
Save By The Gangster

19 year old Ray gets abused by her foster parents that don't want anything to do with her. She's in her fourth year of university planning to become a doctor. Ray is extremely smart, known for her kindness and most of all, she's very shy. 21 year old Ace is a quiet and dangerous gangleader. He's never been seen with friends, smiling, or even talking. He's majoring in business, but everyone knows about his most known gang in the country, therefor he is feared by everyone. What happens when Ray bumps into a walking wall named Ace King in her vulnerable state? What causes Ace to start questioning this 19 year old.

StarsOfYou · Teen
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

chapter 2

'I'm in need of a savior

But I'm not asking for favors

My whole life I felt like a burden

I think too much and I hate it'

( ̄^ ̄)

After I talked to Ace, I kept thinking about him. I'm not usually used to guy contact at all so that's my reason for the beating heart.

Turns out, we both have a business class together. Once I walked in, i saw his hair since he looked like he was napping and sat next to him.

"Pss, hello," i whisper and gently nudge him, scared he'll get mad.

He looks up ready to glare at whoever was disturbing him, but ended up staring at me which is a start, i guess.

"I didn't know you majored in business!" I exclaimed, excited I had someone I knew in this class.

"What do you major in? Why do I see you everywhere?" He asks quietly, not wanting people to hear our conversation since they were all wide-eyed at us.

"I'm majoring in medicine and minoring in business," I tell him excited.

He hums and smiles at me while we continue talking about the class and random things.

I kept feeling his stare throughout the class, but I couldn't look him in the eye in case I missed anything during the lecture.

"Do you have another lecture after this?" He whispers while the professor is talking.

"No, Tuesdays are my chill day, i only have two classes then off to the clinic," I tell him softly.

"Why do you work there? It's not in the safest part of town."

"Someone has to pay for my college, student loans are not an option in my book."

"What about your parents? You're still very young, I'm sure they would've offered," the mention of my parents makes me go still and laugh nervously.

I am just a human writing ideas from my head for other humans to read so I hope you enjoy whatever you read :)

"Uh, you can go if you want," I look up to see him folding his arm, smirking at me.

"Come on and stop being a grandma."

"I— Uh.. im not a grandma!" I stand up and slam my hands on the table, not too loudly, but end up sitting back down when the pain spreads everywhere.

I look up to see Ace no longer in his last stance, instead he's kneeling down looking somewhat worried.

"Hey, hey, what happened? Are you okay?" He asks urgently.

"Peachy," i say out of breath.

He sighs, and before I could tell him that he could leave, im being picked up bridal style making me panic.

"Ace," i whisper, embarrassed causing him to stiffen a little. "I can walk by myself, just give me five more minutes."

"Five more minutes, and the next lecture would start," he whispers back. "I'll drop you off at your house, is that okay?"

I didn't want to tell him the truth so I took a deep breath thinking of an excuse not to, "my parents aren't home and I forgot my keys. I was gonna go to the clinic right away after the class," I explain.

"I guess we're going to my house," he mutters under his breath.

"We really don't have to," i say but seem to go unnoticed.

When we got to the hallway, everyone was staring at us, probably wondering why the quiet boy is carrying the shy girl.

I put my head in the crook of his neck and whisper quietly in his ear, "they're staring."

"Let them, they must have boring lives if they find this interesting," he whisper back in my ear, and I have to fight the shiver that I felt in my spine.

"Your breath smells minty, i like it," i say causing his chest to move, which I would guess means he's laughing so i quickly look up from his neck to his face and see his eyes looking at me in adoration. That enough causes my heart to skip a beat.

As we're walking, i see Rose with her jaw dropped and mouths 'you're telling me everything later'

After what felt like forever, we finally make it to his luxurious car and he speeds off.

'All it takes is that one look at you

And I'll run right back to you'

⁎❝᷀ົཽ≀ˍ̮ ❝᷀ົཽ⁎

The car ride was painfully quiet and somewhat long. Ace's house was not in a neighborhood and it wasn't any house. It had five floors minimum and was in the middle of the forest or what looked like it.

When he parked his car next to the other 10 cars that were in the garage, I started to feel anxious.

"How many people do you live with?" I ask quietly.

"None, why do you ask?" He says casually, unbuckling his seat and turning the car off. He exits and goes over to my side and opens the door as I mumble a thank you.

When we went inside the house, my jaw felt like it dislocated when it dropped. I quickly caught my unlady-like reaction and cleared my throat.

"Nice.. uhm.. house?" I question, because there was no way this is what they called a house.

"Thanks, i bought it myself," he smirks and walks off to who knows where and I follow.

"Do you have a change of clothes? It's getting colder outside and my T-shirt is not going to hold," i ask quietly.

"I can give you my sweater and find a small pair of sweatpants from the years when I was a skinny bean," he looks up and and down at me.

"Hey! I'm not a skinny bean!"

"You're right, your boobs aren't what people call skinny," my eyes widen, "the butt is great as well," he winks and laughs walking off while I stay out registering what he just said.

Soon after he came with a white sweater that looked to be triple my size and some baggy sweatpants. I took them with a huff and stormed off, hearing him laugh as I do so.

It's safe to say the clothes smelt exactly like Ace and I would be caught sniffing the clothes during the day. When I got out of the bathroom, I saw that Ace also changed into some sweats and a tank top, showing off his huge torso.

"When do you have to leave for work?" He asks while looking at his phone.

"At seven, i have a couple of hours left," he hums and i sit next to him on the sofa, since I'm still very cold.

"Do you want to tell me why you don't want to go home to your parents?" Again, the mention of my parents causes me to still and let out a nervous laugh.

"T-They're not Home and I don't have the keys," I say quietly.

"And I have a pet elephant."

"You do??"


After a while of silence I sigh, and decide to tell him since I'm not good at lying to begin with.

"I'm not their favorite person," I offer a sad smile.

Some while later, he seems to realize something and his face turns ice cold.

"The bruises?" He asks sternly and I laugh.

"They get bored sometimes," I shrug.

"They hit you?" Ace gets up and throws his hands in the air.

"I-I mean i-it's okay, they've b-been doing it f-for y-years now," I start shaking. I don't do good with people yelling at me.

"What do you mean it's okay? They HIT you! It's not something you tell someone like you're talking about the weather!" He starts pacing back and forth and I decide not to say anything to not make him more mad.

"Why are you still living with them," Ace asks when he's calmed down a bit.

"I-I can't really l-leave?" I question.

"Why not?"

"I don't know, I-I've never thought about it," I answer honestly.

"You're not gonna live there anymore," he decides and I laugh thinking it's a joke.

"You can't just decide that Ace," I say after seeing he's serious.

"I can and I did, I'll drive you to pick up some necessary items and the rest I'll buy for you," he stands up expecting me to follow him.

"A-Ace, can you please t-think about this? What do I tell them? What if they hurt you? I can't hide forever!" I say somewhat loudly, my voice used to me being so quiet all the time so I don't think it sounded like I was actually mad.

"I can't sit in my mansion that's empty knowing you live with some freaks. Plus trust me, they're not gonna be able to even touch me birdie," he explains.

"Think of it as college roommates, many people have them right now and are not living with their parents. They also most likely don't know the person they're living with too much so it's fine!"

After five minutes of silence, I sigh and say, "okay, but we have to be quick because I really don't think they're home which is for the best."

He nods, flashing me an Oscar-winning smile and we head out.