

"My life was ruined, I was at a crossroad and decided my life was meaningless.But you were there to hold and comfort me. You patiently waited for me to accept my feelings admist my troubles and betrayal I felt, You came throughh for me.The Breakup was a blessing, I had to meet you............ It was my fate.......... "

Simi_Sola24 · Urban
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8 Chs

WITH HIM.........

I woke up this morning feeling strong and ready to fight. I can't believe it's been 3days since Daniel broke up with me. Mr. Wayne has been a great help and even if I can't understand his intentions, I knew he cared. He left for a business trip 2days ago and his plane was said to arrive by 9 AM. I took my time to dressup, used perfume and applied lip gloss. I was about to leave the hiuse when I got a call from The Managing Director

"Hello" I said

"Miss Camila, I called to inform you that Mr. Wayne has requested your presence....." He said

"Oh ok" Buh its our day off"I said

"....In his house" He said then hung up

"His house?!" I asked myself

I knew it had to he an important issue, Mr. Wayne never invite people over unlessits really important.


I got to his house earlier than I had expected. I inhaled thrn knocked on his door and a maid opened it instantly

"Good Afternoon ma" She greeted

"Yes please" I replied

"Mr.Wayne is in his room" She said and then left

"Ok, thanks" I said with a smile

I've bern here a couple of times so I knew my way around the house. I got to his room and knocked but I got no response. I pushed open the door and went inside

"Mr. Wayne!!!"I called

"Oh, you are here"He said

" Good afternoon sir. How was your trip"I asked with a polite smile

"It was ok" He replied

"You requested for me"I said

" Yes. Here, have it"He said and handed me a shopping bag

"Whats this sir?" I asked

"I was able to meet with the owner of the advertising company and he decided to sell it to me, so we'll be attending the auction" He explained

"Oh my goodness. That's great news sir, congratulations" I said with an hearty smile

"Yeah thanks. I came across this dress and thought you might need something for the auction" He said

"Oh sir, You didn't have to" I said

"Just accept it" He replied

"Thanks alot sir" I said with an awkward smile

"So what do we do from here?, I mean buying the company so what?..... " I asked

"Well, we'll have to wait and see" He said and I replied with a nod

I spent the rest of the day at the mall.I never really had the chance to be myself when I was with Daniel. I was always busy with work and trying to be the perfect girlfriend, but all thats' changed now. I admit I was a bit shattered when we broke up but I think our breakup was the lord's doing. Thanks Great one. I bought everything I thought I might need, maybe a little over the tip but that's great, It'sbetter to be save than sorry.Before I went to bed, I got a message from the company saying I had to escort Mr. Wayne to the Auction.

"Whoooooo,I can do this" I said to my reflection. I've been staring at the mirror for about 5minutes now thinking about what's to come the following day.


I woke up as early as possible 'cause I knew I had to prepare for the auction. I took my bath and applied my lotion then I remembered I didn't even try on Mr. Wayne's gift but I knew it was a red coloured gown so I bought a matching colour of shoes.I brought out the dress and I was taken aback. It took me an entire hour to put it on because I was trying to decide whether or not to wear it but then concluded to just throw cautions in the air, Afterall, Mr. Wayne chose it for the auction.

I arrived at his place and I knew I was but still pushed open the door

"You're late, Was it the traffick" Mr. Wayne asked

"Uhm, Yeah" I said looking away

I could feel his gaze on my body and it felt like hot iron and worse, the room was oddly quiet and I could hear my heart race

"I-I couldn't, I didn't want to, I had to wear it bacause you gave me as I gift. I knew I don't look good in but... " I stammered

"You look s**y" He said then took a step forward

I moved back and I already had my back to the wall. It was soo hot in the room but he still decided to lean closer and I could feel his breath on my face. I closed my eyes not sure what I was expecting but then he said

"Hhhhmn.You are wearing makeup?!"

I opened my eyes immediately then said

"Yes, I wanted to do something different. For Goodluck" I smiled

"Hmmmmn" He said then headed for the door

I inhaled and my mind wandered off.

" What was I thinking?, Why did I close my eyes?, I must be crazy!"I thought then headed out

The ride to the auction venue was annoyingly quiet and sooo frustrating.We got there and to my surprise, Mr. Wayne went over to open the door for me, took my hands and told me to be careful. I smiled back then we walked into the hall.

While going in, I caught a glimpse of Daniel and Amanda, hloding hands and my heart broke. I couldn't get over the betrayal.Amanda turned back and smiled at me, I smiled back and we walked towards them.

"Oh!, Camila. I never thought i'll see you here but then what do we know. You came with your boyfriend" Daniel said

"Oh look, its the weed and the pest!.Tell me Ammie, How does it feel to walk with someone of your standards" I asked with a grin

"You have no idea who you are talking to. Well, I hate to dissappoint you but this company's mine, I mean ours" Daniel responded.

"Danny, I see you haven't changed. Well Amanda, I hope you come to your senses and realise he's just using you. But then, it will be really great to see you crumble. Well then,we have to go. We have an auction to win" I said then followed Mr. Wayne inside.

"That was great" He said then patted my head

I smiled back with a wink.

I was determined to win, to fight and conquer. I knew I could do anything, As long as I stick to Mr. Wayne.....