
Savage Girlfriend

The mystery Sharon. A lady who approached Zach one night as he enjoyed himself at a new place. He didn't not know why she chose him but that sunday night changed him and his entire life positively and negatively.

Martin_Mulinge · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter Twenty-Three

"Are you sure you are going to win this race?" she mocked me. My heart was biting at a very rapid pace not because of the exercise but because of the disappointment of being unsuccessful in such a simple race. She was enjoying every bit of it while I was internally crying, for a moment I felt tears of defeat building a castle inside my eyes. I have never met a lady who is this hard to get, for sure she was not playing hard to get, she was naturally hard to get.

If I was the person I was few years ago, she would be roaming all around heaven with me driving her crazy in the world of infinity happiness and joy, but I made a promise to myself and I was not ready to break the promise. Thoughts of my previous relationships kept on haunting my future happiness, thoughts on how sex on the first days broke my relationships. Lust is a disease whose cure is heartbreak which is another dangerous disease, a certain pastor told me after I told him that I was in love with a certain praise and worship lady.

If you have ever been in such a situation, you know what am talking about, for those who haven't, put yourself in my shoes. It's a disastrous and tricky journey filled with destructive imaginations of pleasurable and immediate desire against future happiness full of exquisite harmony. Imagine a situation in which you have a chance and a choice, your instantaneous choice will affect a lifetime chance while the gradual opportunity will negatively affect your longtime happiness.

I made up my mind and decided to continue with the race. Sharon had stopped at the stairs to laugh at me. Her defeat wasn't worse than the feeling of her victorious and mocking laughter. I fell down as I was running up the stairs to catch up with her. I screamed and shouted like I was in real pain. She came to my aid faster than I would ever imagine.

It was a new feeling of having someone care for me. The way she was covered with concern all over her made me feel terrible for cheating but all in all it was a romantic cheat.

"Are you okay? Am so sorry for involving you in such a competition, are you hurt?" More and more concerned questions kept on shipping out of her mouth.

Her expression of solicitude made me regret why the idea of cheating came into my mind, but again she cheated first and so as to win, I made sure that she was behind me when I started running toward the finish line.

"Infeasible! I can't believe it! How could you?" she came into the room bursting out loud. "How could you?" she stood in front of me after slapping me everywhere with her malleable hands.

She could not believe that it was her turn to owner her side of the deal. There is an old saying that youth is wasted on the young while wisdom on the old, so it's always to the best interest to the youths to step-up and that's what I had done. Stepping up on my weakness and winning this race which meant stepping up and hugging the wisdom of lying.

If it is true love kills, Tasha was going to kill me one day for she could not let me enjoy the fruits of my cheat. Flashbacks of how I tricked her on the first day she paid me a visit. We had known each other for two weeks but she kept on turning me down anytime I asked her to visit me. She had the fear of me leaving her after we sleep together, a heartbreaking fear from her first love. I had used every resourceful and begging words I could afford, think of and come up with but all had fallen in deaf ears.

The Bible says, ask and it shall be given unto you, seek and you shall find and knock and it shall be opened for you while my mother said, you should neither get tired of asking nor give up in knocking for recalcitrance is a prolific tree. After a long time of seeking and knocking, she agreed to visit but under the condition that nothing will happen. I am pretty sure you know the meaning of nothing will happen. I agreed and promised which I have never been good in keeping and so after a long period of knocking she agreed to visit.  She was wearing blue short satin slip dress which really made her look more beautimous and charismatic than ever. She was more alluring than the early prophecy from my expectation and imagination.

I tried my best to control my sex maniacality for minutes until it came to the peak and I could do it no more. The more I looked at her smile, biting her seductive lubricious strawberry and liptastic lips as she told me more rib-tickling sugared stories the more the notorious cunning devil continued to tempt me to break my promise as always. I decided to excuse myself and go to the bathroom to take a very cold shower and take care of my "ownself" in the most applicable and satisfying ways possible. At this point I wished I had Arimis at my disposal, it could have helped a lot but my wish remained a horse.

The cold shower did not help at all. Although my own way was a bit helpful, I could not stop thinking about her and how screwable she was. The more I thought about her sexalicious look, the hornier I got until my control and patience was swept away by the cold water to an unknown location. Even if I decided to pray the Lord's Prayer I would skip the part of being saved from getting into temptation o may be change it to reality for I really wanted to get as deeper as possible into this temptation. As the Swahili says, "Chenye kitazaliwa nitanyonyesha" whatsoever it was. Save the part of the devil being cunning and terrible, this time he came to me himself which I thanked God instead of him for offering such a wonderful and goal-scoring idea. I pretended to have miss-stepped, so I screamed until I saw her storming into the bathroom very concerned and sympathetically. She did not care whether I was naked on not, she began massaging my legs. I had never felt so subtle before.

My pintle was as hard as nails according to the English men description. "Are you sure about this?" she asked as I reached for her hand and directed it to my tarse.