
Savage Love BL

Yamamoto Aito is psychologically affected by his ex's death and promises to avenge her. With the aid of his best friend, Shima Haruto, he began to destroy the lives of those whom he believes, killed her. Aito’s ultimate goal is to join her after completing his revenge for he deems himself as one of the reasons she died. Along came a new student, Igarashi Ryu who destroys Aito’s plans and tarnishes what's left of his sanity by making him fall hopelessly in love with him. Aito is now torn between his guilt and wanting the happiness Ryu gives him. Will Aito be able to complete his revenge and attain his goal or will he choose to let go and love Ryu? But... Is Igarashi Ryu really who he claims to be?

Zhee_Aliyu · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
297 Chs

Chapter 207

Ryu leaned forward, as if he wanted to tell a secret then whispered, "I'm actually over a thousand years old. I've lived for centuries, accumulating wealth from all over the world"

Aito also leaned forward with mirth in his eyes and whispered, "Oh my God, you're a vampire?"

"Shhh" Ryu shushed. "You're the only one that knows. It'll be our little secret" He winked and Aito couldn't help but laugh. Ryu was quite happy and he felt warm both in and out. Although he didn't like the fact that Aito couldn't remember their past, he felt that maybe this was better. This clean slate. The past should just remain in the past.

He noticed a stain by the corner of Aito's lips made by the chocolate syrup. He extended his hand and used his thumb to wipe if off then stuck the tongue in his mouth, licking it away. Ryu felt it was even sweeter than he knew it to be.