
52 The Pray that Got Away

“I don't know," Adam concluded. "The only thing I can think of is that I escaped before he had time to get bored with me.”

“The prey that got away," pondered the policeman. “Yes, that could be it. You were quite lucky. If he was already showing certain tendencies, who knows how far he could have gone. If he really is the accomplice, you could have ended up like those boys.”

Adam trembled. Under nineteen, he could be lying on an autopsy table, brutally murdered by a man he trusted.

“Yes, I know," he nodded. He might have added that he didn't miss much. These words, however, did not pass his lips.

“Unfortunately, without Kwiecień's testimony, even with the name of the suspect there is not much we can do," Niedzic remarked thoughtfully. Lechoń was relieved that the policeman took his words seriously. "I can put him under some observation, but we won't get any warrant. Nor do I have grounds to call him to testify even as a witness.”