
Saved by the Mafia Boss

Amore Intima experienced something that she didn’t imagine. Before she escaped that pit of hell, she was all alone. Not until someone came to save her—Amadeus Donovan. The man take her in to his abode. But Amore didn’t know that there’s more than just on Amadeus of being her savior. He’s a mysterious man that is under a dangerous organization. As Amore live under his roof, Amadeus will slowly find himself drowning in some strange emotion. But as he unfolds all the mystery about Amore, will he still be able to accept who she really is? Will the flower of rose blooms to their romance? Or it’ll be the rose’s thorns that will set them apart? (Character illustration used in the book cover is from "Pearl Boy")

Jennyoniichan · Urban
Not enough ratings
7 Chs

Chapter 5

"PLEASE… just kill me already!" Amore pleaded as tears started falling from her eyes.

Amadeus couldn't understand himself. When he heard Amore say those words, there's a sudden foreign emotion that creeps to his system. He doesn't like what he's hearing. He masked those foreign emotions by thinking that he didn't like the way this woman is ordering him around. 'Hell, who is she for me to follow her order?' Amadeus thought. And just when he's about to get up, Amore clung to his arms. And there, Amadeus felt a strange emotion again and he's not liking it.

Amadeus gave her a death glare, "Let go of my arm, woman," said Amadeus in a cold voice. Amore then slowly let go of his arms. Amadeus immediately move himself away from her and stood beside the bed while still giving her the cold shoulder.

"So, that's your technique? To seduce the man and kill him afterwards? Nice try, but that won't work on me," Amadeus said and gave her a death glare before he started walking out of the room.

'Nice try, woman. But I won't let you go not until you spit the name of the organization who sent you here,' Amadeus thought as he walks away.

Amadeus made his way through their hideout where his comrades are waiting for him. When he got there, he goes straight to his swivel chair and put his gun on the top of the table.

"Amore Intima," said Amadeus and look at one of the men around him. It's Cali Crawford, one of his men. He's the one who is always tasked when it comes to finding information. With his knowledge about computer and connections in the cyberworld, he can find everything in an instant.

"She's still not giving in, huh?" Cali stated, pertaining to Amore. Amadeus didn't answer and just wait for the result.

"To whoever sent her here, they choose the wrong enemy to battle with," one of Amadeus' men commented—that's Baron Smith.

"I think she's saying the truth. You saw her wounded in the back of your car, right?" said Drake, also one of their circle. Amadeus saw him looking at him like what he's saying is implying to him, so her brows furrowed.

"Let's just wait for the information, shall we? Can you finish that by tomorrow, Cal?" Amadeus asked. Cali just nodded while its attention is still on his computer. Amadeus decided to go out of there and he heads to his room.

While he's walking, his mind is brought back to Amore. 'Let's see if your life will be spared, woman. Because once I found out that you are really a spy sent by someone, I have no choice but to kill you,' Amadeus thought as he walk.

Before he could get to his room, Amadeus will pass by on the room where Amore is currently staying. He stop in front of the door and decided to opened to check on her, not because he cares, but because of the reason that she might have escaped.

When he opened the door, his brows furrowed when it's so dark inside. Amadeus thought for a second, but before he make a move, he gets his phone from his pocket and called on the gates of their hideout if they find something suspicious. And when they all said clear, he closes the door again and started walking to his room again.

He thought that why would he bother on checking on her well being? As long as she didn't escape, she can do what she want in the room.

When he arrived at his room, he immediately went inside his shower room and took care of himself. As the water pours on his well toned body, he suddenly remembered the day on when he found Amore on his car's back seat. She was unconscious and obviously she lost so much blood that made her life at risk. They didn't know what happened to her, but they immediately thought that she's a spy.

His memories then shifted to what happened earlier. Her pleading eyes, pleading him to kill her. Her touch that is begging him to end her life.

"Damn!" Amadeus cussed and shook his head to wash away his thoughts. He immediately finished his business in the shower room, get dressed, and lay on his bed. He tried to sleep but he can't. He looks at the wall clock and saw that it's already 3 in the morning.

"Damn it. Why can't I sleep?" he said to himself. So he got up from his bed and went out to his room. He decided to go the place in where he can calm himself down. It's just near their hideout.

He drove his car to that place; it's on a cliff. In which he can see the tall buildings that are still lighting up. He got out from his car and sat on his car's hood.

As he felt the fresh air slapping on his skin, he can't help but think of someone that's important to him. Someone whom he treasures the most.

"Alina…" Amadeus murmured a name as he looks up in the sky and a genuine smile painted on his lips in which he doesn't show to anyone. But even though he's smiling, his eyes are not. His blue eyes is like flooded with sadness.

