
The Locked Room

Aideen closed her palm, offering Ahspid a somewhat sad look. The mage raised his eyebrows in frustration and questioned, 

"What's wrong, My Lady? Aren't you happy?"

The princess found herself at a loss for words.

Indeed, she was happy—how could she not be? Yet, at the same time, a myriad of emotions swirled within her, overwhelming her mind and entangling her already complicated feelings.

Throughout her life, nobody had shown interest in teaching her anything. People often perceived her disability as a hindrance, assuming that time spent on her education would be a futile endeavor. The princess had encountered this belief so frequently that she had come to believe it herself.

Today, however, in just a span of a couple of hours, she had managed to acquire the skills of reading, writing, and even casting her very first spell. Despite the modest nature of her newfound powers compared to Ahspid's, it marked significant progress for someone like her.

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