

Jungkook came into my life like lightning in the darkness. He was beautiful, brilliant and savagely hot. I was flawed and hurt and he opened those cracks in me so easily. I longed for his touch like a drag, like a moth against a flame. He knew he had his demons and that we would be mirrors of each other's demons and desires.

a_O · Urban
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6 Chs

How it started..

The obsidian building was really impressive, with fine glossy black gemstone arrows piercing the light blue sky.

I'd deliberately chosen to clock my short trip to the office during a busy time, so I was pleased as I tipped my head back and followed the line of the building slithering to the sky. I was happy to reach the building that housed Jung & Park in less than half an hour.

From previous interviews, the interior opposite the copper-framed revolving door is equally impressive, covered from wall to floor in black marble with gold stripes and brushed aluminium security that includes a security desk and turnstiles.

I pulled my new ID card out of my inner trouser pocket and handed it over to two black-suited security guards at the counter. I was underdressed with puffy, curly hair, wearing a fluffy sweater and black tight pants, but they cleared me through. After I completed an elevator ride up to the twentieth floor, I had a rough time frame for the entire house-to-work route.

'Great. I patted myself on the back. '

As I was walking to the elevator queue, a beautifully dressed woman stumbled over the papers she was holding. The paper swayed happily in the air and then fell to the marble floor. I saw people fending off the chaos and going on as if they did not see it. I felt pity and crouched down to help her collect her things, as did one of the guards.

"Thank you," she said, giving a hasty, embarrassed smile.

I honestly smiled back. "No problem. I've been in a similar situation."

I knelt to reach one of the papers near the entrance when I came across gorgeous black loafers tucked in black tailored trousers. I waited for the man to avoid me, and when he didn't, I stretched my neck back and looked up. The tailored three-piece suit hit me, but it was the tall, powerfully toned body. And as hot as all that gorgeous masculinity was, it wasn't until I got to the man's face that I got down for the count.

"Wow, just.. Wow"

'Did I say it out loud?'

He squatted gracefully in front of me, at his eye level, I was struck by his exquisite masculinity I could only stare stunned by the silence, and then something moved in the air between us.

And then, Hh changed... The searing willpower that sucked the air out of my lungs was revealed as if a shield had slipped from his eyes.

I was busy staring at the man in front of me.

The strong charm, he exuded grew stronger and stronger, a palpable impression of his raw power and unrelenting authority. In a purely instinctive reaction, I pulled back and lay on my buttocks, my elbows pounding as I touched the marble floor, but I felt very little pain.

His black hair of his framed a graceful face of exquisite symmetry, and its bony structure would bring any sculptor to tears of joy. His upper lip is thin and offsets by a plump bottom and a cute mole just below, with a slightly rounded nose and intense, and his black eyes made him very handsome and savagely beautiful.

Those striking eyes were slightly squinted, and his features were otherwise trained to be cool. His shirt and suit were both black, but his tie was a perfect match for that icy iris. I was frozen in place, my heartbeat went faster and my lips opened to accommodate for faster breathing. I took a whiff and he smelled sinfully good.

'Not Cologne. Is it a body wash? Or shampoo? It was delicious anyway, and so was he.'

He held out his hand, revealing obsidian cufflinks and a very expensive-looking watch.

Taking a deep breath, I held his hand. His touch was electric, impacting his arm and causing the hair on the back of his neck to grow. He didn't move for a moment, his arrogant furrowed brows.

My heart beats faster as his grip tightened.

"Are you okay?"

His voice was sophisticated, smooth with a deep baritone, and made my stomach rumble. I remember having sex - Extraordinary sex. I thought for a moment that if he spoke long enough, he might be able to make me cum.

My lips went dry, so I licked them before answering. "I'm alright."

He stood up quickly and gracefully, we kept eye contact because we couldn't take our eyes off each other. I think he was under 30, younger than I first thought, but his eyes were much more worldly, dark, and downright intelligent.

I was attracted to him as if a rope was bound around my waist and he was pulling it slowly. I blinked from my daze and let him go. Not only was he beautiful, graceful and elegant, but he was also... Charming.

He was the kind of guy that anyone would love to see ripping their shirts off and popping their buttons as I looked at him in his civilized, urban, outrageously expensive suit and thought of the raw, primitive, toe-curling, sheet-clawing fucking.

