

"My life was ruined, I was at a crossroad and decided my life was meaningless.But you were there to hold and comfort me. You patiently waited for me to accept my feelings admist my troubles and betrayal I felt, You came throughh for me.The Breakup was a blessing, I had to meet you............ It was my fate.......... "

Simi_Sola24 · Urban
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8 Chs


"I know you're angry right now,pissed off and I totally understand. But think about it,why will he want to breakup with you huh?. Think about it." He said trying his best to convince me

"Uhm, hello!. Didn't you hear what I said.He thought..... " I couldn't complete my sentence because he cut me short

"He thought?!. Is that really what you are going with?, What he thought. You are my secretary, anyone would understand our closeness." He said

"Just stop" I knew he was making alot of sense but I wasn't ready to believe him

"No Camila, you were wronged and I'll really appreciate it if you can trust me and just follow me. There's something I need to show you"He said

" What?"I asked looking confused

"Evidence.The Truth. Everything will become clear to you once you see it" He said and his face looked reassuring.

I went back to the car and the rest of the drive was awfully quite. He didn't speak neither did I make any sound. All that was on my mind was the possibility that Daniel lied about his reasons for breaking up with me. Could he have cheated?. I knew that could be the reason but I still chose to deny that feeling, I mean whats the worse that could possibly happen?.

Mr. Xander drove into a restaurant and I immediately recognised it. It was one of the many branches of restaurants owned by our company, Daniel and I had our first anniversary dinner here but why are we here of all places?.

"Whats this about" I asked him

"Just follow me" He replied and he was back to his stone cold usual self

We entered the restaurant and he was greeted with great respect. We went straight to the upper room which I suspected was the Tech. And Control room. He greeted the guy in charge and they talked for a while then he pulled out a chair for me so I sat down. I was still confused but didn't ask any questions.

"Can you show her the footage I told you to keep?" He told the man and he said yes

"Camila... " He began

"What you are about to see now is the only truth and I hope you'll stay strong after this" He said and all I did was nod my head.

The video started playing and there they were, Daniel and Amanda. They seemed really close, too close and they were.... Kissing!.

My world turned blank immediately and tears flowed down my cheeks.

How on earth is this possible?.

Amanda was my best friend, so far the only friend I have and........

I started crying and I felt Mr. Xander's hands on my shoulder.

What's this all about now?, Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse.....

Whats your opinion about Mr. Xander?

Do you think he has good intentions.

Please your opinions are highly needed, Thanks.

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