
Savage Saga Part 12 John Savage

After he died Savage was sent to Heaven where he gets reincarnated in the body of a human and in this new life he gets reunited with some figures of the past and begins his journey as a human again.

Vindog_Lewis · Fantasy
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Considering all the indivuals that did what the Pope did all of the attractiveness and charm of each eternity was transfered to Demon Lord Savage making him that much more charming and attractive. This was all on top of the charm and attractiveness he had by his own charm and looks this drew the eyes of everyone. One of the girls ask him to dance he says "It would be an honor" They began to dance the same thing with his Charm was applied to his Danceing the head of the family and his wife smile seeing this they were now glad they made him their son it was the best choice they had ever made. The entire party was going wonderfully until everything stopped all the Music stopped all the adults and the children who knew better bowed in respect and worship as a Spider entered the place. Ever since the fall of the Church everyone had been worshipping Alpha Spider and her Spiders now if someone saw a Spider they knew to show respect and even give their own life to protect a Spider if they had to. Multiple Spiders came then one of the cutest girls John had ever seen began to make her appearence not even the attractiveness of the Vampire Jade could compete with the charm of this girl. She goes up to John and says "May I have this dance?" John smiles and says "It would be my pleasure" They begin to dance together it reminded him of when they first danced together at that Vampire Ball when Savage was still human. They are the stars of the party just like back then.