

"My life was ruined, I was at a crossroad and decided my life was meaningless.But you were there to hold and comfort me. You patiently waited for me to accept my feelings admist my troubles and betrayal I felt, You came throughh for me.The Breakup was a blessing, I had to meet you............ It was my fate.......... "

Simi_Sola24 · Urban
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8 Chs


Going into the auction room,alot of people had their eyes on us.Or mostly on me. I even overheard a woman say"Who the heck is she and how was she able to catch the attention of a wealthy man like Mr. Ramirez?."

"She must be a gold digger, that's what girls do nowadays" Another one replied

"I heard she's his secretary and her boyfriend just broke up with her and even called off their marriage. Apparently she had her boss fire the poor guy and took his position. Worse of all, She's now after her boss. Such a shameless girl" Another one replied. At that moment, my heart fell. It was true, I shouldn't be feeling what I'm feeling. What was I thinking?. Mr. Alexander was way out of my league and I can't believe I felt a spark when I should've been focusing on my revenge. He's showing me alot of care and even helping me and.....

"Miss Camila, are you ok?" He asked

"Oh, yes. Let's go in" I said then withdrew my hand


"Uhm, Good day everyone. I'm so grateful you all decided to honour me and attend this auction.To those who met with me and tried to negociate, thanks and I'm sorry. And to those who waited patiently for this day,thanks as well.The original plan was to put the company on auction but the plans changed... " The CEO announced

I could hear people murmuring and complaining and I knew these had to be Mr.Xander's Plan.

".... This company has been purchased, under the name of a "Miss Camila", I'm really sorry" He said and walked off the stage

Everyone turned to look at me and at that moment, I felt like I had succeeded, not only in my revenge but also proving to everyone that I'm not just someone they walkover

"What!, How is this possible?. He had said he won't negociate with anyone before the auction. Baby?.... " She said and turned to Daniel who was still in shock

I walked up to her and said"Oh, I don't know. I guess its just sooo hard to resist the offer. The company was mine to begin with!. And you know what they say Annie, you can't have it all. You already have a boyfriend, focus on him instead,. Adieus"I said then walked away

I was also in shock. I knew Mr. Xander purchased the Company but why was it under my name?.

"Mr.Xander... " I started

"It's a gift Camila. For your hardwork. You deserve it, so take it" He said and I was yet in another shock. That was actyally the first time he called me by mh name

"But sir, this is too much. I can't accept it" I said

"It's a part of your revenge. You have to own it, right?. That was the reason why he dumped you remember?" He replied

"But still... " I couldn't complete my sentence because he took two steps forward an his face was only an inch away from mine

"Just think of it as a gift of love" He said and slowly slide his hand on my waist, then he pulled me closer

"M-m-mr.Ramirez..... " I stammered

"Ssshhhhhhhh, Daniel is coming this way" He said

"Congratulations, Camila" I heard Daniel's voice and immediately, Mr. Xander let go of me

"Thanks, but no thanks Daniel. We'll take your leave now, its been an exhausting day" I said and Mr,. Xander led the way

"And uhm, Daniel..... " I called

"Yes" He replied

"I think it would be great if you consider showing me some respect, you know as thenew CEO of your company. Its for everyone's safety. I mean we don't wanna get ourselve fired right?" I said and I could see the defeat in his eyes. Thats just what I've waited so long for

"So does that mean you are taking the company?" Mr. Xander asked

"Probably" I said and he smiled

This time, the ride back home was not as quite as earlier. Mr. Xander told me alot about himself and we got to know eachother really well. I saw got to see him smile for like 20 times.I got so carries away by his handsome features that I didn't even realised I already pulled him in for a kiss. It was already too late when I figured out I already made a huge mistake...

"I'm soo sorry sir. I got carried away and let my feelings get the best of me" I said

"Miss Camila, it's ok" He replied

"No, its not. Just stop the car" I said to the driver

"Stop the car" He told the driver and he immediately stopped the car

I came out and he followed me

"Hey, where are you going?, it's late" He shouted

"I don't know. I have to clear my head" I said

He grabbed my hand and asked

"Whats wrong huh"

"What's wrong?!. You are seriously asking me what's wrong?!. You've been giving me missed signals allthrought the day. I don't even know if it's my feelings for you or you are just too good at flirting, but I can't resist you" I said

"What can't you resist" He asked with a grin

"I don't know, you. Your everything" I said looking confused

"What exactly, miss Camila" He asked

"Are you kidding me?, Have you looked in the mirror?, Hello!, Your kissable lips, your torsor, your abs and do not ask me how I know about them, your hand, your..... " I was stopped with a kiss

The kiss was so deep I could barely breath

"I won't ask" He said after the kiss

"And don't stop... " I said and pulled him in for another kiss.