
Savage Saga Part 12 John Savage

After he died Savage was sent to Heaven where he gets reincarnated in the body of a human and in this new life he gets reunited with some figures of the past and begins his journey as a human again.

Vindog_Lewis · Fantasy
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24 Chs

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She was thought to be the most powerful magic user due to wipeing out the most dangerous monsters with her magic as she was on the way to find her lover's soul. She found that the Savage family were requesting a Magic Teacher for their son John Savage. She thought that since they had the same name this family might be the key to finding her lover so she took the request. John's father says "Are you sure you can do it?" She says "Of course I guarentee it" It was only a month after turning three when he was reunited with Jade she was talking to his parents. His sister Alice was trying to get his attention but he was was frozen in fear of what Jade might do. He knew more then anyone how depraved and cruel she was Alice says "John would you stop looking at that woman let's go play together" They go to play kid games Jade had already picked up his scent from behind her after finishing talking with Jade John's father called for him. He goes up to him and says "Yes father?" He says "We found you a Magic teacher I would like you to meet lady Jade" Jade extends her hand to shake he takes it and shakes it he says "Nice to meet you Jade" Jade says "Same to you master John should we begin?" She grips his hand hard enough to indicate she won't take no for an answer he also remembers the look in her eyes. It was the look she gave to let him know she was going to kill everyone near him unless he agrees to what she asked.