
Savage Saga Part 4 Savage Goes To Hell

After the last book Savage died and now his soul is trapped in Hell but when he eventually escapes they want to drag him back to Hell will they be able to force him to return to Hell? Or will he escape Hell? Find out when Savage goes to Hell.

Vindog_Lewis · Fantasy
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31 Chs

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They say "We belong dead it's an honor to be killed by someone as great as you" Suddenly Nightmare appears behind Savage in the form of the Spider Goddess she says "Savage my beloved darling how you've grown but I need your help so we can be together your unkillable my love no matter what is done to you they can never stop you from returning you've simply been sleeping but it's time to wake up baby you have work to do I need you to kill for me my love kill make everyone afraid make them remember us make them remember what fear tastes like so we can be together again RISE MY LOVE AND SHOW THEM YOUR POWER SO WE CAN BE REUNITED RISE SAVAGE!" The body of Savage regenerates all damage it's organs work again his heart pumps once more as his eyes open and Savage lives once more. The Spider Goddess returns to being Nightmare he says "Now we watch as Savage has his fun and then we will return until then" They both laugh then say "LET THE FUN BEGIN" Savage in Hell vanishes right in front of Jade's eyes Jade yells out "SAVAGE NO COME BACK TO ME DARLING!" At that time the two of them were showering together before Savage suddenly vanished from sight and was released from Hell. On Earth a man tries to fix his broken car however when he turns around he is grabbed by the neck by Savage lifted up into the air then chokeslammed through the car. Crushing both the man and the car a woman screams in panic by the sight she is instantly impaled by Savage's tail as he reached her.