
Save Planet MagiJuri!

Rika, who is passionate about magic and an energetic character in this story, will she be able to complete the given task along side her companions? Who will she have to confront, someone she knows or some extraterrestrial from another world? Where will her fate bring her to? Learn about few life lessons while you're at it! Read to find out more!

Riakax · Fantasy
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18 Chs

A musical rock's basement?

As a day past,we haven't found any trace of Jerry or Rohi.They are Baia's brothers.

The day went so weird,since Baia was in search of his brothers while we were ones to try and release them from the spell.Is weird to even explain..we dont have the right word for this situation.However we didnt mind.He was a great help for us.We didnt have to walk cause he carried us when we were tired.

I mean we could have flied but we cant rely on our powers yet,only when we are truly strong enough.

At first,Serena found uncomfortable around him.But when she was about to fall down from the cliff,Baia saved her.This made her less scared of Baia. Furthermore,when she was tired (like us) Baia carried her untill she re-stengthened herself.

He even made us laugh so hard!His the funniest person we ever meet so far!

Anyway,we were near a huge rock with a weird shape.I mean all rocks do but this one is just so unique...i guess.

"A music shape...weird!" said Serena.

Thats when Baia started to tell us about his brother Rohi.Apparently,he had a connection with musical life.

Rohi was the "sweet" type of guy out of the 3 brothers.They all were,but Rohi was the one who protected animals and rivers.

For Rohi,music is like the key that guides a human to relaxation.No greed,no jealousy and no envy.Is a sign of freedom and free will.

"One of Rohi's hobby is also to go to the rivers" said Baia.

"This guy seems so girly" laughed Johana.

"Shut up" hissed Fatima.

"Well..he is a bit" said Baia.

The way that Baia talked about his brother Rohi,looked like he cared a lot for him.

"What disaster might he cause,i wonder!?" i asked myself aloud like a princess in olden days.

"Well..since i destroyed the trees he might cause the river to pollute since he loved going to rivers" said Baia.

As we looked around the rock,James found something...It was like a lock.

We searched for a key that could fit the rock.

It was kind of difficult with all this trees and rocks around.When I went near the green river i saw plastics,cardboards and more other things that polluted the environment.

"This is a mess!How could he pollute such a wonderful river!" i said.

When i kicked something i saw a black key.

It was a bit bigger then the ones Earth has.


They all re-united in the huge rock.

We put the key in the lock.The rock didn't do anything.So we thought that the key wasnt the right one.But then when we were about to take the key out and step a little further to see the rock,a hole opened from beneath our feet.

"AAAAH!!" we all screamed.

We kept sliding down like some bastards screaming.

When we finally stopped sliding down we saw a cave or was it a basement?

We wondered around to see if there is anything that can make us get out of here.

"I think is time to use our powers or we'll be stuck here forever!" said Fatima.

"N-" before i said anything.

"Yes" said Serena,Fatima and James.

"Alright then!!" i said.

"Show us the exit" said Johana to the bracelet.

The bracelet was telling us to go inside the cave.So we did as the bracelet told us to.

After 5 mins of walking we saw a huge gap.

Suddenly,pink lights all around the cave showed up.Just a minute ago it was a cave but then...it changed into a doll house!?