
Chapter 5

As they left the bedroom, Wulfric offered Lyra his arm, "Use it for support. I know your feet must still be hurting."

"Thank you." Lyra hesitantly took his arm, though she was grateful.

Wulfric gently started guiding Lyra down the hall. As Wulfric led her through the manor, Lyra tried to take in as much as she could. It was quite a beautiful place, though there did not seem to be many people about.

"The room you are staying in is part of the Guest Floor. There are six rooms of the same size, though they all have a different color scheme. Yours is the Green Room. The floor above us is my private quarters, and above that is the Servants' Quarters."

As he finished speaking, they entered the main hall of the manor. It was exquisite. Behind them was a grand staircase that led up to the third floor. In front of them was a grand staircase that split and led down to the main entry way. The floors were a grey marble, and the walls were a mahogany paneling. The front wall was an expanse of windows that allowed the viewer to see the land in front of the manor.

Lyra stopped walking. The manor was situated on a hill, and at the bottom of the hill was a town. The town was surrounded by farmland, and in the distance were more hills.

"It is beautiful is it not?" inquired Wulfric.

"Yes, it is. What is that town called?"

"Ingam. It is the most populous in the Berington Duchy, and it is where most of our trade takes place. Would you like to visit it some day?"

"I would very much like that."

Wulfric nodded. "Let us continue on to the gardens."

Together they slowly made their way down the grand staircase. At the bottom, Wulfric led them away from the main entry way. Down a long hallway, with numerous doors, that ended at a set of double doors with a guard standing on either side of the door. As Lyra and Wulfric approached, the two guards reached for the door handles and simultaneously opened the doors. The doors opened on to a massive sunroom, with stunning views of the gardens. As they passed through, the two guards, on either side of the door in the sunroom, closed the doors behind them. The back wall and the ceiling were made of a white wood paneling. The three other walls were completely comprised of windows framed in white, and the floor was a checkerboard of grey and white marble.

"This sunroom extends the entire length of the back of the manor. The way we came in is the main entrance but there are a few others. Though the only way to the gardens is through the door in front of us."

In front of them was another set of double doors with glass paneling with the same white framing as the windows, and a guard stood on either side. Beyond the door, Lyra could see the gardens. Beautiful trees and blooming flowers as far as the eye can see.


Wulfric watched the awe on her face as they passed through the second set of double doors into the garden itself. He gently escorted her along the garden path, pointing out the many varieties of plants, flowers, and trees that grew there.

He could tell that she felt more relaxed being outside. 'Markus is probably right; she must be Half Elfish.'

They had been walking for about ten minutes when they came upon a wooden bridge. On the other side of the bridge was a beautiful, black, wrought iron gazebo, with dark vines and ivy growing on it.

"We should stop at the gazebo and rest."

Lyra nodded.

'She looks tired. This might have been too much for her.'

As they were crossing the bridge, Lyra stopped and looked out at the gardens that continued to extend into the distance.

"This place is massive. How long would it take to get to the other side?" Lyra queried.

"About two more hours walking. Why do you ask? Are you wanting to leave?"

Lyra looked at him and shook her head, though she looked uncertain.

"What is wrong?"

Lyra hesitated for a moment before saying, "Even if I wanted to leave, where would I go? I have nowhere and no one."

Lyra suddenly started walking towards the gazebo again, with Wulfric coming along with her.

'I said the wrong thing. I only meant it jokingly.'

When they reached the gazebo, Lyra quickly took a seat on one of the benches. Wulfric stayed standing.

"What we talked about earlier, bringing in tutors and teachers, have you been able to think on it? I know you are interested in gardening. Is there anything else?"

"Well, I would like to learn more about reading, writing, and some arithmetic. My caretakers taught me a little, but I want to learn more. Oh, and I guess I want to learn more about where I am living."

Wulfric nodded. 'She already has a bit of an education. Interesting.'

"That would be reading, writing, arithmetic, geography, and history. I will also add some etiquette training since you are my ward."

Lyra nodded.

"Is there anything else you can think of?"

Lyra shook her head.

"Hmm… how about I throw in some lessons for you to try. If you are not interested after two or three lessons, we can try something else. Just so we can say you tried, and maybe you will find something else that you enjoy. What do you think of that?"

Lyra looked at him and smiled.

"Thank you." Lyra whispered.

They remained there in silence for a short while.

"It really is beautiful here," Lyra said.

"Yes, it is."

They sat there in silence for some time. Wulfric watching Lyra from the corner of his eyes. Watching her take in the sights, sounds, and smells.

'She seems at peace. Maybe this really was a good idea, but we should head back. I do not know if she should be outside for very long. This might be taking a lot out of her.'


"Hmm?" Lyra said dreamily.

"I am glad you are enjoying this, but we should head back now. We can come back out tomorrow if you would like?"

"I would like that very much."

Wulfric went to her side and helped her up. Without hesitation, Lyra took Wulfric's arm. They headed back to the manor at a slower pace than before. They had not gotten far past the bridge when Wulfric felt Lyra stumble. Without even thinking, Wulfric took Lyra into his arms.

"Wh-What are you d-doing?"

"I think it is best if I carry you the rest of the way. Your feet probably hurt, plus you must be exhausted."

"I-I… Okay."

Wulfric could feel how stiff she was against him, so he started walking quickly. Wanting to get her back as fast as he safely could.

'What am I doing? I have never had the urge to just lift someone up and carry them. What is she doing to me?'

It was not long before he felt Lyra relax in his arms.


As Wulfric carried Lyra back to her room, all she could think about was how comfortable she felt in his arms.

'Do I really trust him this much? I just met him. Yet, I feel safe with him. He would not tell me what that connection was, but I am sure I will find out in time. I should not mention it again for a little while. Let him think that I forgot.'

When they reached her bedroom door, Wulfric gently lowered her to the ground. Together they walked into the bedroom, where they found Markus and Ellen talking.

"Ah, Lyra. Did you enjoy your walk?" asked Markus.

Lyra felt her face turn red as she said, "I did. The gardens here are lovely. Plus, I enjoyed the fresh air."

"Wonderful. I think it would be good for you to take a walk in the gardens once a day. A little bit of fresh air as you grow stronger will do wonders."

Lyra turned to Wulfric and asked, "Will you join me for another walk tomorrow, Wulfric?"

"Of course, I will do my best to find a half hour of time away from my work to that." He said with a smile. "However, Lyra, I do have to leave you now. I must return to my work. I will check in on you tonight."

Lyra felt her heart skip a beat.

"I understand."

Wulfric nodded to her and left the room.

Lyra stood there confused. 'What was that?'

"Lyra are you okay?" asked Markus with a concerned look on his face.

"I am fine."

"You should sit down. I want you to relax the rest of the day. Sleep if you can. Ellen is going to stay here with you just in case you need anything. I will be back in a few hours to redress your bandages and reapply your ointment. Sleep well, Lyra."

Markus bowed to her and left the room. Ellen helped Lyra back into bed. It was not long before Lyra fell into a deep sleep with her final thought of: 'There is something especially important about that connection, but what is it?'