
Save me, Dreame!

A massive car crash accident occurred in the southeast part of Manova City. Twenty-five were injured, and eighteen were dead on the spot, including Alreign, a 28-year-old doctor. A sudden twist of fate happened as Alreign was resurrected on the 40th day after his death with his memories and body intact. Alreign then faced the crisis of how to explain his miraculous second life as all of the people who knew him witnessed his burial. Thus, to avoid turmoil, Alreign changed his identity and introduced himself as Dr. Dreame, allowing him to continue working at the hospital where he was employed before his sudden death. It was in fact a blessing to be granted a second life, but Alreign doubted it as he started to dream of dying people, yearning for survival. After treating the person he saw in one of his dreams, Alreign discovered his ability to treat anything, even people's chronic conditions, injuries, and wounds, just by putting his hand on top of their chests. He could also see the color of the severity of their condition: green for stable, blue for less severe, and red for severe. Alreign concluded that the purpose of his restoration to life was to treat these people. However, one night he woke up while breathing heavily, sweating buckets as he felt the agony of the person in his dream; no face, no name, and even the person's voice was unrecognizable. It was his first time to dream a silhouette and feel like he was the one suffering—he was in great torment since he dreamt about this person quite often; sometimes it overlaps with his other dreams. Desperate to end his anguish, Alreign dedicated himself to looking for this person while treating countless patients. Now he realized he wasn't just resurrected to treat those people but also to save this person. Yet, little did he know that saving that particular person in his dream required a huge risk.

ElJaneDM · Urban
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

Patient 1

*Warning! This chapter includes a slight description that might be disturbing to some, such as blood and an incision. Thank you*

Alreign took a deep sigh as he stared at the wall clock inside Gab's office. "7:30 a.m. Okay, I can do this."

"Are you okay?" Gabe asked as he looked at Alreign, who was obviously stressed out for about an hour.

Alreign looked in his direction and shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know."

"Well, I trust you. You should too," Gabe smiled. Alreign's heavy feeling was slightly lifted after Gabe encouraged him.

"Thank you," he responded, and then they both looked at the door after Gabriel entered.

"You good? The patient's waiting," Gabriel said, to which Alreign responded with a nod.

Alreign took another deep breath before he walked out of the office. Gab tapped his shoulder and whispered, "I'm so proud of you. You chose to use your natural skill rather than your magic."

Alreign's eyes squinted. "Yeah? That sounded sarcastic."

"Hey, I'm offended. It's genuine!" Gab said in an upset tone. Alreign just chuckled at him. "Anyway, good luck."

Alreign nodded, then went to the operating room.

"Patient #1: Acosta, hyperthyroidism," Alreign mumbled as he wore his surgical gloves. "I can do this."

After he did all the preparation needed prior to the surgery, Alreign checked the patient's condition by putting his hand on top of his chest. The patient was surrounded by the red color, which means severe.

Alreign nodded, then picked up the scalpel. He took another sigh as he leaned closer to the patient's body, then positioned the scalpel just above the collarbones of the patient and started cutting a 1-2 inch incision—blood was following the blade as he created a horizontal line at the patient's neck. 

Alreign's lips curled upward as he felt confident. "Yes, I can do this."

While Alreign was doing surgery, Gabriel was drafting the Letter of Recommendation for Alreign.

"What's happening?" Gabe asked, which caught Gab's attention.

"What is it?" Gabe asked him back. But Gabe just fell silent while looking at the door, listening to something.

"Did you hear that?" Gabe asked as he pointed at the door. "Someone's shouting outside."

Gab also tried to listen. He heard a faint commotion outside his office, which made him stand and look outside. He saw the nurses panic from a distance. 

Gab walked out of his office and looked in the direction where others were looking.

"WHERE IS SHE?!" A man who was in his mid-30s shouted at the lobby with a ten-inch knife in his right hand. "DON'T HIDE THAT DAMN WOMAN!"

"Don't come closer!" The man shouted at the security who attempted to stop him.

"What's going on?" Gab asked the nurse beside him in worry. The nurse shook his head.

"He just started shouting when he entered the hospital. We have no idea who he was looking for," the nurse replied. 

"Did someone call the police?" Gab asked. The nurse nodded in response.

Gab took a deep breath as he slowly walked towards the man, who was currently wielding a knife. Some were preventing him but Gab ignored them.

"Please put down your weapon, Mr. Let's talk calmly, okay?" Gab raised both of his arms, trying to control the situation.

"Don't come closer! Where is she, huh?!" The man yelled at Gab, pointing the knife at him.

"We have no idea who you are talking about. There are a lot of people coming here. Calm down first, then we will try to find her." Gab was just three steps away from the man.

He saw that the security guards were also slowly approaching behind the man.

"Who is she? Your wife? Daughter? Girlfriend?" Gab asked, distracting the man.

"My wife. She cheated on me!" The man replied. "I saw her enter this hospital!"

Gab looked around the hospital and noticed a woman hiding in the corner. Judging by her expression and the way she hid, Gab knew she was the woman he was talking about.

"Okay. Okay. We will find her. But first, please put down your knife. You're scaring everyone here. You're holding a dangerous thing." Gab was slowly earning the man's trust as his expression slightly changed and he gradually rested his arm down.

Gab's eyes widened as he noticed one of his security guards pointed a gun at the man and was about to pull a trigger. In panic, Gab's body moved and he ran towards the man.

Then a gunshot echoed in the hospital, and the next thing happened: Gab fell on the floor with the man, and the blood trickled from their bodies.