
I’m Glad you’re here

#Chapter32 I’m Glad you’re here


That was the only thing I could feel of course in my body right now. As for emotions, I felt a mixture of almost everything. Sadness, because of the way Mel must be feeling about all of this, what he's doing to me. Fear, from what Billy is capable of doing to Mel while I'm not there to protect her. On what's he's also capable of doing, to me. Anger, because of what Billy is making us go through. When I'm free from this, I swear I will kick his ass.

I also felt very anxious, I just want to get out of here. Leave this place and never come back. Wherever this place is.

Billy actually had some strength in him, and that was pretty surprising. He did quite a huge toll on my body, which will explain the unbearable pain I'm feeling now, as I hang from the ceiling. And no, he didn't rape me; he just beat me like there's no tomorrow.