battle unfolded in a dance of light and shadow, Gale countering each dark spell with a calculated combination of wind and light magic.

Mid-battle Gale turned towards the audience with a knowing smirk, "I am his worst enemy, doesn't he know that light magic is the best counter for the undead and dark magic? Poor fellow, I almost pity him. Almost."

The cavern echoed with the clash of magical forces, and Gale's determination burned brighter than the magical light he wielded. As the lich knight stumbled under the onslaught of Gale's magical prowess, the final strike, a burst of wind-infused light, sent the undead adversary dissipating into ethereal shadows.

He had won, and quite easily at that. A sudden realization came to him, "I might be overpowered!" He pondered on that thought for a while, "Well, it's not like I have to fight on the battlefield, I just have to survive for as long as I can."

With careful precision, Gale harvested the magical plant, a surge of energy coursing through him as he did so. The act marked the beginning of his quest for self-preservation, a calculated move in the intricate dance of political power that awaited him.

As he emerged from the cave, the magical plant in hand, Gale couldn't help but smirk. "Let the princes play their game. Gale Wicherton is making his own rules in this narrative."

Little did he know that this seemingly straightforward plan would set in motion a series of events that would not only alter the course of the novel but also redefine his role in the unfolding tale of magic, politics, and destiny.

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