
Save Planet MagiJuri!

Rika, who is passionate about magic and an energetic character in this story, will she be able to complete the given task along side her companions? Who will she have to confront, someone she knows or some extraterrestrial from another world? Where will her fate bring her to? Learn about few life lessons while you're at it! Read to find out more!

Riakax · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Teachers' identity ( Day 4)

"Hey! Why is that teacher staring here?" a student called Flame asked.

"Who is he looking at?" whispered Serena.

"I dunno" replied Flame.

"Back of weirdo!" whispered James.

The strange teacher couldn't hear us since he was outside the classroom.

"Rika I feel like he's staring at you!" said Fatima where Johana and Serena concorded.

When I decided to see who was looking at me, I gasped and said "Is the teacher from yesterday!"

I started to freak out, so did Fatima, Johana, Serena and James. Whispering, we tried to find out what in the world he is doing outside the classroom.

Flame, Drake, Dawn, Levi, Louie and Starlight started to join our conversation where they got incinerated by the mysterious aura coming from the teacher outside the classroom. They even started to talk about how long he has been standing and walking around the same part over and over again. I kind of agree with them but I also felt sad for him, so I said "man, leave it, stop bad mouthing him, is just a waste of time". After that they stopped, even though I bet whole class already noticed that the freaky teacher kept at staring at me. That's when Luke started to say something. "Okay, wtf does he want from you? Do you known him?" asked Luke while looking straight at me.

My eyes widened and my mouth was shut. I couldn't say anything apart from looking at him in a confused and a shocked face. James gave me the death look with his eyes stating to open my mouth and say something. I could feel myself being a fool when I looked at James and so to avoid that I started laughing at James.

"Ehh...no, I dunno him" I replied to Luke while laughing at James.

"Miss! Why is that fucking weird teacher staring at Rika!?If he has something to say then tell that bitch to come in and talk to her cause I bet she feels uncomfortable!" said Luke.

"Language! And yes I noticed, I'll do something about it" said Ms.Lalula.

Me and half of the class looked at Luke like some sort of suspicious little kids. This was probably because me and my friends knew that Luke doesn't talk to me. More like we never exchanged any words. Not even the slightest. But the most shocking thing today was how he 'cared' about me out of a sudden. Swearing? He was actually swearing at the teacher cause of me? The 'Dragon Riders' whispered to me and gave me the 'ship' look. Of course they made sure that Luke wasn't looking.

Anyway, when Ms. Lalula went outside and talked to that teacher, everyone started to talk and gossip. It happened too fast and I literally mean it. But that's how our class is. While they were gossiping, I looked at that man and saw his face where for some reason I felt something different. It was a feeling which I have never felt before but the weirdest thing was that it was coming from the teacher. I could feel shivers and my face changing. James asked "Are you ok?" out of concern. I couldn't answer him. All I could do was stare blankly at the ground, touching my arms.

"This...this is weird" I said to myself out loud.

"Why does he feel familiar. No rather, it feels like we're close?" I said out of confusion by looking at my friends and back to him.

Everyone who was near me heard it and also saw my actions and expressions which made them wonder if I'm really ok.

Our teacher was coming in and one of the students screamed "GUYS THE LULABEL TEACH IS COMING" out of sarcasm.

Everyone went completely quite after laughing at the sarcasm since the teacher came in.

"Rika you may step outside. Apparently he was trying to talk to you yesterday as well but you kept on running away" said the teacher.

"Me? I did? He must have hallucinate than. But ok..." I said trying to make it sound like I've never seen him.

I went outside and then I saw the strange teacher smiling at me. Suddenly everything became gray.

"Wtf what is happening"

"Finally, I get to talk to you, young chosen one!" said the freaky teacher.

"First let us introduce ourselves. My name is Caleb and I'm 34."

"Oh, ok. Yo, wassup, my name is Rika and I'm 14 soon to be 15,five days later is going to be my birthday. Why are you after me?" I introduced myself in a calm tone.

"Yes, I know 5 days later is you birthday which is on Friday the 27th."

"Glad you know but you still didn't answer my question" I commended and said in an impatient tone.

"Tomorrow you'll meet the owner of the dress. Have you tried the dress again after you bought it?" asked Caleb.

"Once, only to show it to my parents." I answered.

"I see" said Caleb.

"Why are you here though?" I asked

He opened his bag and took something out. It was a beautiful bracelet which had pink, white and golden colour on it. The top and bottom had an infinity symbol with hearts around it. There was something else in that bracelet which I didn't quite catch that. However, it was in a beautiful container. Caleb handed the whole container to me where the bracelet was placed inside. I couldn't open it since I didn't have the keys for it.

"Don't show it to anyone other then Fatima, Johana, Serena and James" warned Caleb.

"It has a secrets behind it, plus dont open it until tomorrow cause you gonna meet the person who delivered the dress".

"Tomorrow is half day so what time am I going to meet her?" I asked in an ecstatic tone.

"Right after school where I told you to meet me yesterday, even though you didn't show up"

"Sorry for not coming, I was just-" before I could say anything else he interrupted me and said; "Is fine, I understand"

In an instant, the gray thing vanished, and I exactly knew what it was.

"Is to stop time, right!?" I asked with enthusiasm and surprised tone.

"Yes it is dear...Anyway lets meet again next time" said Caleb.

"Sure bye, see you soon" smiling.

In the inside world, I didn't even talk to him for 1 minute. At the first place, we were in the outside world. Therefore, the time lap is different just as imagined. No matter how long time passes, when it is stopped, time literally stops. The seconds, minutes and hours won't budge nor move. That's world of gray. Fascinating, right?

When I came back everyone started asking me questions ,but I told them " I ain't answering" with my eyes widened and rolled around. I told the dragon riders to wait until lesson finishes before I tell them what happened outside. But than I realized;

"SHIT THAT'S MAGIC!" I screamed out of nowhere where everyone in the classroom started looking at me in a confused expression.

I apologized and said that I was daydreaming but the dragon riders and few others caught on my words and seemed full of questions.