
Savage Saga Part 2 Rise Of Savage

After the events of the last book Savage was left on the brink of insanity and with the Vampire girl with him he was able to pull through however he needs to make sure no one can take everything from him again. So witness the birth of the Savage Empire.

Vindog_Lewis · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Page 28

Jade says "What does that do? I'm pretty sure it's just a box no one's been able to use it for anything" Savage says "That's because no one used it correctly" Savage goes to the edge of town then touches the box in an extremely complex sequance of code. A green light then raidates from the box he puts it down then says "Watch" The box extends growing larger then expands to cover the entire town in a massive dome shaped wall. Which is then filled with air gravity and everything in the area protecting the town. Jade says "That was unbeliveable I can't belive that happened but then again you could do anything my love" Savage says "Yeah" Savage returns to the vault an extremely beautiful woman almost as attractive as Jade goes up to Savage and says "What are you thinking my Lord?" Savage says "Why was such a useful artifact in the vault and not being used?" The woman says "I and the others coulden't figure out how to use it any artifact we could not use was kept inside the vault" Savage says "Ok Elder" Savage went into the vault and found some old artifacts they were complex and required one to activate the correct code to work. However these artifacts worked to enhance one's phyiscal abillity he says "These might be useful with Armoured Savage" Jade says "My love why did you stop making artifacts?" Savage says "I lost my motivation" Savage then begins his life activateing artifacts training the warriors being with Jade for three weeks. Savage enters his Castile which he asked be turned into a Mansion instead.