He bent over and picked up my ID that I didn't realize I had dropped and that restarted my brain. I was suddenly irritated with myself for feeling so awkward while he was so completely self-possessed.

'Why? Because I was dazzled, damn it.'

He looked up while in his kneeling pose in front of me, it made me feel off balance again, and then he stood up. "Are you sure you're okay? Please sit down. I'll get someone to check your elbow."

My face became hot. 'How wonderful it is to look awkward and clumsy in front of the most confident and graceful man I've ever met.'

"I just lost my balance. I'm fine."

Looking away, he saw the woman who had tripped, she thanked the security guard for her help, then turned to me and apologized profusely. I looked at her and held out the handful of papers I had collected, but her eyes were on the hot guy in the suit and she quickly forgot about me.

After a while, I reached out and put my hand on the woman's hand. Then I took a risk and looked at the man again and found him looking at me.

'Seriously? To him? Not to me? Of course, the one who'd helped.'

I talked over her, "Can I have my badge, please?"

He offered it to me, while I struggled to get it without touching him, but his fingers brushed mine and that charge of lightning under my skin burned my nerves.

"Thank you," I muttered, looking back at those icy stares before the elevator doors closed and then pushing out of the building, to the street through the revolving door as quickly as I could.

I stopped on the pavement and breathed in the Seoul air, then I notice a sleek black Bentley SUV was parked in front of the Obsidian building. I could see myself reflected in the stark white windows. I was flushed and my eyes were too bright.

I have seen that look in the mirror before, it is my 'I'm-ready-to-fuck' look and it had no business being on my face right now.

'Fuck! Taehyung, get a grip! Stay strong!'

Five minutes with Mr Savagely Beautiful filled me with nervous, restless energy. I could still feel his inexplicable pull, the urge to go where he was.

"Whew, fuck! Let's not dwell on this." I scolded myself. "Let's continue."

As I try to distract myself, I looked around, one car honked as it was a few inches ahead of the other, and the brakes were applied when a pedestrian entered the intersection before the light changed. In a matter of seconds, all parties were moving forward, but this is just the city's natural pace.

As I melted into the flow of people, a smile appeared on my lips. I had planned to warm up on the treadmill machine, then I will try out the kickboxing class for beginners, my mind then wondered as I followed the crowd instead.

I felt like myself when it was over, my muscles were exhausted and trembling, and I knew that if I will collapse later, I would sleep soundly.

"Well done, me!"

I wiped the sweat off my face with a towel and looked at the young man who had spoken to me. Skinny and burly, he had piercing brown eyes and perfect café au lait skin. His eyelashes are enviably thick and long, and his bangs cling to his forehead with sweat.

"Thank you." My mouth twisted ruefully. "Pretty obvious it was my first time, huh?"

He grinned and held out his hand. "Kim Mingyu."

"Kim Taehyung"

"Alright. Taehyung, you have a natural grace. With a little practice, you can be a literal knockout. In a city like Seoul, self-defense is essential," he pointed to a notice board hanging on the wall.

It was packed with business cards and leaflets, he tore the flag from under the fluorescent paper and held it to me. "Have you ever heard of Krav Maga?"

"Yeah, in that Jennifer Lopez movie. Right?"

I admired his approach, it was as straight as his gaze, and his smile was genuine. Mingyu folded his arms to reveal his severed biceps, wearing a black sleeveless shirt and long pants. His athletic shoes looked comfortably dented.

I'd wondered if he was angling toward a pickup, but he was cool enough about it that I couldn't be sure.

"I teach it. That's my website, opening hours and the number to the studio." Pointing to the details on the small flag. "Come and see if it suits you."

"I'll be thinking about it."

"Do it." He reached out, his handshake was firm and confident. "I hope to see you again."

ANd when I got to the apartment smelled great when I got home. My favourite artist, Adele, hummed soulfully about being young. Looking out into the kitchen from the open floor plan, I could see Jimin stirring something on the stove and swaying to the music. Next to the bar was an open bottle of wine and two goblets, one was half filled with red wine.

"Hey," I called out as I approached. "Minnie, what are you cooking? Do you have time to take a shower first? "

He poured wine into the empty goblet and in a practiced graceful motion, pushed it across me. And looking at him, no one would know that he spent his childhood back and forth between his drug-addicted mother and plenty of foster parents, and then in his adolescence spent in juvenile detention halls and state-run rehab facilities.

"I made pasta with meat sauce and hold the shower, dinner's ready. Did you have fun?"

