
Savage Love BL

Yamamoto Aito is psychologically affected by his ex's death and promises to avenge her. With the aid of his best friend, Shima Haruto, he began to destroy the lives of those whom he believes, killed her. Aito’s ultimate goal is to join her after completing his revenge for he deems himself as one of the reasons she died. Along came a new student, Igarashi Ryu who destroys Aito’s plans and tarnishes what's left of his sanity by making him fall hopelessly in love with him. Aito is now torn between his guilt and wanting the happiness Ryu gives him. Will Aito be able to complete his revenge and attain his goal or will he choose to let go and love Ryu? But... Is Igarashi Ryu really who he claims to be?

Zhee_Aliyu · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
300 Chs

Chapter 131

It was dark by the time we arrived at Ryu's house.

"Should we wait outside or should we go in?" Kaito asked as he turned the knob and the door clicked open. "He didn't lock it"

Yasu frowned as he surveyed the surroundings. "That truck he drives isn't here which means he's not home. Knowing Ryuho, he left it unlocked because he didn't go far. That means he'll be back very soon. What do you want to do Aito?"

They both turned to me, expecting an answer. What they didn't know was that I was scared and nervous as hell. My heart was beating faster than a jackhammer and I was sweating profusely. Even my palms were clammy with sweat. My throat was dry and I felt like I couldn't speak. I could feel a headache coming on and those dreadful voices were at the back of my head.

Like whispers. Telling me that I was a coward.

I couldn't protect Aera and now I can't face Ryu.