
Savage Saga Part 5 Savage VS The Military Part 1

The events with Nightmare and Fear are over however the aftermath begins and how will things be now that those events are over?

Vindog_Lewis · History
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However well all of that was going on behind the scenes Savage was able to unlock a new Mode it was Gangster Pimp Savage he was a combined version of both modes and took advantage of the events caused by Nightmare and Fear to pick up girls. Until Insanity and the Spider Goddess found out and punished him. Savage then unleashed another new form he says "Behold Savage Reborn!" Savage Reborn was later attacked by Monster which then became Monster Dracula. Four months later Monster Dracula, The Lone Wolf and Alexander attacked Savage the three of them were overwhelming him and winning Savage Reborn was no match for this three on one battle. However he was then knocked to the ground he was being held up and in the hold of two of them as the third prepared to finish him. However that's when Insanity and the Spider Goddess joined the battle saveing Savage Reborn. The two girls helped even the odds however it did not last long as they were swiftly defeated. However Savage unlocks a new form after the two girls are defeated in front of him he says "Behold Savage Phoenix" Savage Phoenix fought the three of them head on it was evenly matched. Until Alexander's old body began to fail him he was defeated by Savage Phoenix followed by the Lone Wolf and then Monster Dracula. Savage Phoenix then reverted to his normal form he was completely exhuasted from the battle and his new form. Dracula leaves the body of Monster then says "It's time that I take an even better body for my home" Savage says "Who are you going to take Dracula?" Dracula smiles then says "I'LL TAKE YOUR BODY SAVAGE!"