
Saving A Stranger (On Hold)

They met by chance, standing on the edge of a cliff, but it felt as though fate had brought them together from the start. I have no regrets about saving you, even though we were strangers. If given the chance, I would do it all over again without hesitation. I can see that you are going through a lot of pain and struggles, and I understand your fear of the unknown. I want to be there for you, to offer my help and support. Please allow me to be that person for you. Whenever you need someone to lean on, I'll be there. If you need to talk about how you're feeling, my ears are always open. If you feel lonely or neglected, know that I will be here for you, a constant presence in your life. Although we were strangers at first, I can't deny the strong connection I feel for you. Whenever you need someone to share your day with, know that I'm just a phone call away. And one more thing - you don't need to impress me, because my love for you is already deeply rooted. You don't have to reciprocate my feelings, because my love for you is enough for both of us. That's how much I care about you.

Gold234 · Urban
Not enough ratings
31 Chs


She walked towards Adir who kept looking at the since she arrived , it was as if he was checking if she's injured or something of the sort which was quite funny to her .

Adir wasted no time in pulling his sister into a bone crashing hug , he had missed her so much , she has been gone for long and their home has been lifeless without her . They didn't even know that she was in the city , she was good at covering her tracks. She had been through so much but she's still strong , that's why he admires her so much , she's one hell of a strong woman.

" Hey babe " he whispered in her ears softly , that's what he calls her , she is and always would be his baby girl .

" Hey Ice king " she whispered softly accompanied with a chuckle making him tightened his grip around her slender figure but not too much to hurt her .

" I've missed you so much " he told her with so many emotions colouring his tone.

" I've missed you too , very much " she said with a sad smile as if remembering something while they pull apart.

She turned to Colin who grinned widely at her .

" You've grown so tall and beautiful " he complemented while pulling her into his arms , he missed her just like everyone else , they have two sister's but the other one is a long story.

" I've missed you so much cupcake " he said to her not bothering to whisper , Colin is not someone who hides his feelings or emotions in the presence of the people he loves the most so when he said that he misses her , everyone heard it.

" I've missed you too Mr. Joker... " she replied with a smile . " I'm not gonna argue with you because I don't want to loose so we are even " he muttered messing her hair up in the process.

"Let's go inside " their father said which everyone did .

She walked into the familiar living room of their villa , she noticed nothing has changed ever since she left which made a. smile curved on her beautiful lips.

Just as they sat down , a young man at the age of twenty two years came in and handed a backpack to Zilvshun after greeting the people in the living room.

" Thank you , you can go back " she told him in a soft voice which he nodded at and walked out.

" Let's go see Mom " she told her father who stood up and led the way while everyone followed. All of them were there to see Zilvshun's family especially her mother.

Alan led them upstairs to a large and spacious bedroom which had large windows and balcony , everyone took a seat while Zilvshun walked towards the king-size bed and sat slowly beside the frail figure laying there with all kinds of life support machine connected to her .

" Mom...." Zilvshun called her mother softly while running her fingers through her wavy hair .

" I'm so sorry " she apologized before unzipping her backpack , she took out a silver pin from a crystal clear container before inserting it between her two eyebrows directly , she looked at her wrist watch before walking towards her dad and brothers who were gapping at her.

She sat across from them looking at them with sympathy , she didn't know this was what they were going through alone.. She really regrets leaving them behind. After a while she went back and pulled out the pin , she then took an ointment and applied it on her skin gently , she pulled out the IV drips , leaving only the heart monitor.

" I can cure her so you don't have to worry about her dying anytime soon " she reassured them with a sincere smile.

" Okay " her father replied in confusion . " When did you study medicine...? " Alan couldn't help asking his daughter because if he remembers correctly his daughter loves business not medicine.

" I was studying medicine when I was still staying here but I wanted it to be a surprise for you " she told him scratching her head like a child who has been caught doing something bad .

" Actually I'm the doctor they've been talking of but I just wanted to keep a low profile " she added quickly while everyone gasped in shock.

" What do you mean by that...? " Adir ask not believing her words.

" I'm saying I'm the doc Z.S " she replied causing her father to widen his eyes. How come he never thought of that. That's her initials.

