
Savage: The Night Wizard - (A Harry Potter Fanfic)

I was an ordinary boy with a simple life... That is, until the day I died... and now I don't even know what is common in my life anymore! But in reality... I prefer it like this. Who would like to be normal if you could be a wizard? Especially if you're the greatest wizard ever! Well... I don't. ****************************************** Also help me in Patrë-on /Se7enX, there are advanced chapters for you and it motivates me to write even more. Thanks for reading! ****************************************** Attention: I don't own Harry Potter or his world, and all of this belongs to JK Rowling. The only thing belonging to me are the OC's characters and some changes in the story.

Se7en · Book&Literature
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Chapter 435

(AN: Leave a comment and a review, your feedback helps me a lot.)

If you want to support me and read ahead!


Yeah! Here's the new chapter!


My family continued talking with the Delacour sisters for a while longer, and I was happy to see that Fleur was enjoying talking to my parents.

However, I noticed that Cele and Gabi's cheeks were a little red, and I could see my sister shivering slightly as she rubbed her hands to keep warm.

And then I realized that we had been outside for a long time, and the cold was already starting to bother those who didn't have the resistance to low temperatures like me.

And not wanting anyone to get a cold, especially because I knew Madam Pomfrey would blame me for it and I was afraid of what she would do to me, I decided to take our conversation to a warmer place.

And with that thought I clapped my hands, silencing the conversations and drawing everyone's attention to me.

"Well, you've all already been introduced to each other, so now I think it's time for us to enter the castle" I said.

"I agree" Penny nodded, "It's very cold out here, and the girls still need to warm up properly" she looked at the three blonde girls and Cele.

"Oh, how impolite of us!" my mom gasped, looking at the girls with an apologetic look, "You guys just got out of that freezing lake and we're keeping you out here in the cold!"

And Fleur and Luna were going to say that everything was fine and that she didn't need to worry about it, but before any words could even come out of their mouths, my mom started pushing them towards the castle.

"C'mon C'mon. You guys need to go inside to warm up soon" she said, feeling her maternal instincts emerging along with her concern for the girls.

And seeing the scene of my mom dragging the four girls to the castle made a smile appear on my lips.

'Apparently it is obvious who I inherited my spontaneous and cheerful personality from' I thought amused.


-Inside the Castle – In Nick and Penny's Room-

As soon as we entered the castle we went directly to Nick and Penny's room, which had a fireplace as well as warming enchantments.

And now that we were all properly warmed up we began to relax as we enjoyed this time together.

My dad, Nick and I were sitting on the couch in front of the fireplace, and in front of us sitting on some cushions on the floor were Gabi and Cele, who were playing with Cele's miniature dragon that she had brought.

And sitting at a table drinking tea and hot chocolate while eating cupcakes and talking were the other four women in the group.

"Their conversation seems to be very interesting." Nick said with an ironic smile, looking at the 4 women who were chatting happily, as if they were all old friends.

"Oh, if you think so then why don't you join them?" I asked with an amused look.

"Hell no" and Nick quickly shook his head, "I've already been in the middle of a conversation between Penny and some of her friends, and not even my 600 year old mind could digest everything they were saying" he grimaced.

And I thought about making fun of him, but then I remembered the time I had to partner with Mandy and Morag in a Charms class where they spent practically the entire class talking and gossiping.

'I'll never be able to look at Chudley Cannons players the same way again' I shook as I grimaced in disgust.

And so I shook my head to get rid of those thoughts, and not wanting to think about it anymore I decided to change the subject to keep my mind focused on something else.

"Ahem, let's talk about something else" I said, which Nick quickly accepted.

I then turned to the immortal wizard, "So Nick, I know this is a sudden topic, but I was wondering if you knew any wandmaker"

And Nick's relief at being able to change the subject turned to confusion at this sudden question.

"Wandmaker?" he winked.

"Uhm" I nodded.

Nick then took his hand to his goatee and started rubbing it, "Well, I know some" he said, before looking at me with a raised eyebrow, "But why do you want to know if I know any wandmaker?" he asked me.

"Because I want to order a custom wand" I replied.

"Wait, what happened to your Thunderbird feather wand?" my dad asked me curiously, joining the conversation.

