
Savage Princess Survival

Luna possessed the body of a young woman in another world. She was forced to survive in a world where monsters, mystical beasts, and human magical abilities exist. She was trapped and lived as a savage in a forest until a Prince arrived and brought her to civilization.

Klara_Bell · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Chapter 21

Luna's ginger hair swayed as the wind blew. She gazed at the horizon where she spotted the seaport. 5 days ago, they killed the sea monster and Grey saved her and Coco from drowning. They also found out that the vice-captain was the culprit of it all. He killed the captain and disguised himself as him. He planned to blow the ship with the hidden explosives while the monster was attacking it. All the crew and passengers are just sacrificial lambs to his plan. He planned to be the only survivor and to claim to kill the monster. A few years ago, the empire offered a reward to the one who will be able to kill the monster and that is the right to retrieve 50% of the treasure in the sea.

Luna sighed.

It was rooted in the vice-captain's greed for money. And that money and treasure will soon be rewarded to me and the knights. But they all agreed that I was the one who really killed that monster. Seems like I will be a rich woman soon.

The knights spotted the boat that was following the ship behind and found the vice-captain. He was arrested and soon will face trial for multiple charges. From killing the captain and pretending to be him and attempting to harm the royal prince. He will also be charged with the death of the few crews and passengers caused by the monster.


Luna turned and saw Marlowe. She gained a little weight after a few days of feeding her. She's been staying with her since she was rescued from slavery.

"Marlowe, do you need something?" She asked.

"No. It is just we are almost at the seaport. My brother and I talked last night. We will start our journey back to our tribe."

"I understand. I will speak with Grey to help you travel safely."

Marlowe smiled warmly.

"Thank you so much for your help, Luna. You saved our lives. My brother and I will remember the kindness you have shown us. Please tell us if ever you may need our help, and we will gladly come to you." Marlowe said.

After a few days of spending time with her, Luna grew close to her. She is a sweet and lovely girl. It was very sad that she experienced being sold into slavery, starved, and imprisoned.

"Thank you, Marlowe. I will remember that. Please write me a letter once you arrive safely in your tribe." Luna responded.

Natan approached them.

"My brother would also like to speak with you. I will leave first."

Marlowe left the two of them.

"Well.." Natan uttered in a hesitating voice.

For the past few days, Natan treated her better compared to when they first met.

"Marlowe told me you are going to travel back to your tribe."

"Yes, the sooner the better."

"I understand."

"Luna, I wanted to speak with you because I would like to apologize for being very rude to you when we first met. I owe you my life and the life of my sister. I will never forget your kindness towards us. I apologize and I thank you."

Luna smiled. She never thought he could speak this kind of words in a sincere voice and expression.

"Okay. I forgive you."

"And have this."

Natan took off his necklace with the purple stone and gave it to Luna.

"What is this?"

"I hid it carefully from the slave traders because it's an important thing. It is a token of my gratitude. When a member of our tribe sees you wearing it, they will not harm you and will provide protection and help, so keep it with you. You might need it in the future."

Luna gazed at the necklace. It looks like an ordinary necklace but the stone is very captivating to look at.

"Thank you, Natan. It is very pretty."

Natan blushed.

Before the ship finally reached the port, Sebastian called Luna and asked for a private conversation.

"Wear this."

Sebastian gave her a cloak with a big hood that almost covered her face.

"What is this?" She asked.

"Once we reached the port, never take this off. You are coming with me to my family's territory. It will take more than a day if we ride in a carriage."

"Coming with you? I thought I would go with Prince Grey..."

"You can't."

"Are you still worried the Prince will like me romantically? You are the one who told me that he treats me like a sister and wants to adopt me."

"It's not about that Luna. I will explain soon. Just trust me."

Luna crossed her arms around her chest.

"You know you are so weird. Sometimes, I feel like you are also treating me differently. Are you still remembering your sister in me?"

Sebastian was startled but immediately regained his composure.

"I will leave first and talk with the prince. Just prepare yourself since we are almost at the port." He responded ignoring her question.

Did I go too far?


Luna heard Gideon's thoughts. She is with Coco resting on the floor.

I heard something in a conversation between Grey and Sebastian. But I don't know if I should tell you.

"What is it?" She asked.

I don't know if I should tell you...

Luna pouted her lips.

"Come on!"

Well... I'm really not sure but you should wait for Sebastian to tell you himself. It is very shocking news.

"What the! Gideon! Tell me now!"

Luna grabs the poor animal's neck with her hands.

It is a secret so I can't tell you.

"Then why did you even tell me about it? To make me die of curiosity?"

Just a warning. You don't have to worry about it. It will benefit you a lot.

"Then tell me now!" Luna snap.

"Luna, what are you doing?"

Luna turned and saw Grey.

"Are you talking with Gideon?" Grey asked curiously.

"N-no! I was just playing with him." She answered.

Grey looks at her suspiciously.

"Prince Grey, I heard from Sir Sebastian that I will have to come with him to his territory. I thought I would go with you..."

Grey paused. Luna noticed that he was hiding something from her.

"Sebastian will explain to you. But soon you will have to come to the capital for recognition for killing the monster and claim your right to the sea's treasure."

"Oh, yes. I remember. Then I will see you?"

Grey smiled and patted her head fondly like an obedient child.

"Of course."

Luna fell warm inside. As long as she can see Grey again, she can wait.

"Well, don't be stubborn, and listen to Sebastian."

Luna pouted her lips.

Why do these two men treat her like a child? She's a grown woman. I may be small and cute but I'm now an adult. At least my spirit. Physically, I look like a teen around 17 to 19 years old.

The capital's seaport is very lively. So many people around.

"We have to leave," Sebastian uttered.

Luna looked at Grey talking with the capital's inspector. He is handing the vice-captain to them. She wanted to talk to him for the last time but he's been busy since they set foot at the port.


Luna entered the carriage.

"I'm going to miss him..."