Alan walked towards her and pulled her into his arms with tears in his eyes . " I'm so proud of you " he said as his arms tightened around her.

" You're really my daughter " her father said kissing her forehead gently.

" Of course I am " she replied cheekily making Colin snort playfully.

" Dad do you smell that...? " Zilvshun asked her father seriously.

" Yeah , the smell is really thick in the air " her father replied holding his nose , making Colin sniff the air with a confused expression .

" What do you smell here " Colin asked with a frown.

" Jealousy " the father and daughter replied and bursted in a fit of laughter when they saw the horrified expression of Colin.

The others couldn't help laughing alongside them , seriously , they thought it was something serious . " This father and daughter pair is really funny " they thought.

" Hey that's unfair . I'm not jealous of you being a doc " Colin defended with a huff.

Adir smiled looking at his family , he turned his head to his right side unconsciously that's when he saw her laughing with glee , her eyes were full of stars as they curved into crescents , she is the most beautiful woman he has ever seen , his heartbeat sped up when she looked his way with a shy smile on her lips.

Looking at her he knew this was what he has been searching for.

Zilvshun who saw how blatantly they were looking at each other smirked deviously while he walked up to brother.

" Come with me " she said pulling him with her which snapped him out of his trance , the walked out of the room and entered the one across from them .

" You like her " she stated crossing her arms in front of her chest .

" I don't know what you are talking about " Adir replied with an innocent smile but he got another thing coming .

" Ooohhh..... I thought wrong then . I will have to move on with my plans and thank the heavens you're not interested in her as I thought earlier " she said walking towards the door but her brother blocked her way in the next second.

" What plans are you talking of...? " he asked coldly.

" One of my coworker is looking for a woman to marry so I thought of introducing them to each other tonight . Who knows but things might get smooth between them , then I will watch how they take things from there " she said with the brightest smile Adir has ever seen.

" You will do no such thing " he stated coldly .

" Why not..? " she asked .

" She's beautiful , she's talented and many things any man wants in a woman and besides she and my co-worker will make a beautiful couple and she would be the happiest woman alive " she stated coldly as well.

" She doesn't have a boyfriend so I will help her find one tonight " she said trying to walk out but he held her wrist preventing her from doing so.

" I said you will do no such thing " he said looking at her coldly.

" Why not....? " she asked as if challenging him but he didn't answer her question .

" You see , she doesn't belong to anyone and besides she is not getting any younger " she said with a smirk.

" She's Mine . Only I get to be with her and I'm your brother so you should support me not an outsider " he stated coldly .

" But you haven't proposed to her which means any man can court her " she replied with a smirk pulling her hands out of his whiles he gritted his teeth in anger .

" Come back here we're not done talking " Adir said chasing after his sister who was running off into the other room which their mother was staying.

" Hey I'm taking to you " he said storming after her.

" Dad , brother , I've something to tell you " the young woman said giggling like a child.

" What's it " Alan asked looking between his two children , the other one looks like he was about to kill while the other one look as if she was watching an interesting drama unfold.

" Adir had finally found someone he likes . I mean a woman who he calls his possessively " She said hoping from one place to another .

" Really " his father asked with a smile .

" Yes dad . She's even here with us in our home " she said grinning widely.

" Where is she " her brother Colin asked looking around . " She's here " she replied mischievously.

" Ooohhh I thought he doesn't have anyone . I and my wife was thinking he would be a good match with our Mira " Renly's grandfather said disappointedly.

" Bingo ooo " the young woman exclaimed jumping up and down in joy while clapping her hands childishly .

" Actually that's who my brother likes " Zilvshun making everyone gasped in surprise .

" Babe i.... " Adir wanted to deny but his younger sister shush him with a sentence.

" I have everything here bro " she said smiling and smirking.

" Can we watch it... " Colin asked with interest which she nodded.

She quickly connected her phone to the TV and started playing the video .

Mirabelle was blushing hard hearing his possessive words , her heart was beating too fast she was afraid it will give her attack .

Azure and Colin whistle loudly whiles the rest were laughing happily.

Adir's sister walked towards Mirabelle and pulled her out of the room while Adir followed them when he saw his sister gesturing for him to come.

His sister pushed the two of them into the room and locked them in from the outside.

" You both need to talk it out " she told them before walking away.