
Chapter 2: The Warning

Chiron turned to face the two boys as they approached, a worry line in between his eyes, and a glimmer of sympathy and pity hidden in his eyes. Nico decided he didn't like that glimmer. It usually meant bad, or hard to get through your head, news. It was the same look Nico had received the night he lost his sister. "Ah, Nico, Will. Come in, we have much to discuss. Most of which worries me." Greeaattt. If it worried Chiron, the centaur who'd trained Herecules himself, then it would probably scare Will and him too. *******

Chiron explained what he could in the time that passed. Basically, there was another prophecy delivered from Rachel Dare, the newer oracle. But it didn't divulge who would be in this quest. And, honestly, Nico had a feeling there was something the old centaur was hiding. But he decided to ask once Will left for his infirmary shift. It was easier that way. "So, you can clearly see why this has me weary. I don't like it anymore than you do, but you know as well as I do, there's no avoiding a prophecy." Nico nodded grimly and let Will take his hand. They both needed each other right now, even if they didn't know it. "Was there anything else?" Will asked, staring st the floor, like he often does when he's thinking. Nico was a little tempted to blurt out that the centaur was lying about it, and demand that he tell the truth. But...he was too focused on camp now to care. "I'm afraid that was all for now. I'll send a message once I know. Farewell, boys, and have a nice rest of your day." Will stood, clearly ready to leave. When he noticed Nico wasn't, he asked, "Aren't you coming?" Nico shook his head. "You go ahead and I'll meet you at your shift. I...need to talk with someone first." He'd been keeping it from Will because he didn't want to worry the boy. But he'd probably be in for it once the cheerful boy found out. He opened his mouth once Will was gone, but before he could speak, a voice boomed all around him. "Nico di Angelo, son of Hades. I thought I'd let you know...I'm coming for you. And if you try to stop me, then the only success will be your death." Nico was suddenly on his knees, panting, clutching his head tightly. This voice....he knew who it belonged to. But....why would he warn Nico? Could it all be a trap? Suddenly, a hand was on his shoulder, almost making him jump from the contact. "Nico? Is something wrong?" He almost sighed in relief at Chirons voice. "I-I.." He started but nothing came out. He wanted to close his eyes now, even though he'd woken up a few hours ago, and found himself pitching forward, darkness engulfing him as the Titan of time cackled at him.