
Saved By The Cold-Hearted Billionaire

He had a heart covered with ice, but for her, he'd burn himself to ashes... and the world under her feet. *** Beckett Clainfer wanted to find his parent's murderer. With that in mind, he endured every pain for the pleasure that's about to come - Reputation, wealth, and a drug den that suffices his needs and luxuries. However, when Vivianne entered his life, everything went chaotic. He sinfully fell in love with her when he should have never been involved with her in the first place... Especially when she wanted him dead more than anyone else. He's willing to do anything to save her, and he was willing to cross the line as he joined Foedus Corporation in Agrianthropos City for her. But could he find salvation in Hell? *** Vivianne Allamino had been suffering throughout her life. Being forced to take over their illegal family business in leverage to her mother's safety scared the shit out of her. Since childhood, she was trained... and was controlled like a mere puppet. And now, she was done tolerating all this shit. She just wanted everything to end. Now, she tried to kill him. But the cold-hearted billionaire wanted to save her. Could he?

iwaswiththestars · Urban
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

Chapter 8

Suddenly, Director Valeria knelt in front of Vivianne, causing her eyes to widen.


"I'm sorry, Vivianne!" the director pleaded, his voice filled with desperation and tears. "I-I know what I did earlier was wrong. I shouldn't have humiliated you like that... I'm sorry! I won't do it again!"

Vivianne was frozen in her spot. She didn't know what to say, and she didn't know how to feel because she sensed the desperation in the person in front of her.

"As you should."

It was Beckett who interjected as he pulled Vivianne slightly away from Director Valeria, especially when the director tried to hold her hand and plead even more.

"Let's go," Beckett commanded again, but he didn't wait for her response this time.

Beckett kept his hand on Vivianne's pulse as they walked out, and they could still hear the director incessantly begging for forgiveness until they finally left the studio.

"I still have another photoshoot," Beckett said as they reached the parking lot.

"I know," Vivianne replied. "You gave me your schedule earlier."

"Can you still work?" Beckett asked, concerned, but he maintained a calm voice.

They were no longer at the Syneverse Entertainment studio for the next photoshoot. Beckett doesn't hold photoshoots there, but an exception was made for Director Valeria.

The director was known in the field of photography. He was good at his job, but he didn't like disruptions—just like what happened earlier.

However, Beckett made a mental note not to do those kinds of things again. All his upcoming shoots would be in different locations to avoid chaos.

"I don't bring my personal problems to work, so don't worry," Vivianne replied in a slightly cold tone.

"Just don't act stupid," Beckett replied before his gaze darkened.

Beckett's words were both teasing and a warning intertwined with each other. He didn't like Director Valeria's behavior earlier, but he also didn't appreciate Vivianne's unprofessionalism.

"Yes, sir," Vivianne replied politely, despite her annoyance, before she closed the door where Beckett entered, and she took the passenger seat.

The ride was long yet smooth. Vivianne used the time to rest from what happened earlier.

To be honest, Vivianne didn't care about that director anymore. She didn't care if he humiliated her and apologized afterward. Her mind was elsewhere, specifically at the Allamino Mansion.

She wondered who was the unfortunate person partnering with their company again. If she saw that person, she would give them a warning to prevent them from becoming a victim in the end.

Little did she know, Beckett had been staring at her the entire time. He remembered how he approached Director Valeria and warned him using a cold, dangerous voice that only a few people could hear.

Unfortunately, Director Valeria became one of them.

"I know she made a mistake, but you don't need to go this far, director," Beckett muttered and patted the man on the shoulder. "Cancel the shoot. If I hear unwanted and ridiculous rumors about this, I'll pull your career to the pits of hell, and you won't be able to come back anymore."

Beckett shook his head as he recalled how ridiculous his actions were earlier. It was unlike him, and he was sure that Fiona would bombard him with questions once she found out.

He never burned bridges, especially with influential people like Director Valeria. He planned to reconnect with him in the future, but not now.

Beckett was still angry because of what the director did to Vivianne. He never lost his cool, but when it comes to her...

"Here we are," the driver said, bringing Beckett back to reality. 

Vivianne, who seemed to have been lost in thought, was also startled at the sound of the driver's voice.

There, another hectic schedule began, but Vivianne was more alert this time. She turned off her phone and focused more on the clothes Beckett would be wearing.

As a dress stylist, she didn't just look at beautiful clothes. The clothes needed to emphasize the models' features.

