
Saved By Control

Cain Fargo, a CEO who is also the son of a very well known mafia, takes in a fragile and weak Yui off the auction, not because he has intentions of him having Yui as a slave, but to protect him from his enemies? Cain seems to know every bit of detail about Yui's past, while Yui has no clue. Will Yui unmask his unknown past after living with Cain?

eonbom · Realistic
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3 Chs

Cain Fargo

I tried my hardest to crawl my way down the hallway at the backstage, I did what I can to keep up with the pace with the man holding my leash. I was not able to walk on my own because of the shackles on my ankles, even my legs are swollen and full of bruises. So here I am, having this man walking me down the hallway like a dog.

The man was dead silent, as if he has nothing to explain to me. "Can you tell me what's going on? Where am I?" I asked him, "There's no reason for me to answer questions from stocks." He said, without even looking at me. There's no way for me to know what is going on then through him, I could not even stand up because of my sore body, the security in the area also seems very tight seeing so many bouncers wandering about. There was no other choice for me but to follow him.

At the other end of the hallway, the man from before stood leaning against the wall with a cigarette on his lips.

"Mr. Fargo, congratulations on your first purchase." The man with me said to him, "We're very sorry for we can't provide a human cage suitable for him, you're the first one to voice out such request."

"No worries." He said, puffing smoke through his nostrils. He was holding a black suitcase with a familiar crest carved in the center. "The payment rests here, no more no less. Let my men handle him from now on, you may leave now." The man said, giving the suitcase he was holding to the other.

"Understood, I will be taking my leave." The man with me says as he bows down infront of him. Not even looking at me back he leaves the area with the given suitcase. I was now left with the man from before.

I was in awe at the sight of him, he stood tall and dressed very decently. He looked clean and smelled really good. If I could describe it in my own words, his atmosphere really feels expensive. His black suit was not buttoned up all the way, slightly revealing his chest which really complimented with his dark skin tone. His hair was dyed white as snow which made him looked uniquely gorgeous. His dark eyes with a reddish tint on the iris pierces looks.

"Why did you even buy me?" My first words to him, my question made him raise a brow. "I'll have my men bring you in the car, your body doesn't seem okay to me so you're useless for now." He said looking at me in slight disgust, as if I'm simply a pest to him. Two large men in suits appeared from the huge doors at the right side of the hallway, one man carefully lifting me up by his back, and the other wearing an earpiece and holding a tablet.

"Is the data complete?" He asked the man, "Yes, master. Exactly how you asked." The other replied. The man then looked at me as I was being carried on his assistant's back still in shackles, "I'm Cain, I'll answer all your questions back at the mansion."

As my head rests on his assistant's shoulder, Cain gently placed his hands on my head "For now, enjoy the ride back to my home. I still have things to take care of here, I'll have my people tend to you while I am not home. So please wait for me." I felt my heart skipped a beat as he whispered those words to my ear, then looking at me with a gentle smile on his face. His smile was indeed the most beautiful sight I've seen, but he's the last person I would expect to give out such a smile.

He's flawlessly beautiful, but I still can't forget how he requested for me in a cage and a gag just moments ago.