
Savage Saga Part 11 The End Of The Church Ark

The story immedately picks back up after Bella leaves Demon Lord Savage upon learning of his past and true nature however things are also about to come to it's conclusion with the Church find out how things end with them now.

Vindog_Lewis · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Page 25

Jade was unsure how a Mortal man was able to do what Loki did when it nearly killed Demon Lord Savage just using the Conqueror skill on Loki. The gap between them was just too massive and they were both on opposite sides of the spectrum when it came to powerful exsistences it all confused Jade until she no longer cared about it. Two hours later a dog was discovered by Demon Lord Savage it was a puppy Jade wanted to torture it for even comeing near her lover but then he looks at her and says "Can we keep it?" That was the very first time he had ever asked her for anything before he would just respond uncareing. Recently he hasen't asked for anything it was her asking she smiles passonately and says "Of course we can darling" She wraps her arms around him pressing her body against him softly so he could feel her body she says "I love you darling I have always loved you even when I first saw you I was attracted to you it was a small attraction but it only grew as the years went by then the years turned into generations that turned into eternities I am glad I met you and can be here with you I always messed up everything forever but you always allowed me to keep learning and never got angry it was nice" She smiles and says "I was always picked on and bullied at my home village even my own family intended to sell me off as a slave but never got it done I was fortunate enough to have met you thanks to you I was safe and protected you never picked on me or bullied me you even let me stay here with you that was the nicest thing anyone's ever done for me I never want to be apart from you darling" He says "Jade do you really feel that way?" She says "Of course my love"