

"My life was ruined, I was at a crossroad and decided my life was meaningless.But you were there to hold and comfort me. You patiently waited for me to accept my feelings admist my troubles and betrayal I felt, You came throughh for me.The Breakup was a blessing, I had to meet you............ It was my fate.......... "

Simi_Sola24 · Urban
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8 Chs

My Ex's Ex Boss..........

It has already been a week since I broke up with Daniel and within that short period of time, alot has happened. I broke up, cried, felt lonely and destroyed, was offered help, found out my bestie was a pest and my ex was a weed, got my revenge, became a CEO and most importantly, I fell in love.

With my Boss. It still feels like show and I can't believe it all happened to me buh I guess that's life for you.

"Look, Cam I'm soooo sorry I got carried away by Amanda. You were right I'm a pest and she's a weed. We already got rid of the weed but we can transform the pest can't we?" Daniel pleaded

"Daniel, I think you are getting this all wrong. She is the pest and you are the weed. I already got rid of the pest and I think it's time to get rid of the weed. You are fired!. And remember, there was never a " WE" all you had was "YOU" and your selfish desires so pack your things and leave Mr. Gonzales".

I finally felt free and I knew my revenge won't end there. I had Alex, he would make sure Daniel does not get a new job anytime soon.

And for Amanda, she relocated to the states after apologising but I can never forgive her. She's betrayed me once and I can't act like a fool and just accept her apolgy, its gonna rake more than that.

And Yes, I started dating Mr. Alexander Ramirez and I knowwe have a promising future, I can just feel it.


"Aaaaaaaaah" I screamed as Xander open the door to the closet

I just finished having my bath and was totally naked.

"Jeeeeeez, what the heck are you doing?. Close the door" I shouted at Alex who seems to be lost as he eyes me from head to toe

"I'm sorry, I thought you were done" He said

"No!, now shut the door" I shouted and he closed the door

I came his place after work to take a shower 'cause I had dinner plans with my parent and now, he had to open the door.

I have never gone naked before him and he has never asked for more than a kiss, to me, he was perfect.

"Hey" I called

"You are done" He asked

"Yup, and ready to go" I said with a spin

"How do Iook?"

"Great" He replied with a wink

"Alright then, see you later" I said and gave him a peck

I was about to open the door when he slide his hands on my waist

"Alex?.... " I called

"Don't go. Spend the night" He said

I turned to face him

"What?!, I've never done that before" I said

"Or don't" He said with an understanding smile and I smiled back

I opened the door and left



" Who's there?"He responded and turned off the lock

"You came back?!" He asked looking surprised

"I never left. Didn't you say to sleepover?, I had to inform my parents and cancel our plans" I said

He looked at me for a while before pulling me in for a kiss

I was so surprised but still kissed him back with equal energy.The kissed intensified and he put his hands on my waist to draw me closer. My hands were on his shoulder but I had to feel comfortable so I gentle moved them to his neck then his hair. He slowly placed his hands on my trouser zipper and opened them. He pushed me to the table and cleared everything on it with his hands then placed me on the table. He took off his shirt and mine but I stopped him immediately

"What?!, Are you scared" He asked while breathing heavily

"Can-can we go inside" I replied trying to catch my breath

"You could've just said so" He replied and his lips were on my neck the next moment

He trailed kisses down my neck and collarbone then carried me while I was cradling him and then we were in his room, on the Giant King sized bed, where I first woke up when I thought my life was over but now it feels like life was in my favour. I smiled as he turned off the table lamp, I was dumped by my Boyfriend but this Ex's Ex Boss decided to save me.....

"Finally, its a wrap for Saved By My Ex's Ex Boss. Thanls alot for the support. You've been supportive and It's been nice to have wonderful readers. Always remember, your opinioms are comments are what makes me a better writer. Thank"

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