
Saturday night fever

Mark Evander Vasquez. A very fierce looking man with a personality of an emotionless rock. A laid-back billionaire hotshot that all the girls at work would swoon over. Scarred by his past, Mark did not want himself to be involved with any woman. That was until he met Gwen one Saturday night at his friend's wedding. Gwendolyn Zosia Lopez is a bold and fierce type of woman, she likes to work everything according to plan. Her only goal was to make her ex regret his insolence not until she shared bed with a sinfully gorgeous man one Saturday night. After their encounter, Mark was prompted to meet her again. With their goals intact they entered a contract to use each other for their own accord. Would they fulfill their desires? or would they be drowned in ecstasy?

Daoisto5npMC · Urban
Not enough ratings
6 Chs


Gwen woke up early in the morning because of loud ringing outside her door. Today is yet another Saturday.

Her doorbell kept on ringing, so she stormed out of her room and opened it. Surprisingly, she saw her mother along with her little brother. Her mom was smiling in all ears before hugging her so tightly. Her little brother on the other hand jumped at her and showed her his loosed tooth.

Gwen frowned and let them in. "What are you guys doing in here? it's only Saturday," she said and placed her brother on a single chair. And she must meet up with Evander later to plan out their first encounter as a fake couple.

"Your brother wants you to accompany him to the doctor, you saw his tooth, right?" her mom said and pinched Gunner's cheeks.

Gwendolyn sighed and nodded, surely this will not take long right? She will just accompany Gunner and then meet up with that rock. She changed clothes and said goodbye to her mom as they go down the elevator.

She has been living alone for the past two years after going back from England. Her father wanted her to study the ropes around their empire, but she just does not fit in all that. She wanted to live free. But her dad being as commanding as he is, He did approve but with conditions.

She does not really know what yet, but she is sure he will be coming for her eventually.

Gwendolyn glanced at her brother and smiled." Shall we go young master? " she said and grinned mischievously. Her brother nodded and pulled her out of the building and entered their family car.

Gunner has his own personal doctor, and he particularly knows where his office is. And usually he goes here with Mr. Paul, His personal bodyguard. So, she does not really know what Gunner do there aside from a checkup.

Gunner stopped in the last aisle, there was only one door, so Gwen thought that is supposed to be where they are going. Gwen checked the name on the door — 'Dr. Mark Evander Vasquez' it is not the same man she knows right? This might just be someone with the EXACT same name.

Gwen was still lost in her thoughts when she noticed Gunner was already going inside and talking with his doctor. She excused herself and sat on the visitor's chair, but the moment their eyes met she froze on her seat.

Damn she knew it! Why did she even doubt? Gwendolyn looked at her peripheral vision and saw Evander still staring at her. She eyed him saying that he should keep his mouth shut about the agreement right in front of her brother.

But the latter did not change his expression and just ignored her like she is a piece of dust. Gwen scoffed and faked a laugh before giving Evander a glare.

"Doctor, do you like my sister?" her clueless little brother snorted suddenly after noticing how his doctor is staring at his sister.

Gwen almost exploded in embarrassment. She abruptly looked at her little brother and faked a smile, but that did not happen because she saw how this man's expression who is always blank is showing yet again another strange reaction.

Evander looked so flustered, or shock? His ears are red again as well. What the hell is he thinking right now? Why isn't he clearing up the misunderstanding? wait—

"You," she suddenly blurted out.

His eyes diverted at her, Evander's expression was still the same and it seems like his ears are getting redder and redder every minute.

"Are you sick? why are you so red?" she said and placed her hand on his forehead. But as if she has some sort of virus, Evander suddenly moved away as far as possible.

What is his problem? She is just checking whether he has a fever or not. And why move so far? Gwendolyn scanned his whole body to look for anything disturbing him, and her eyes landed on his crotch. Her eyes widen, out of embarrassment she looked away.

"G-Gunner I think it's best if I wait outside, you go talk to your doctor about that loose tooth you have," she said and stormed out of the room without shooting a single glance at Evander.

The moment she was out she grabbed a handful of her hair and breathed out. What she saw earlier, it is what she thinks it is right? And why would she have to meet him like this?) She knew Evander was a doctor, but she did not know he was her brother's personal doctor!

The universe sure is giving them every chance it gets to make them keep on meeting unexpectedly like this. Gwendolyn sat outside frustrated, meanwhile back inside –

Evander was calming himself as well as his hard boner below, he did not know how and why but the moment he saw Zosia in regular clothes, his shaft instantly got hard. When he finally cooled off, he glanced at the kid who is still looking at him.

He has been his patient ever since, but he did not know she was his sister.

"I was right, aren't I?" the child suddenly blurted out.

He looked at him blankly and said no response like he always does. The kid just shrugged and slid himself closer to the table.

"But I'll tell you this doctor, if you want to date my sister you have to go through me," the kid said and raised his eyebrow at him.

Evander pulled his drawer and fished out a bag of treats. "Would this do?" the kid's eyes shone and grabbed the sweets and gave him a thumbs up.

