
Saved at the Altar

A marriage of convenience has never been this messy before. Lina was just about to go all in with him, only to end up married to his friend. It was supposed to be just three months, then it turned to a year. Soon she wanted it to be like this forever. Can their love fight the societal problems of being part of the 1%? Not only was she saved at the alter, but his love also saved her.

Hartlow · Urban
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5 Chs


Unfortunately, the ladies' room was on the other side of the hall. Which had me doing a mini catwalk as if I was walking up to Triple Impact. To the rest of the ladies in the room that desperately wanted attention, it seemed as if I was approaching them. This had a bunch of ladies coming in behind me. I was just about to head to the right towards the bathroom when one lady shoved me off the way that I nearly knocked over one decorative ornament.

I gathered myself, looking at the people now huddled around Triple Impact. Not sparing that mess my extra seconds, I continued on my path to the ladies' room.

I walk back up to our table to a widely grinning Ming.

"Oh my gosh! You are finally learning. I thought all my teachings were going to waste."

Confused about what she is talking about, I shrug my shoulders.

"Even if it was just five seconds. You did that! everyone's eyes were on you. I mean the hair, the dress, the leg, The walk. You looked like a model. I nearly choked on my drink, and Chuan nearly fainted. The way he gripped my hand."

The "everyone's eyes..." portion of her speech had me on edge.

" So you are telling me like everyone! Everyone?"

" Yeah! Too bad those attention grabbers beat you to it. Tell me, what would you do when you reached those three handsome hunks?"

Now everything made sense no wonder I was shoved out of the way. They probably thought I was a crazy fan of theirs. I did like Gao Han. But that info is between Ming and me.

"Honestly, when I did that . the only thing that was going through my mind was my pressing need to pea. Nothing else."

Ming gives me an "I don't believe you" face sipping on her finished drink. The sound from her dead drink made things a bit comical.

"Intentional or not, it was still badass. If no one knew Lina Ling, they now do cause everyone is curious. Who is the girl that dared to take the attention away from Triple Impact."

Her statement had my throat so dry that I abandoned the straw and guzzled my drink up, forgetting all the etiquette to be ladylike. So much for my "Out of sight, out of mind."

Ming senses my now shifted mood and tries her best to console me by offering to get us more drinks. Now that impact three was around, waiters were concentrated on the side of the building they were at. To hell with the other guests. People have also maneuverered to their side, even Chuan.

Now alone at our table, I suddenly take time to take in the room. People gave me side eyes, some even daring to point my way. Ming was right; if no one knew who I was before, they now know.

Should have opted to go get the drinks with Ming. Standing awkwardly for a few seconds, I decide to go find Ming.

Going through and around some people that refused to give way. I bump into a hard chest; this motion has the drink in his hand spilling on his shoe. I look up to find myself face to face with Xu Kai.

"I'm sorry, please excuse me."

I attempted to make my way around him. To have him block me as I moved to the left and right. Taking a deep breath, I meet his gaze.

" You owe me double now."

Remember when I said I called him "Library freak" I technically broke his expensive watch and have denied that since. It wasn't intentional, but I can't replace it if I try, even with my current wage.

"If things are sentimental to you, don't leave them around, then they get broken, and good Samaritans like me that step in to help get blamed."

He chuckles a bit

" Even after all these years, you still refuse to take ownership of your actions."

"Even after all these years, you still find a way to terrorize helpful Samaritans ."

I cross my hands, making it known I won't be intimidated. We hold each other's gaze for seconds. He sized me up while I reciprocated his action.

" I think I have been too kind to you should have just reported it to the police."

My "I won't be intimidated" face nearly falls, but I still hold it together. This is what I meant when I said I stayed clear of these people's way. That one mistake is bringing a lawsuit my way now. Thoughts of begging crossed my mind, but I reminded myself to have a bit of pride, and begging basically meant I admitted it. Weighed my options until this one female lady approached us.

"Kai, is she bothering you? I can have her escorted out. I don't think she even went to Northridge; maybe she is a plus one."

Kai barely spares her, his glance still fixated on this staring match we were engaging in. This act has the female angered that she tosses her drink in my face, which also stains my dress.


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