
Savage Saga Part 13 John Savage Vs The Ultimate Enemy

The story of John Savage picks back up right where we left off but soon the ultimate enemy will make their appearence. Can John Savage take down his greatest enemy? Or will he lose everything? Who is this Ultimate enemy? Find out in Savage Saga Part 13 John Savage VS The Ultimate Enemy.

Vindog_Lewis · Fantasy
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29 Chs

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Demon Lord Savage returns to life like Savage did he clenches his fist and says "So i'm a Titan again? Last time I was a human good to be a Titan again" The Entity says "If you kill the Eternals i'll allow you to see your loved ones again" Demon Lord Savage says "What are Eternals?" Suddenly the same Eternals from before arrive they say "Look another Savage diden't you learn your lesson last time?" Devil Savage says "Other Savage?" Suddenly the Eternals are pushed down unable to move due to pressure. He says "Now tell me what do you mean other Savage?" They say "The Silver one" Devil Savage says "So you brought him back first pathtic" Suddenly the Eternal's die as their hearts are crushed by Devil Savage he says "I hate to say it but I am going to avenge my death" He laughs then teleports arriveing at the Castile of the Eternals all of the Eternals from all generations rush in he sighs and says "Let's get this over with" All of thir hearts get crushed and they all collaspe dead by Devil Savage. Jade smiles and says "He's coming" Bella says "Darling" That's when Jason is sent crashing through the door he tried to stop Devil Savage and was sent flying through the door he says "He's even stronger then before we need to work together to" His skull gets crushed then Devil Savage enters the room he says "Your the leader prepare to die" The three of them smile Jade says "Welcome back darling" The two girls rush to his side to embrace him when the illusion ends.