
Save me ,I save You.

She only has to do what is required of her then dissapear again as she awaits her new mission,deep down she knows that the time for running is now over,someone is digging into her background and is determined to find her,making hiding difficult. Her current mission is also proving to give her more reasons to stay and fight,she is falling in love,breaking the promise she made to herself of never getting attached to anyone. The death of her grandmother had affected her,leaving her broken and closed off. In as much as he fights the feelings she has for him,she has to let him in,she has to allow him to save her, just as she is saving him. "The waters protect her,her hands are gifted and her dreams are revelations ".

Humbletigress · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Don't do it please.

One year later.

Acacia clutched her fishing rod firmly ,her feet dangling dangerously on the edge ,she really wasn't interested in the innocent fish but this place calmed her,she had discovered the river after she moved into the city ,it was hidden in the forest as it curved gently between two forests,the river was deep there and no one dared to come those sides,she wasn't afraid here because one,she was a good swimmer, having grown up on the Island and two,she wasn't afraid to drown,she wasn't afraid of death. One year had not healed her,she carried the pain in her heart and her soul was still lost.

Her eyes turned green reflecting the colour of the river,this was the original colour of her eyes,it showed her vulnerability, innocence and it held all the emotions she felt,She missed her grandmother, everyday,every hour, every second. Tears formed on her eyes again and knowing that no one could hear her she wailed loudly, just as she always did whenever she came here. She moved back alittle and her whole self crumbled as she kneeled down facing the river,feeling so vulnerable,she cried begging the river to give her answers to the many questions she held,she mourned her grandmother begging her to save her from the misery she was facing, she felt so alone.

"Hey,please don't do it,please ." A trembling, soft,deep and rich voice interrupted her. She froze but didn't turn around,confused, she didn't know what to do. No one knew this place,of all the times she had been here,no soul had ever approached her. Had they found her ?She panicked.

"Whatever you are going through, please don't end your life,don't jump into the water", the voice continued.

End her life? Well that didn't sound like the people who wanted her life ,But,Did she look that miserable? Killing herself was the last thought on her mind,Mamii would be sad if she didn't fulfill her wishes,dying wasn't one of them and she wasn't going to dissapoint her.

Releasing her breathe she relaxed and turned to face the stranger and then she froze again as her heart picked a race. She was staring at the most beautiful face she had ever seen, yet the Island carried beautiful men.

The said man wore blue khaki pants and a black fitting t-shirt which outlined his heavily built chest,his hands were outstretched to her as if beckoning her to fall into his arms but all she saw was the long slender fingers ,she fought the thoughts creeping on her mind as her eyes fell on his lips,heart-shaped lips ,they were wet like he had just licked them.

She looked down as her eyes started to burn in yearning, a feeling that was strange to her and the first emotion she felt after her grandmother died. Isolating herself from the world had deprived her of many things if she could react this way by just seeing a man. She almost laughed at her poor self.

Without talking, she gathered her fishing items and then started walking back. Just because he was beckoning her to die didn't mean he didn't want her dead or maybe he wanted her powers just like some of them,that would explain why he didn't want her to die. Escaping was the only solution and she had an easy way out.

"Please dont",the man said as Acacia moved back,a panicked expression on his face. But she continued to move backwards, her eyes still cast down,for some reason her eyes had refused to change color and that made her so afraid.

The intruder moved forward slowly beckoning her to stop but she didn't, when she was at the edge of the rock,she lifted her eyes which were shining brightly with an emotion she couldn't decipher. The stranger stopped and they locked eyes,bright blue eyes against green ,and then she dropped unto the fast flowing river,backwards .


Arctic watched with a horrified expression as the girl plunged into the river,he felt the world stop and his body froze as her body hit the river with a splash,for the first time in his life ,he became afraid and he felt useless,he had not saved her in time,the river was flowing fast and this side was so deep. Too afraid to look at what was happening,he closed his eyes ,a strong feeling of failure, regrets and being useless creeping on his mind. She had looked so vulnerable, afraid and weak,yet he couldn't save her.

"I didn't know her,I shouldn't be feeling this way",he tried to reassure himself,he had his own problems to face but the green eyes ,the very first green eyes he had ever set his eyes on reflected back on his,he opened his eyes very fast. ''Was she haunting him already?" Gaining his courage,he faced the river and his eyes widened in suprise,the girl was swimming towards the riverbank,some metres away from where he stood,she was swimming like a professional ,like a dolphin,like she was born in this river,Good God!She was a profesional.