"As soon as I got to the gym, yes." I pulled out one of the bar stools and sat down and told him about kickboxing classes and Kim Mingyu.

"Shall we go together?"

"Krav Maga?" Jimin shook his head. "Nope. I'll get bruised and it'll cost me my job. But I'll go with you to check it out, just in case this guy's a wack."

I saw him dump the noodles into the provided colander. "Crazy, huh?"

My father taught me how to read boys, so I knew that the man in a suit was a nuisance. Ordinary people only smiled symbolically when helping someone, creating a temporary connection that paved the way.

'Then again, I never smiled at him either.'

"Baby boy," Jimin said as he pulled a bowl out, "You're a sexy, gorgeous man. I question anyone who doesn't have the balls to ask you outright for a date."

I wrinkled my nose as he put the bowl in front of me, it contained a small tube of noodles, covered in tomato sauce with minced meat and peas.

"You have something on your mind. What is it? "

"Hmm…" Grabbing the handle of the fork sticking out of the bowl, I decided not to comment on the food. "I think I met the sexiest man in the world today. Maybe.. the sexiest in the history of the world.."

"Oh? I thought that was me. Tell me more."

Jimin sat on the other side of the counter, preferring to eat standing up. I watched him take a few bites of his food before I got the courage to try it myself.

"Not much to say. I ended up sprawled on my ass in the lobby, he then helped me."

"Ohh, is he tall? Blond, dark chocolate or black? Thick or slim? Eye colour? "

I washed down my second bite with some wine. "Tall. Dark. Lean and built. Dark obsidian eyes. A filthy rich man, judging by his clothes and accessories. And.. He's insanely sexy and charming. This guy had it all."

In my mind, I could see his beautiful face. It should be illegal for a man to be so breathtaking. My stomach fluttered like when he touched me. I'm still recovering from my fried brain cells.

Jimin leaned over on the counter, his long bangs hiding his light brown eyes, "So what happened after he helped you?"

I shrugged. "Nothing."


"Yea.. I left."

"What? No flirting? You?"

I took another bite, the food wasn't bad. 'Or I was just starving.' "He wasn't the type to flirt, Minnie."

"There's no such thing as a man who can't flirt. Even happily married people enjoy harmless flirtations now and then."

"There was nothing harmless about this man," I said dryly.

"Ohh, it's one of them." Jimin nodded smartly. "Bad boys can be fun if you don't get too close."

Of course, he would know. Name it, he'd been through it. Men and women of all ages fell at his feet, yet somehow he managed to pick the wrong partner every time. He has dated stalkers, cheaters, lovers who threatened to kill themselves because of him, and lovers with significant others who didn't tell him.

"I don't think... Sigh. He was too intense. Still, I'm sure he would be great in the sack with this much intensity."

"Now you are talking, forget the real man, use his face in your fantasies and perfect him there."

I want to get the guy out of my mind completely, so I change the subject, "Do you have any plans for tomorrow?"

"Of course," Jimin didn't mind me changing topics and went into detail about his schedule, mentioning jeans ads, underwear and perfume.

I put everything else out of my mind and focused on him and his growing success. I was excited for him and proud that he had come a long way and had experienced so much. Demand for Jimin grew by the day, and he made a name for himself among photographers and designers for being professional and prompt.

It wasn't until dinner was over that I noticed the box, two obnoxiously large gifts, leaning against the side of the sofa.

"What's this?"

"Oh," Jimin said, joining me in the living room, "The clothes."

I knew right away that it was from my stepfather and mother, money was what my mother needed to be happy. Her third husband, Suh Kyung-bae, could not only meet her needs, but also all of her many other needs. I was happy for her, I often wished this was the end, but she found it hard to accept that I didn't see money the way she did.

"What? Don't frown."

Jimin put his arm around my shoulder, "Don't be ungrateful. He loves your mother and loves to pamper her. And your mother loves to pamper you. He does it for her."

I sighed and accepted his opinion. "What are they?"

"New shiny clothes for Saturday's fundraiser from JayBaek Couture. Flashy tuxedo for the both of us, because buying gifts for me is what he does for you. You're more tolerant if you have me around to listen to you bitch.."

"Certainly. Thank the Gods, he knows that."

"He knows. Kyungbae won't be a bazillionaire if he doesn't know everything."

Jimin grabbed my hand and pulled me in, "Come on. Check it out."