
Save Yourself

Jennie is a young woman who grew up with dreams suggestive of the future. Until one day she gets a strange dream to save herself and make things right. Its a crazy ride into the unknown. Will she make it?

MelonTea369 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter -3

Chapter -3

I blacked out.

Fire. I could smell the smoke and cries of people as they fled for their lives.

I want to run but I can't. I have a duty towards my people. I need to protect them .

Hold up. Why am i thinking that?

I look at my reflection in the murky black moonlit pond and..... Holy moly! I look like I walked out of a Disney movie.

My hair golden and silky with a tiara that's encrusted with diamonds and a glowing unearthly green gem.

Its similar to the aurora green colour in the sky. I can feel its power radiating to my bones.

"My Queen!" someone whispered.

A young man, his eyes downcast. I have no clue how this works.

But before I know it I speak in this loud commanding voice " Speak."

He looks up tears in his eyes, " They are here. Please don't go. I will fight him. We cant afford to lose our Queen. I... I can't lose you."

I can feel tears rolling down my cheeks as I speak. " Prince of Dahli, I command you as your Queen to close the gates and leave. Take the people of Seyonara across to Dahli till its safe. I trust you. Now leave."

I have no idea who this is. But this lady with my face is...


I am having those dreams again but this time not as a spectator. I am her.

Booom . Boom.

Everything blasts around me . I scream.

"Jennie wake up. Jennie."

"Jennie its a dream"

I crack my eyes open to find some dude holding my face and looking deep in my eyes.

No , scratch that. Its that Prince of Dandelion or whatever from my sight.

What a creep. I am so shocked that I scream like a banshee and whoop his face with a pillow screaming all the while.

Laughing. He is laughing. This dude is whack. What the hell did Natasha see in an idiot like him. I knew she loved him. I could feel it then.

Seeing the same man is unnerving .

" Get the hell out of my face and leave my room. Prince of Dandelion or whatever."

Yup that wiped the smile on his face.

"How do you know me?" he looks like he could take his sword and cut my throat.

Pfft I am going back to sleep.

What a waste of time and energy.

Zina walks in and chides him " Mason calm down. She has the sight."

"Hey Jen! Got you some tea and chocolate pie and sandwiches."

I am up from my bed in a flash and freshening up as I am hungry. God I miss pizza .

Mason is looking at me weirdly.

"What? Dandelion Prince."

"Who is Peet-zaa?"

"How did you? Did you just read my mind without my consent? How long have you been reading it?"

He looks a bit guilty "I didn't mean to my Quee..I mean Nata..i mea..."

"I. AM. JENNIE. I don't care if i have a face like your ex. There is something called privacy."

" I am sorry Jennie. I didn't mean to "and he walks away all face solemn.

I turn to Zina and ask her "Can he read your mind too?"

"No. He could only read Natasha. And now you. Take it easy on him."

" I am still not okay with it."

I am done with my food and I get dressed. I suddenly remember about the dream and tell her about it.

" So you were Natasha in the dream and not you."

" But i still identified myself as Jennie"

" I dont understand Jennie. I will look into it. Maybe we can ask other people with gifted sight here"

"Yeah lets do that Zina. What about those creatures tracking us?"

"They can't come into the palace. Its enchanted"

I walk around with Zina after as she shows me around the palace.

Its beautiful. It is made of crystal and is self lit by the Sun rays in the morning and self lit by the rays of the moon light at night.

They have a hall with huge paintings of the predecessors who ruled. They all look regal and stunning.

Natasha's painting has handprints with red.

So many, I can't even keep count.

I ask Zina "Why the handprints?"

Zina has tears in her eyes " Those are hand prints from the blood of the people she saved. In honour of her sacrifice as she took on the big Selaha, the beast and his creatures that hunt by sight, the Sykes"

The whole palace shakes as if the beast heard her.

There is a huge muffled scream like that of a thousand dragons. I look at her in horror.

"You guessed right. Natasha trapped him below the castle in dungeons so deep, if you and I go there our skin would melt from the heat."

She is one hell of a strong woman. Powerful Queen.

But Zina is not wearing the crown that she wore .

Zina catches my collar and pulls out my necklace.

"How do you have this stone?" She pulls out the necklace as it starts glowing like the Aurora stone in my sight.

My grandmother gave it to me but I am too shocked to say it to her.

I grab my necklace from her and run to my room.

I fall on my bed and some box is poking me.

There is box of pizza on my bed with a note.

" Sorry about today. I hope this will make it up for it."

Does that make Mason my Grandfather?