As she neared the bank,she clutched a reed and flanked herself on the bank,Arctic just stood there watching her,his mouth wide open ,a suprised expression on his face,Oh God,he felt so stupid ,his sister would have traded everything else on the world to see him in this position, stupid face,suprised expression and awestruck. He thanked God he was all alone.

The girl stood up and halted for a few minutes like she was catching her breathe,water dripping from her now soaked body,the clothes she had worn,a blue jeans and a white blouse clung unto her body ,she was facing him,her face void of expression, quite opposite of what he had witnessed in her moments ago. She then lifted her hands in a mocking wave and he swore her mouth curved upwards as if in a smile despite the expressionless face, before he could react,she broke into a run.

He wanted to follow her but she dissapeared into the forest seconds later.Not only could she swim,but also ran. She was a damn athlete.

"What have I just witnessed?" Arctic was lost in thought as he started to walk back to where he had packed his car. He had come to this sides of the forest to clear his head ,everything in his life was falling apart and he wanted a moment to himself to restrategise but the loud cries had broke his pattern of thoughts and he had followed the sounds to see a girl kneeling down ,dangerously close to the river,she was crying painfully, her arms outstretched as if she was going to fall into the water anytime.

Determined to save the girl,he had decided to slowly move inorder not to frighten her but things had turned out differently. He shook his head .

He spotted his car and raced the distance remaining to it,the green eyes refusing to leave him even as he navigated his way back to the busy city, towards his hotel .He packed his car at the now empty parking space which used to fill up and went inside, it was empty and his heart fell apart again. His sister sat at the counter ,a failed expression on her face.

"We need a miracle ,or this place is going to close down",his sister greeted him with the bad news as soon as she spotted him. He pulled a chair and sat down without replying.

"Chef Robin just left,for good",her sister continued. But he wasn't listening, his mind was still occupied with the mistery girl. He had to find her,he had to,he was drawn to her,their was something about her and he really wanted to find out. He had to find her,but where? The city was a large place to just start looking for someone ,he wasn't even sure if she was from this part of the country.

Was she a Celebrity? Because damn! That girl was a sight,despite the lack of life from her ,her figure still showed traces of a curved woman who needed just a little care and would bounce back, her pale skin needed just alittle bit of the sun and her eyes! He was willing to do anything to get those eyes to stare at him again, he wanted to hold her, take care of her and assure her that whatever she was going through he would help her through it.

The way she swam,was she even human?He cursed his thoughts for thinking that way,ofcourse she was human, she was crying painfully for heavens sake! Only humans could go through such a painful ordeal.

"Arc,are you okay? You are worrying me, I've been talking to you and you haven't been replying " her sister interrupted his thoughts which was a welcoming distraction. He had to face the reality of his drowning hotel. The once famous and most visited hotel was now sinking, he didn't even know how things started and how they ended up here.

"Sorry Berlah, alot is just going on,so it's just you and I then?" Berlah nodded as she rounded off to where Arc sat and pulled a chair for herself.

"We need a miracle ".

He laughed. "We were the best,what went wrong? "

"Best employees quitting and joining our rivals, or the frequent accidents is what happened ",with that reply,Arc looked at Berlah sharply, everything finally making sense.

"Berl,I think what happened to our hotel wasn't an accident, it was planned ". He said and stood up

Berlah stood up too and started pacing ,his sister was a sharp one and he guessed she already knew what he was talking about.

"Who would do that to us?" She finally answered.

"Our competitors, people who didn't like us obviously, why didn't I see this earlier?"

"Everything happened fast Arc,one minute our hotel was crowded that we were planning to open another one, the next minute our special chef quit, a fire happened, you know what happened ".

He hit the table hard that his sister flinched, "I should have known, I should have been more open with our employees, I should have installed security measures everywhere ",his voice broke down and his sister fell on his arms,they hugged each other tightly.

He really needed a miracle to save his hotel and to find the mystery girl.Green eyes came to his mind again and he welcomed the distraction once again.

Confession;I don't know how to swim haha.

Anyway, your insights so far?

Humbletigresscreators' thoughts