Amadeus stayed there for hours and he then decided to go back to their place when he checked the time, it's almost 5 in the morning. When he got to their place, he goes straight to his office and checked necessary files that needed for him to work or sign.

When the time hits 6 am, he made his way to the dining room to take a breakfast. Just in time, his house keepers are just done placing their breakfast.

"Good morning, Master Donovan," the housekeepers greeted him in sync. Amadeus just nodded at them and sat on the middle chair. Just in time, his comrades all came as he sat down.

"You're early, Amadeus," said Drake on a lively voice.

Amadeus didn't give him an attention, he just put his attention to the food. There are five of them in the dining table, the other keeps on chatting with each other. While Amadeus keep his silence and continue eating. But he suddenly remembered Amore, he remembered the plate full of food on the side table, untouched. But then, Amadeus just shook that thoughts away.

'The hell I care if she starve to death?' he said on his mind.

"You okay, Amadeus?" Baron asked.

Without looking up, Amadeus answered, "Yes. Just didn't get enough sleep."

"Busy thinking of that woman, huh?" Drake jokingly said while laughing.

Amadeus brows furrowed and shot a glare at Drake who didn't saw it. Amadeus just sigh and finished his food. After he's done, he ordered one of his house keeper to bring Amore her breakfast.

After that, Amadeus goes back to his office again. His comrades followed him there.

"Cali, any progress?" Amadeus asked when got seated on his swivel chair.

"Oh right, about that. Give me a second," Cali answered and proceed to his laptop. After that, he then connected a projector to his laptop for us to get bigger view.

"Name confirmed, Amore Intima. She's 21 years old. Mother, Diana Intima. Father, Alec Intima. She's the only child and her family were both killed and there's no news of who killed her parents. After her parents are killed, she was taken care of by her uncle, Robert Alister," Cali explained as pictures of the said people are being shown on the projector.

'Her parents are both killed?' Amadeus thought as his brows furrowed.

"Alright, shall I continue?" Cali asked, looking at Amadeus for approval which then Amadeus nodded for approval.

"Amore was the heiress of her parents' group of companies. But then, there's no one who will handle the company but herself. Since she has no siblings. So, the only one who can help her is her uncle. But that's where things go wrong. Her uncle took advantage of her situation and took over the company and manage it poorly that resulted to bankruptcy until it shut down. And the interesting part is when her parents were ambushed, she was with them. The news outlet gave the verdict that the her parents died due to accident. But I know for sure that it was not given the circumstances. But I can't find some leading resources on who ambushed their car," said Cali.

Amadeus' brows even furrowed when he heard that Cali couldn't find any resources regarding to the 'accident'. Cali can find anything he asked him to find. Not unless there is someone powerful behind that 'accident'.

"Continue," Amadeus said.

"That woman suffered an amnesia because of that 'accident'. And that's when her uncle took advantage of her as she can't remember anything. All of Amore's share and wealth from her parents was transferred to her uncle's name. He tricked her to signed some documents to officially transfer all of her wealth to his name. He managed to bribe the Intima's family lawyer which then made the transfer successful," Cali explained as he flashed the information on the projector from his laptop.

He then continued on explaining, "I gather more information by looking for people that knows the family well. And I found two person that willingly gave me some of those information. And one of those two is Amore's relative. So, she asked me I know where is Amore at the moment because they have been looking for her since the accident happened. And she said that they also asked her uncle if she's in his home, but he denied if he knows her whereabouts. The fall of Intima's group of companies is also a shock for her, since the company has been stable since it was created. Oh and before I forgot, I got phone conversation tape from her uncle to some unknown man, her uncle was about to sell her to some man as a payment for his loads of debt."

Amadeus jaw clenched as he remembered what Amore have said to him. What she said are all true. But there is still inside him that doesn't fully trust her.

"So what she said are all true as what I have thought," Drake said.

"And yes, I didn't get any information that she's some part of some organization that may harm us. What I have shown now is all I got. So, any more questions? Or shall I continue?" Cali stated.

"Yes, I have some question to as—" Amadeus was interrupted by a sudden knock on the door.

Amadeus brows furrowed as to who could it be. Since he made it clear to his housekeepers and men that they should not interrupt him if he's inside his office. But since, they have been interrupted now. He gestured at Baron for him to open the door that the latter followed.

When the door opened, one of his housekeeper was outside the door. There's a distress of emotion written on its face.

"What is it?" Amadeus asked on a serious tone, that will gave the housekeeper an idea that she interrupted them and that if the reason she knocked is not that important, the sun will not shine on her again.

"S-sorry for interrupting, m-master. B-but the w-woman upstairs is—" Amadeus didn't let the housekeeper finished what she's going to say. Because what he completed the sentence on his mind. 'She must have escaped!' he thought.

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