
Savage: The Night Wizard - (A Harry Potter Fanfic)

I was an ordinary boy with a simple life... That is, until the day I died... and now I don't even know what is common in my life anymore! But in reality... I prefer it like this. Who would like to be normal if you could be a wizard? Especially if you're the greatest wizard ever! Well... I don't. ****************************************** Also help me in Patrë-on /Se7enX, there are advanced chapters for you and it motivates me to write even more. Thanks for reading! ****************************************** Attention: I don't own Harry Potter or his world, and all of this belongs to JK Rowling. The only thing belonging to me are the OC's characters and some changes in the story.

Se7en · Book&Literature
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Chapter 79

(AN: Leave a comment and a review, your feedback helps me a lot.)

If you want to support me and read ahead!


Hey! Here's the new chapter!


-Charms classroom-

"I would like to inform everyone that you're good enough at Charms to practice Levitation Charm!" Professor Flitwick told the class, which was greeted with great joy by the knowledge-hungry Ravenclaws and by some Slytherins who like to learn.

Today is Wednesday, the eve of Halloween, and I am currently in Charm class with my classmates. Professor Flitwick separated us into pairs, and now I'm sitting with Padma, who even though she wasn't a great friend of mine, was still someone fun to talk to.

And I really enjoyed hearing your stories of what the wizarding community in India is like, which seems to have some customs quite different from the British wizarding community. It also helps that she's not as 'feminine' as her Gryffindor sister.

"So let's start!" Professor Flitwick said excitedly, "The Levitation Charm needs a closed wrist movement, with a turn and a rise. And the spell is {Wingardium Leviosa}, with the pronunciation being as described in the book. Wing-GAR-dee-um Leh-vee-OH-sa, with the GAR being long and pronounced" he began to explain.

"I would also like to remind you that the Levitation Charm is useful for many situations, and that its only flaw is that it cannot be used on human beings" Professor Flitwick said, and then he saw a raised hand, " Yes, Miss Li?"

"Does this mean the spell cannot be used on living beings?" Sue Li questioned.

"Not really. The only living being where this spell doesn't work is a human. Other creatures or animals will still be affected by the spell," he replied, "But an alternative option to using this spell on humans is, that instead of using the spell on the person, the caster can bewitch the target's clothing or their own clothing so that they levitate, and thus take the target with them"

Sue Li who heard her answer nodded and began jotting down notes on her parchment.

"But it's highly recommended that you don't use the spell on yourself, as it can be much more complicated than levitating other people. There was even a case of a wizard who levitated himself into the clouds and stayed there until he suffered from magical exhaustion, and unfortunately his fall was not at all smooth" the Professor said, and some students shivered when they heard about a possible fall, especially those who are afraid of heights.

"Any more questions?" Professor Flitwick asked, and not seeing anyone raise their hand he continued the class, "No? Okay then let's continue! I now want you to practice the spell on a quill..." he said levitating a quill to each student's desk, "And try to keep it in the air as long as you can, and if possible, move the feather in the air" he finished, and then my classmates started trying the spell.

I looked at the quill with a calm look, and a little bored, as one of the spells that I specialize the most is the Levitation Charm, or at least what I think is a levitation charm... although what I do looks it more like telekinesis.

I then felt a look on me, and looking in that direction I saw Professor Flitwick looking at me with a knowing look, and then I remembered that I had already shown that I am proficient at levitating things to Professor McGonagall when she visited my house, and Professor Flitwick told me in his first class that he already talked to Professor McGonagall about my talent.

'So he knows I can levitate this feather easily' I thought. So I shifted my gaze to the quill, 'Meh...I've got nothing else to do'

I then took my wand and did something I hadn't done so far in class, which was cast the non-verbal spell, and with a simple movement of my wand the quill on my desk began to levitate until it almost reached the ceiling, and just because I could I started doing tricks with her.

I then shifted my gaze back to Professor Flitwick and saw him looking at my flying quill in wonder and amazement, along with a few other students.

And I didn't know why, but today I wanted to show off. So I started levitating the leftover quills that were on Professor Flitwick's desk, and now the room was having an air show of over 20 quills, all flying in sync.

"This is...This is...Amazing! Such masterful control of your magic and spell! You're truly a Charms prodigy, no matter how much Minerva insists that you should focus on Transfiguration" Professor Flitwick said , his eyes shining with excitement, "Take 20 points to Ravenclaw for the stupendous demonstration!"

And as soon as he finished speaking a happy smile appeared on my face, with me ignoring the usual jealous feelings of my other colleagues.

"Wow Ethan! That was awesome!" Padma praised me, looking at the quills that were now landing softly back on the tables, "How did you do that? Can you teach me? My Levitation Charm isn't working" she asked me, with a sad pout.

"Of course," I said with a shrug, and then started to explain to her about the spell and what I understand about levitation.

At the end of the class, less than half of the students managed to levitate their quill, and among them were Terry and Anthony, who already understood the spells better thanks to me; Malfoy, who even though he was a spoiled brat still had a talent for magic; Theo, Greengrass and Zabini, who didn't surprise me as they should have had homeschooling; and Sue and Padma, who seemed to have caught the essence of the spell.

As soon as I left the classroom, Lily came bouncing happily towards me.

"Awn, why do you have to be so good at Charms? My quill just shook on my desk" she said with a cute pout on her face, and I resisted the urge to squeeze her and scream "Kawaii!"

"I think it's part of who I am... Being good at everything you do... It's a gift," I said dramatically, which caused a small giggle from Lily.

"What are you doing with this know-it-all, Moon?" just then we hear the voice of the hair gel ad girl, aka Malfoy.

"What I'm doing is none of your business, Malfoy" Lily replied angrily, and that only added to her cuteness.

'Control yourself, Ethan. You can't give in to the temptation of cuteness here, I don't want the FBI at my door'

"It's my business when you start getting mixed up with this— Aahh!" Malfoy started to say, but it couldn't be over as he tripped on shoelaces that had come to life and were trying to tie him completely.

"I think your shoelace is untied, Malfoy," I said dryly, and then kept walking, stepping 'unintentionally' on Malfoy's hand.

"Oops," I said innocently, and then continued walking ignoring the albino ferret that was cursing on the ground.

"That was awesome!" Lily said to me as soon as we got far enough away from Malfoy and his group.

"I know," I said smiling, patting her head, causing a smile to grow on her face.



(End AN: Hello my dear and cute readers!

For the first time, the reason I delayed the chapter wasn't because of my busy schedule. Because of a strong rain and an even stronger wind here in my city, there was a blackout in my neighborhood, so I had no electricity and internet to post the chapters.

But now everything is fine and I will go back to posting the chapters normally.

Hope you like these chapters!)