
Save and Load in DC

What gives you confidence? Your looks? Intelligence? Beliefs? Or an ability to retrieve memories of the future by saving a point of time and loading when you please?

fatiguek · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

The beginning

I won.

I decided to spare the scar-face, as I didn't manage to find out who exactly those guys are. Being on their bad side is the last thing I want.

It took ungodly amount of tries, but in the end, it felt great.

One thing I understood through this fight was that knowing future is not always a certainty. It was a game of probabilities. And if you act even slightly different than you did before, then there is a chance of a deviation.

I did learn how to wield a sword. I had plenty of practice. To the point that I forgot when I last had a meal or slept for that matter.

But what I earned 'today' was more than just sword skills, which by the way are useless nowadays.

I was cut, dismembered and killed enough times to forget the fear of being hurt or the significance of dying.

Those values faded, as I am unable to truly lose my life. There was no end and I had all the chances and opportunities to have the best outcome in the end. It changed me.

After my victory was confirmed I stepped down from the platform, putting the sword in it's place.

The old man was sitting on his chair, looking indifferent. Nothing seemed to startle him. Even when I killed several of his subordinates out of boredom, he just sat there, looking the same way he does right now.

[Saved Successfully]

"You are free to go to." He said, waving his hand.

A woman approached me, and for some reason took a sword I fought with and held it in her hand.

She guided me out of the grand estate and when I was about to turn my back to her she unsheathed the sword and attacked me right in my face.

I was taken aback, but none the less almost dodged the attack.

She sheathed the sword back and looked me in the eyes. One of which was bleeding, thanks to her. The cut was deep and it will leave a scar. This wound may as well make me a scar-face. Was that her intention?

"Huh?" She raised her brow, "Turns out, you are nothing special."

I smirked.

"Of course I am not. I had only one day of practice." I laughed, confusing her.

[Loading the last Save]

And I don't have to be special. After all, everything will be the way I want.

I walked along with the girl again. Taking a better look of her.

She was a tall, well-built, brunette, who gave off a feeling of high voltage. Threatening to lash at you any moment. She was pretty, but it didn't compensate her origins and antics. I'd rather not affiliate myself with someone like her.

We went through the gate and I saw the vast desert for the second time. I was outside.

I turned my back to her, intentionally. And the second after I heard her unsheathing the sword I tilted my head, evading the rat-attack perfectly.

I made another save and turned around, facing her. I dashed recklessly, involving myself in yet another fight.

To my dejection, I didn't manage to win right away. Moreover, I spent around an hour or two, loading and trying again. She was a far better opponent than the scar-face. Even though she looked very young.

But eventually, I achieved what I wanted. A very satisfactory four-second fight.

She laid on the ground and I had my sword back. After saving yet another time I sheathed the sword and looked at her.

"Not so special, now, are you?" I smiled tiredly and walked away, thinking about her reaction.

She looked strangely happy when I beat her. I wasn't sure what her smile meant, but I knew for a fact that this girl is a psycho.


Next few days were me asking people to help find a city and hitchhiking. Mostly on camels and donkeys.

People didn't know how exactly was the city called, but knew were it was situated. Leaving me without a clue as to where I was. Can't blame them, they are aborigines, who live in the desert.

We reached a city and I thanked Jubaitch, my benefactor for helping me out and I strolled, in search of a police department.

People here were less welcoming, but I did find the office in the end.

Entering the building I explained my issue to the guy in reception and he guided me to one of the cabinets. The man with an obvious obesity heard me out patiently.

"Well, alright." He sighed, "Don't worry kid, we'll do something about it."

I told him that I had an amnesia. It took exactly one try to persuade him to help me, and I was glad. I sat in his office for quite awhile afterwards.

Then a physician arrived and confirmed my fake amnesia. Which technically isn't fake as I don't remember anything about my life in this body.

After two lengthy days of investigation, they were able to confirm my identity.

My new name is Marcus Nash, a 19 year old guy, who actually had a family. A family that apparently rejected him (me).

Even now, knowing my 'state', they refused to help or even talk to me. Not a big loss I guess.

With my ID and other essential documents restored, I decided to start a new life. Life in the Gotham city. Rings some bells?