But he pulled away the packet before he could even open it. "But since you have a tooth problem, sweets are banned till they're better." he said with a smirk.

"B-But."The kid tried to reach out, but he said no.

"Doctor's orders. Eat them when you are better, I will even bring you more if you listen," he said and patted his head.

Gunner thinked about it a bit and gradually nodded afterwards. After that they continued with the usual checkup.

After waiting for a while, Gunner came out with a sticker on his hand." Gwen, my doctor wants to talk to you about something," her brother said and went back to the car on his own.

Gwendolyn's heart raced at that thought, why is Evander looking for her? Gwen calmed herself and told it was nothing. She entered his office one again and felt his burning gaze piercing behind her head.

She unintentionally gulped and sat rather slow next to him at his mini lounge. Gwen could not make herself look at him, just by the thought of that gives her a tingling feeling.

"Coffee?" his raspy and low rumbling voice reverberate in her head.

Gwendolyn looked at him with a surprised expression but the moment she saw his smirking face, which was more than enough for her to lose her mind. How can a gorgeous man get sexy in a split second?

She was left in awe and did not knew what to do aside from admiring his smirking face. She woke up from her senses when she felt his hands cupping her face like how she did to him earlier.

"You, okay?" he asked. Gwendolyn blinked plenty of times and then realized their position. She backed out a bit and fixed herself, she smiled awkwardly and then looked away.

(What the hell Gwendolyn Zosia! You are an embarrassment!) she thought to herself as she beat herself up when he heard him speak once again.

"Number," he said while handing her his phone as he looks at the other side. She looked at him confused and saw his ear beet red again. Nevertheless, Gwendolyn grabbed the phone and entered their household number, maybe he is asking contact information for his brother Gunner.

After that, Evander stared at his phone for a while and then suddenly looked at Gwen with a determined face. His expressions surely surprise Gwen every time.

"Lunch?" he asked as he offered his hand like a prince who just got down on his majestic horse.

Is he asking her to have lunch with him? Is it a date? (Darn Gwen stop assuming things! Of course, it is for the fake relationship you are playing,) she argued at the back of her mind. It is just a friendly gesture anyone could ask for a meal if you know the person. So, she nodded and said, sure why not?

On the way out of the hospital Gwen noticed how every other staff pay their respects to the man beside her. Is he some sort of important person in here?

Her brother has already left without her, so she is literally stuck with mister doctor here.

Evander opened a seat for her and drove to the nearest restaurant which was a five-star hotel. Gwen was already ready to back out considering the price of meals there, but Evander kept going in like he owns the place.

They took a detour and stopped at a mini clothing store. What are they doing here? He picked out a pair of clothes and other accessories as well.

"I'll take everything but these." He said and pulled out his shining shimmering black card. Ugh it is blinding her, just who the heck is this man?

After packing all what he ordered Evander looked at her and pointed to all the paper bags. "For you," he said like he just bought a piece of candy.

"W-What? I do not need all of these!" she hysterically said. Gwen was losing her mind because of how expensive it all was.

Evander cocked his head. "Do you not like it? Should I buy at another store?" he asked like he would really do that if she does not say anything.

He is going to buy more. Damn it! "N-No need! I like them. Should we go? I am starving," Gwendolyn said and pulled him out from there before he even considers buying this building as well.

Considering all what Evander paid she is now sure he is no ordinary man, and she does not think he is just a random doctor either. She needs to figure this out herself.

But before they could actually get out, they were greeted by several flashes of cameras. Evander quickly used his body to shield Gwendolyn from the reporters.

(What the hell is this? Why are there reporters here? And how am I involved in these?) Gwen thought to herself.

"Is it true that you're together because your companies are merging?" one of the reporters asked.

"How did you two met?" another one added.

"Are we expecting a wedding from Vasquez and Lopez?" And their questions went so on.

Gwendolyn's eyes stung because of the flashes, the synchronized chatters from reporters are also beginning to irritate her ears.

After a couple of seconds, security guards arrived to help them escape the swarm of reporters following them. Evander was hiding her all the way out, protecting her from being caught in the camera. Gwen was only able to breathe properly after they finally got inside the car.

Gwendolyn heaved a sigh and glanced at Evander who is sitting beside her. "Care to explain to me about what just happened? How did they know me? Who are you really? You are not just a doctor, right? Crap! I think I will lose my head with all these shocking news," she said and rested her head.

Gwendolyn heard Evander sighed. "Your right, I am not just a doctor. I am Mark Evander Vasquez; I own almost all the hospitals here including ten more to other countries outside the continent." Gwendolyn was left in awe, how could she, A person who just wants to live normal be tangled with a billionaire whose known all throughout the country?

" Actually, he's one of the most sought eligible bachelors, but since he doesn't want the entire world to know that he didn't tell you," A man from the back of the car suddenly said.

Evander rolled his eyes when he saw who it was. "Azul Vermillion at your service my lady. I am the one who just saved your asses from those cunning reporters. You're welcome by the way." Gwen accepted his hand and shake it with a fake smile.

How did she end up with these Billionaire's?