
Chapter 457

(AN: Leave a comment and a review, your feedback helps me a lot.)

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Yeah! Here's the new chapter!


-Next Day-

It was a Saturday afternoon after Nick and Penny's classes, and at this moment I was on the Hogwarts grounds outside the Beauxbatons carriage.

And I was here because I was waiting for Fleur to finish getting ready, so that we could go together to the abandoned classroom where we held our training sessions.

And I had been waiting for the French champion for at least 15 minutes, but I wasn't bothered by her delay and didn't even complain, since it was common knowledge that women took a long time to get ready.

'Well, at least we still have some time before the training session is scheduled to start' I thought, leaning against the side of the carriage as I looked at my ATLAS in clock mode.

And luckily I didn't have to wait much longer, as I could feel Fleur's magical signature coming out of the carriage and heading towards me.

And looking to the side I saw the beautiful blonde girl approaching me with calm steps while smiling.

"I'm ready," she said, standing in front of me with her hands behind her back.

And seeing the glint of anticipation in her eyes as she looked at me I realized she was waiting for me to say something about her outfit.

I then looked Fleur up and down, seeing that she was wearing a gray gym t-shirt with a light blue tight jacket over it, dark blue leggings with a pink vertical stripe, and black running shoes.

And anyone who saw her would say that she was ready to play some sport or go to the gym.

And this entire set of clothes accentuated her beautiful and graceful figure, and even without her allure I was sure that she would be able to capture the attention of any man or woman, and even I was finding it hard to look away from her.

But with a little effort I managed to resist the charm of the girl in front of me, and looking at her one last time I nodded in satisfaction, "Hmm, it seems you followed my recommendation about the clothes you should wear in training" I commented.

"Of course, these were recommendations from my dueling teacher," Fleur joked, which made me snort in amusement.

After that Fleur continued to look at me, leaning her body forward a little as if she was waiting for me to say something else to her.

And seeing this I shook my head with a wry smile, knowing exactly what she wanted me to say.

"Yes Fleur, you look very beautiful" I said, smiling at her.

And upon hearing my compliment, Fleur's cheeks turned slightly pink, "Merci" she thanked, smiling shyly, but happily.

'Heh, she was practically demanding that I compliment her, and now that I complimented her she started acting shy' I thought, looking at my veela friend with an amused look.

After that Fleur and I decided to leave our conversation for another time, realizing that we had been standing next to the Beauxbatons carriage for some time.

And then we started heading towards the castle together, with me excited to teach my students a new lesson while Fleur was prepared for another hellish training session.


-Some minutes later-

When Fleur and I arrived at the abandoned classroom on the fifth floor we saw that the members of the golden trio were already inside waiting for us.

And looking at them I could see that they were doing some stretches, getting ready for today's lesson.

And besides that I also noticed that they were wearing sports and gym clothes just like Fleur, and I was pleased to see that everyone took my recommendations about wearing more comfortable and lightweight clothes seriously.

"Good afternoon my young Padawans" I said loudly, getting their attention.

And stopping stretching, the three turned to me.

"Oh, good afternoon Ethan," Harry nodded at me while Ron greeted me too.

"You two are late," Hermione said, crossing her arms as she stared at us with pursed lips, "What took you so long? We've been here for 30 minutes waiting for you," she complained.

"It wasn't us who arrived late, it was you three who arrived too early," I replied, gesturing to a clock that was on the room wall.

And looking at the clock on the wall for the first time since she arrived in the room, Hermione realized that Fleur and I had actually arrived exactly at the scheduled time for the session.

"Oh," she blurted out, belatedly realizing her mistake.

Hermione then turned to me and Fleur with an embarrassed look, "Uh, sorry... I didn't realize what time it was when you or we got here" she said, feeling stupid for trying to scold the two of us.

"Don't worry," I dismissed his apology with a nonchalant wave of my hand.

And looking at Fleur, Hermione saw that the French girl nodded at my words while showing her a small smile.

And seeing this she was relieved that we weren't offended or upset with her.

And not wanting to dwell on this somewhat embarrassing subject any longer, I decided to start our training session right away.

"Well, since we're all here, let's get to the point," I said, and my four temporary students nodded.

I then walked to the front of the room, and stopping in front of my desk I turned to the golden trio and the French champion, who were standing in front of me looking at me attentively.

'Heh, they look like little soldiers standing like that next to each other' I thought amused.

"So Ethan," Hermione began to say, taking me out of my thoughts, "What's today's training going to be?" she looked at me curiously, asking the question that was on everyone's mind.

And hearing her question a mysterious smile appeared on my lips, "Oh, today's training will be a little different than usual… And I'm sure you'll like it."

And when I finished saying that, the four teenagers looked at each other, and on their faces were looks of confusion and curiosity, with the golden trio also having worried looks.

And they were confused because I suddenly and without warning decided that I was going to teach them something different, and this was strange because since our training sessions had begun I had only taught them how to dodge, how to defend themselves, and a little about quick and silent spell casting.

And the golden trio were also worried because most of the time when I told them they would like something, that something ended up being painful or scary for them.

"Uh... I hope this different training isn't just another type of dodging training," Ron commented with a grimace.

And after saying that, he glanced at the iron balls and bats that were in the corner of the room, and there was a glint of fear and trauma in his eyes.

"Don't worry, you won't be doing any dodging training today," I said, rolling my eyes.

And Ron, as soon as he heard that there would be no dodging training, immediately became happy and relieved.

'No visits to Madam Pomfrey today!' he mentally cheered.

And I didn't know what the red-haired boy was thinking, but I could feel his emotions of relief, an emotion that also came from the other three teenagers.

'With them acting this way, other people might even think that my training is something bad.' I thought, looking at them dryly.

But shaking my head I decided to return to focusing on the main topic, which was today's training.

And then I cleared my throat, "Well, getting back to the topic," I began to say, bringing the attention of the two boys and two girls to me again, "The trainings you've already had have helped me figure out what you're good at and where you need to improve, but there's a limit to what you can show just by dodging enchanted objects, and that's why today's training will be different."

"In short, today's training will serve for you to show me how much you have learned from the last training sessions, and the best way to show that is in a fight" and as soon as I said that, the golden trio and Fleur looked at me in surprise.

"A fight?" Harry repeated.

"Yes, today you will not be 'fighting' inanimate objects like you have done so far... Today I want to see how you fare in a fight facing a real opponent," I declared.

"Hmm, Ethan?" Hermione called to me, raising her hand like a student in a classroom.

'Well, in a way she is' I thought amused, turning my gaze back to the bushy haired girl, "Yes Hermione?" I gestured with my hand for her to continue.

And seeing this she lowered her hand, before starting to speak, "If we are going to face a real opponent then does that mean we will have to fight each other?" she asked, looking at her training companions.

"Oh no, my dear studious student," I said, which made Hermione tilt her head in confusion, "You are all actually going to fight the same opponent.… Which will be me," I smirked.

"You?!" the golden trio exclaimed as they stared at me with wide eyes, and even Fleur was a little surprised by this.

"Yes, me" I nodded, enjoying their shock and sense of panic.

'Damn! Apparently I'm going to have to visit Madam Pomfrey today too' Ron swore mentally, realizing he had celebrated too early.