"Oh, nothing happened to it" I said, taking out my trusty wand and showing it to him.

"Huh, so why do you want to order another wand?" and at that moment he had a confused look as he looked at me.

"Because I think having a spare wand is important and practical" I replied.

And I noticed that he and Nick were still a little confused, so I decided to explain, "For a wizard and witch, the wand is the most important instrument in their life, since without a wand they can't do anything and become just ordinary humans"

"And I know that's not the case for me because I know how to do magic without a wand, but not even I can deny that a wand increases the power of spells and makes it easier to cast them."

And Nick nodded when I said that, since even he preferred to use his wand when he had to cast some complex spell.

And seeing that they were both listening attentively to me I continued, "Well, knowing this I realized that it would be really good to have a spare wand with me, as I don't want to be cornered or in a bad situation if I lose my main wand."

"Hmm... you have good points" Nick said, with a reflective look, "But if you want a spare wand, why don't you buy one from the same place you bought your current wand?"

"Well, Ollivander is a great wandmaker, but getting a new wand from him isn't going to be that easy, especially not without a good reason" I replied with a slight frown.

"Oh yes, I forgot that the wands here are strictly supervised and controlled by the ministry and that they don't allow you to change wands so easily" Nick also had a frown on his face.

"Yeah, and that brings me to the second reason why I don't want to get a new wand from Ollivander, which is discretion, if you know what I mean," I said, as Nick nodded.

'So he wants a wand that stays off the radar of the ministry and the law... Smart' Nick thought, not at all worried or curious as to why I wanted a wand that wasn't registered.

"And besides, I don't just want a regular spare wand," I said, bringing Nick's attention to me again, "I want a spare wand made from some materials I collected myself."

"Materials you collected?" He asked, and I nodded, "And what materials are those?"

"Well, I haven't chosen the wood yet, but the core will be made of two materials"

"Wait, will the wand have a dual core?" Nick asked shocked.

"Huh, what is a dual core? And why do you look so surprised?" My dad asked, not understanding Nick's reaction.

And Nick turned to him, before starting to explain, "A double core wand is, as the name suggests, a wand that has two cores made of different materials, and this is something very rare to see, as even the best wandmakers have difficulty creating one, as the two materials that form the cores have to work in perfect harmony with each other, or else the wand won't work, and in worst cases it could even explode."

"Oh" was the only thing my dad could say, his eyes slightly wide.

"Yes, that's true" I nodded, "But I'm sure the materials I have will work perfectly together, so I just need to find a good wandmaker."

"How are you so sure? And what materials are these?" Nick asked me.

"Well, I'm sure because I have a good eye for these things" I replied, knowing that Nick would understand what I was trying to say.

"And as for the materials, one of them is the tail hair of a Thestral, and the other is the tail hair of a Unicorn foal" and I was a little proud of myself for having in my possession these somewhat difficult to obtain materials.

And upon hearing what the core materials would be, Nick was surprised again.

"How did you get the hair from the tails of a Thestral and a Unicorn, especially a foal?" he questioned me.

"Well, I already told you that I have a gift when it comes to dealing with magical creatures" I shrugged.

"Wait, so that means you didn't take the unicorn foal's hair by force, right? Because that would make the hair cursed" Nick looked at me carefully.

"I know that" I rolled my eyes, "And no, I didn't take the hair by force. The foal itself gave it to me willingly."

"Incredible" the alchemist wizard muttered, looking at me impressed, "If a unicorn foal willingly gave up some strands of its hair to you, then that must mean it really likes you."

"Like I said, I have a gift for dealing with magical creatures," I said.

"Actually this is more than a gift" Nick said, and in response to that I just smiled mysteriously.

'Oh no, he's becoming a mini Albus' the French wizard thought, feeling like grunting in exasperation.

But with a sigh he decided to put aside my tendencies to act enigmatically like the old and eccentric Hogwarts Headmaster.

"Well, since you want a new wand so badly I can check my contacts to find you the best wandmaker I know" he said.

"Thank you very much" I smiled at him, truly grateful.

"I think I already told you this, but you don't need to thank me for anything, I'm just doing my job as a grandfather" Nick said, ruffling my hair affectionately.

"Well then I have to say you're doing a great job" I joked, which made him snort in amusement.