"How nice," Vivianne couldn't help but compliment as she saw Beckett in his blue silk polo shirt and black pants.

A yellow flower was also placed in his right ear, which balanced the feminine and masculine look, portraying the yin and yang theme for the photoshoot.

"Do you like me now, little girl?" Beckett teased again, causing Vivianne to roll her eyes.

"Dream on."

Vivianne adjusted the collar of Beckett's shirt before going to the side, as the shoot was about to begin. Beckett went to the center, and in an instant, his facial expression changed.

Beckett looked like a man with a dual personality. He's playful off-camera and remained professional on-camera. Vivianne knew it was their first time working together, but she was already judging him.

Nevertheless, she thought Beckett was kind... to some extent. Every time his makeup artist asked about the few wounds on his face, he didn't tell them the real reason, but he occasionally glanced at Vivianne.

Vivianne snorted and crossed her arms as she saw how ethereal Beckett looked. His extensive experience in modeling was evident in how he posed according to the theme and highlighted his features.

She was engrossed in watching Beckett, not realizing that his gaze landed on her. Vivianne gulped and couldn't look away immediately. His blue eyes bore deep into her soul, luring her inside his heart.

It was sweet... yet dangerous.

Her heartbeat quickened, especially when Beckett's lips curved up before he averted his gaze and looked back at the photographer.

'Shit. Shit.' Vivianne was at a loss for words, unable to believe what she saw. 'Did he really smile?'

Vivianne carried that question with her as they went to other studios for the photoshoot, and before she knew it, it was already eight o'clock in the evening.

She was tired as she had only eaten a sandwich like the rest of the staff. She wondered how Beckett managed to stay healthy and fit despite the overwhelming schedule. Among all the clients she had handled, it was only with Beckett that she felt this exhausted.

And there, she couldn't take it anymore. In the middle of Beckett's last photoshoot for the day, she looked for an empty room and took a nap there.

Her first day of work was just too much, and if she didn't catch up on sleep, she would faint for sure.

A few minutes later, the director wrapped up the shoot by clapping his hands and complimenting all of the staff for a job well done. Director Natividad wasn't as popular as Director Valeria, but he seemed more humane than the former.

Beckett changed into a plain white polo shirt and black jeans. His eyes roamed around, looking for someone.

"Did you see my dress stylist?" Beckett asked his makeup artist, Laurice.

"She went out earlier, sir. And she hasn't come back yet," Laurice admitted. "Maybe she's resting because of exhaustion. Should I fetch her?"

"No need." Beckett shook his head. "Let her be."

But that was just his excuse to prevent people from finding Vivianne, so they wouldn't witness how he sat in front of her and watched her sleep.

Beckett had no idea why he was doing this. He found himself gazing at the woman he despised instead of waking her up.

She's beautiful. Her fair and rosy cheeks made her even more attractive. Vivianne almost smelled like roses... and Beckett confirmed it when he slowly approached her to examine her lips.

'I wonder if it tastes as wonderful as it looks...' Beckett thought, his gaze fixated on the woman's plump and red lips.

But he quickly snapped out of it when Vivianne suddenly stirred, as if searching for a comfortable sleeping position. Without a second thought, Beckett gently carried Vivianne in a bridal style, realizing only later what he had done.


"Sshh," Beckett silenced the employees as they saw him carrying Vivianne.

Everyone knew Beckett as a kind model and artist, but it was the first time they saw him carry an employee all by himself. Their eyes were filled with curiosity until Beckett reached his van.

He placed Vivianne on the back seat and instructed the driver to go to Syneverse Entertainment. He didn't know where Vivianne's unit was, so he decided to bring her to his penthouse within the company itself.

That's how influential Beckett was. As the top revenue contributor to Syneverse, the CEO built a penthouse exclusively for him. The theme suited his taste—diamond and silver—which were the best words to describe him.

Rich. Wealthy. Dominating.

Beckett laid Vivianne on his king-sized bed and covered her with a blanket. He did it not only for his sake but also for Vivianne's. His arousal intensified as he observed how Vivianne's breasts moved with her rising and falling chest. Beckett knew his patience was running thin.

"Shit, why did I even bring her here?" Beckett questioned himself before leaving the penthouse to calm himself down.

But he didn't expect someone to be waiting for him outside the door—his manager.

"I know her real identity, Beckett," Fiona said, her forehead furrowed. They both knew that Fiona was referring to Vivianne. "Is that why you hired her as your dress stylist?"